Spring Break

Wow – Spring Break has been fun! We’ve been to the Marquee theater, to play laser tag, and the best of all was the picnic at Shy Pond! If you weren’t there, you sure missed out! Anyway, it’s been fun hanging out with you guys!

Today a bunch of old friends came by on their way to the beach. It was tons of fun catching up with them and seeing what God has been doing with them all. It’s such a cool thing to know that God is always at work – all over the place. I get so caught up in my own life that I sometimes forget to look around and notice that life is not about me! It’s about God! When I get caught up in my own stuff, I sometimes remember what a friend of mine (Dustan) once said – "Don’t sweat it! It’s just life!" Most people think that life is a BIG deal, but Dustan’s idea is really probably more true – life is pretty short compared to the eternity that we have before us! I think he’s right alot of the time – It’s ok to stress about "eternal" things, but these "life" things are not worth worrying over.

Anyway, I hope you have a great Spring Break too.

PS – I’m not saying that life isn’t important – just that there are more important things.

One Reply to “Spring Break”

  1. woo-hoo!! spring breaks been AWESOME!!! Im sad its already ending :(….but only 9 more weeks til summer!!! YAY!!

    *katie king*

    P.S. the park was the best part!!!

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