With Honors

Honors Not sure why, but tonight I was thinkin’ about an old movie called “With Honors.” It’s one of my favorites. If you’re ever in Blockbuster or remember when you’re putting together your Netflix Queue – it’s a good one. I’d give it two thumbs up!

The movie centers on a college guy who is really ambitious about graduating “with honors.” Through a weird series of events he ends up meeting a homeless guy and they become friends. I don’t wanna give it all away, but there are some great lessons about priorities and remembering that people are always important to God – even homeless, throw-away-and-ignore-type people. (To God that type of person doesn’t exist because everyone is important.) Anyway – check it out if you get the chance.

One Reply to “With Honors”

  1. Yes I found my retaners. we dug for them in the trash can and well let me say that is some pretty nasty stuff people throw away well anyways yes we found them and thank you for every thing. Your the best!
    ps. I washed them off before i put them in my mouth πŸ™‚

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