
06-06-22 01Ichthus was a great experience. There were so many places that I saw God at work. Here’s a short list (They aren’t in any particular order – I mean how could you rate God’s work anyway?):

1 – The church vans

2 – Our church family helping us pay for gas

3 – Edith and John (Our hosts in Germantown)

4 – Our adult sponsors – and new ones too – it was sure fun getting to know them

5 – The youth – not even one fight all week long – nothing but smiles, inside jokes, and shared experiences, and maybe a few shared smells too

6 – Our cooking teams (we ate pretty well all week)

7 – All kinds of denominations worshipping under the one name of Jesus

8 – The bands – every style from 95 thesis, twelve guage valentine, to chris tomlin, reliant k, and david crowder

9 – The speakers – justin lookadoo, efrem smith, and even the xxxchurch guys

10 – watching youth spend time with God reading His word each day without me telling them to do it

11 – wagon riding, ultimate frisbee, and lightning bugs

12 –  rearranging tents

13 – rolling down hills

14 – water for a dry throat

15 – prayers of people in our church

16 – communion for that many people all at once

17 – Sunsets during worship

06-06-22 0218 – specific things God is teaching me through some of our experiences (want to know more? check my other posts)

God worked all over the place. We’ll never even recognize all the places until maybe one day in heaven when God reveals it all to us. Thank you God for it all! We don’t deserve the incredible gift You have given us in these experiences – thank you for loving us like You do.

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