Bible Study, Swimming Pools, and Cell Phones

06-06-02Yep – in case you haven’t heard, cell phones don’t work too well in swimming pools. Wednesday, I got thrown into the pool at Bible Study with my cell phone in my pocket. Let’s just say, that if you had looked closely, you might have seen a little steam come off of me. We dried the phone out (along with all the other stuff I had on my wallet) but I couldn’t get it to work again. The next day, I went back to Cingular and everyone in the store had a good laugh at my expense, but I was able to get an upgrade. Now I have the new “razor” phone. Yeah! I can talk to you guys this summer.

3 Replies to “Bible Study, Swimming Pools, and Cell Phones”

  1. Steve you don’t need to lose your phone in a swimming pool for people to laugh at you!! They already do!!

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