Chisels for Priorities (video)

My first sermon at Brazospointe. The series was about Chisels that God has used to shape us. I chose the Gibeonite story from Joshua 9 because it shows how things can subtly sneak into our lives and seek to dethrone Jesus as our King.

Chisels for Priorities (audio)

My first sermon at Brazospointe as a Discipleship Minister. The series is about the chisels that God uses to shape us. I chose the Gibeonite story from Joshua 9 because God has used it to help me recognize how good things can subtly slip in and take God’s territory within my heart.

Christmas Shepherds Sermon

Our Pastor got sick and I was asked to preach on Saturday night. The shepherds at Christmas are role models for how we should respond to God. We listen to Him. We run after Jesus. We tell others about Jesus, and we worship Jesus. He is worthy.