Twitter Archive

John 13:11 – Jesus has washed Judas’ feet but….”Washed Judas may have been; cleansed he was not.” ~DA Carson #iamconvicted #haunting Jan 13, 2013
Spent most of the afternoon trying to get donations for Faith in Action’s Wild Game Dinner. Now it’s time to chill on the couch w/my family. Jan 13, 2013
I was forced to get up early on Saturday by my children. #lostopportunity Now I’m spending time with them. #opportunity Jan 12, 2013
Pic of my most recent Woodshop projects. Nice to teach a subject that allows me to be creative. Jan 11, 2013
“they were crazy, and they loved God—and I thought about the unimpeachable dignity of that” ~ John Jeremiah Sullivan in Pulphead Jan 11, 2013
Nice to be home with my family tonight. Jan 10, 2013
Sometimes I think I’m involved in too many things, then I remember I don’t have time to think about it cause I gotta run to another meeting. Jan 09, 2013
We’re ready for another Bama win! Jan 08, 2013
Tide is gonna roll at the “Alabama Invitational” game tonight. #rolltide Jan 07, 2013
Nice to be able to have lunch on a school day with my beautiful girl. Jan 07, 2013
Community group game night. Feels like its been a long time since we’ve been together. Gonna be good to see ’em. Jan 06, 2013
I love the Duck Dynasty guys and their show! Just read their book over the holiday break. Jesus is all through it! Jan 06, 2013
Torn – I was a Sooner fan as a kid, but ended up going to A&M. No matter what the outcome, it’s been fun watching Manziel. Jan 05, 2013
Enjoyed our first family bike ride of 2013 with Kasen’s new bike. Went to CVS and got a snack. Jan 04, 2013
Both Kasen and Kesleigh woke up earlier but fell asleep again on the couch snuggling with dad. #enjoyingthemoments Jan 04, 2013
Kasen is already enjoying the new play room. Guess the work was worth it. Jan 04, 2013
Considering these are my last 2 days off, my work load (AKA “honey do list”) is pretty large. #worththeeffort #lovemybride Jan 03, 2013
Just set up Hootsuite. Doing a little test post to see if it goes to all the right places. Thanks @hansgooger @jeffmedders Can I send to G+? Jan 03, 2013
OK – thanks Jan 03, 2013
My Beautiful Bride said “I do.” 9yrs ago today. I’m so blessed that she continues to say it every day. Our friends and family prayed bles… Jan 03, 2013
Kesleigh was looking at pictures on Mitanda’s phone and found one of Kasen’s bike in the store. She had taken the pic to send me while sh… Jan 02, 2013
Livingston is getting more and more classy. Check out the mint on my pillow! Dec 31, 2012
Livingston here we come! Lord, give us safe travel. Dec 31, 2012
It’s been nice being with my family for the holidays – I think my bed misses me though. Dec 31, 2012
Kesleigh thinks her black eye is worth it if she gets to play w/her cousins. Leaving them tomorrow will be a toug… Dec 31, 2012
Trampoline Park – Christmas 2012 Dec 29, 2012
Kesleigh Trampoline Park Dec 29, 2012
Kasen at the Trampoline Park Dec 29, 2012
Almost to mom’s for another Christmas! Just in time ’cause Kesleigh is done w/the road trip. Dec 26, 2012
“It was not a silent night. There was blood on the ground. You could hear a woman’s cry on the streets of David’s town.” ~ Andrew Peterson Dec 26, 2012
Always blessed by Christmas with the Mathews. Dec 25, 2012
Love is breathing!! Emmanuel!! God is with us!! Dec 25, 2012
So glad the shepherd (Jesus) watches over both my little lambs. Also glad Kasen is learning to emulate Him. Dec 24, 2012
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” Mt 2:10 – Lord, may I see your star (Jesus) this Christmas. AMEN Dec 23, 2012
Kids didn’t want me leaving the house today. Love it. Had to come to band practice at GBC though. Gonna be a good day. Dec 23, 2012
Mrs Claus told the story of Jesus’ birth. (at the Christmas Train in Alvin) Dec 23, 2012
Gigi & Papa are watchin’ the kids so I can Christmas shop w/my beautiful bride! #grateful Dec 22, 2012
Thought I’d introduce Kasen to “A Christmas Story.” While watching he said, “Daddy, that boy is gonna get his tongue stuck on the flag p… Dec 22, 2012
Waiter: Everything OK? Can I get you anything? Miranda: It’s great! Thank you. (Then she turns to me) Can you get me some more drink? Dec 22, 2012
Woo Hoo!! No school for 2 weeks! Get to be with my family and celebrate Christmas now! Dec 21, 2012
“Man’s passion for God needs to look more like desperation than reason.” ~ Ted Dekker in Obsessed Dec 21, 2012
Christmas Play Practice Dec 20, 2012
GBC Christmas Play practice with Kasen and Kesleigh tonight. Dec 20, 2012
The Hobbit w/GBC guys. Dec 19, 2012
Kasen is sick today so I get to have a date w/this beautiful girl. We’re going to church together. #lovethisgirl Dec 16, 2012
Always enjoy band practice @ GBC. Last night did not disappoint. Nice to have Jarrod Heath Manning. Dec 14, 2012
Had a great time with the Faith in Action Board at our annual Christmas Party! Excited to see what the future holds. Dec 13, 2012
Leading worship today at GBC. Excited to introduce some “new old” songs to them. Dec 09, 2012
Awesome weekend with our community group in Livingston. Thank you Jon Godbold and Laurie Godbold! Dec 03, 2012
“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” ~ Albert Einstein Dec 03, 2012
“Love is breathing! Hope is screaming tonight in the baby’s cry. I have mercy. I saw grace inside this newborn’s eyes. Everything we know… Dec 02, 2012
Miranda to kids: What do you guys wanna be in the Chrismas play? Kasen: I wanna be Jesus’ daddy. Kesleigh: A dinosaur!! Dec 02, 2012
One of my favorite places in the world. Get to share it with Out community group. #blessed Dec 01, 2012
Always love going to Livingston’s GLRC. Going w/GBC community group this time. #excited Dec 01, 2012
“There’s 2 kinds of people in this world: the educated and the ‘unjucated.’ You’re a 3rd kind – educated and still an idiot.” ~ Si on Duc… Nov 29, 2012
Got the worst part of Christmas behind me tonight – lights are up on the house. Nov 29, 2012
“Optimism, increases explorative behavior and innovation, which is why so many entrepreneurs are on the optimistic side.” ~ Tali Sharot Nov 27, 2012
I had a rough day, but my amazing bride had my favorite dinner waiting when I got home. #sheswaytoogoodforme Nov 27, 2012
The Tackle: Nov 26, 2012
Kesleigh has added something to the Nativity. Nov 25, 2012
“We are called to believe NOW.” ~ Bryan McKenzie Nov 25, 2012
Ready/excited to be with our church family at GBC. It’s been too long. Nov 25, 2012
Another movie w/Mike & Jared tonight. Need to do this more often. Nov 24, 2012
Enjoyed the turkey and ham but “Where’s the beef?” I’m ready for a burger. Nov 23, 2012
I don’t need an alarm clock. I have kids. Kasen & Kesleigh were up very early this morning. #ugh Nov 23, 2012
Miranda is out shopping & kids are asleep so Mike and I get to have a guy movie night. #awesome #safehousemovie Nov 23, 2012
On our way to Pearland for our 2nd Thanksgiving dinner this year. Nice to be w/family no matter how many times you eat the same thing. #t… Nov 22, 2012
Miranda surprised me tonight with Blue Bell Peppermint ice cream! #bestwifeever Nov 22, 2012
Left our camper in a random parking lot (w/permission). Praying people are honest, parts arrive, & job goes smoothly so we can pick it up… Nov 21, 2012
Had a great time camping with family in spite of camper problems. #grateful #thanksgiving Nov 21, 2012
Beautiful weather + all the Corns & Underwoods together + boy scout burgers + s’mores = awesome day! Nov 19, 2012
Schonn Underwood ~ “We can’t have a camping trip without drama.” Nov 17, 2012
Kasen: You’re the 3rd best daddy in the world! Me (disappointed): Third? Kasen: First Jesus & God, then you. Me: (not so disappointed) Nov 17, 2012
On our way to Canyon Lake. Meeting Mom, Bro, Sis’ families for a little Thanksgiving Campout. #excited Nov 17, 2012
“Hey can mean anything. It can mean yes, it can mean maybe, it could mean no, it could mean next week. Hey, the bottom line is you have t… Nov 15, 2012
Feel like I’m always posting about Kasen. They won’t let me in Kesleigh’s dance class w/camera. Do they think I’m a dirty old man? #prouddad Nov 14, 2012
Faith in Action Cheer Nov 14, 2012
I used to love my kids’ disappointment when I had to leave for work. Now they’re only disappointed if I’m taking the iPad to work. #sad Nov 08, 2012
Hauling’ the grill to school today for a little tailgating at the Clute/LJI game. Go Cougars! Nov 06, 2012
Missed my boy scoring some soccer goals today. 🙁 Nov 04, 2012
5 years ago today my son Kasen was born and I was experiencing this: Happy Birthday Kasen!! Nov 04, 2012 Nov 04, 2012
LSU outplayed us for most of the game, but we’ll take the win and smile. #bama Nov 04, 2012
“Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no Tiger, for the Tide Rolls w/me.” #biblicallyinaccuratebuttrue Nov 03, 2012
Daniel 9:17b msg (spoken to God) ~ “Act out of who you are, not out of what we are.” Awesome request/confession & good news is: He will! Nov 03, 2012
Excited about watching Bama walk through Death Valley unscathed but more excited to be able to share it w/family from both sides of field. Nov 03, 2012
Nice having a weekend with the Mathews and without kids. Thanks mom! Thanks Mike and Patti! Nov 03, 2012
@ Copelands Cheesecake Bistro w/Mathews and Corns – always a good time. Nov 02, 2012
Headin to Baton Rouge to watch the Tide Roll over the Tigers! Nov 02, 2012
Daniel 4:17b – “[God] makes leaders out of losers.” msg Nov 01, 2012
“God did not save us so we could live a comfortable easy life.” ~ Kris Stire Oct 28, 2012
“The greatest deterrent to giving in the church is the illusion that earth is our home.” ~ Randy Alcorn Oct 28, 2012
Visiting sites today for our next Faith in Action camp. Oct 27, 2012
Headin’ to Kasen’s soccer game on this crisp cool morning with my family. #loveit Oct 27, 2012
Corns, Underwoods, and Simmons – Gonna miss grandma but great to be together. Oct 23, 2012
Hard to bury my grandmother today but always good being with family. #blessedinthestorm Oct 22, 2012
Sign at our hotel – Does this mean Miranda has to take a shower with me? Oct 22, 2012
Kesleigh – “What if the bad kitty cats get great grandma in heaven?” Haha! Love that girl! #prouddad Oct 21, 2012
Kasen – “Why can’t Jesus make great grandma alive?” I’m so glad he knows who holds the power of resurrection! #prouddad Oct 21, 2012
In the car- Kasen (4yr son): “Look! I know how to draw a princess!” & Kesleigh (3yr daughter) responds: “I tooted two times.” #reversedroles Oct 20, 2012
Bwood football game w/my favorite kids. Oct 20, 2012
Kasen drew a dinosaur w/4 rows of teeth & a mustache. Love his little boy big imagination! Oct 20, 2012
First time to ever have cotton candy! Oct 18, 2012
Taking family to free night at the fair tonight. Oct 18, 2012
Car Race – HMP – Fiesta Fastival Oct 15, 2012 Oct 14, 2012
At the track with Kasen. Oct 14, 2012
“Blessing is not separate from suffering, but is often found right in the middle of it.” ~ Mike Ayers Oct 14, 2012
“Whoever has sprinkles on their doughnut wins!” ~ Kesleigh Corn Oct 13, 2012
Kasen’s biggest concern anytime we go anywhere is “Will we beat them there?” By the way: We just beat mama & Kesleigh back from the shower. Oct 13, 2012
Gonna be a nice day. Oct 12, 2012
No school tomorrow. Camper set up for family day tomorrow. The plan is to have no plan. #anticipatingwhatever #greatspacetobein Oct 12, 2012
Breakfast meeting w/friend turned into breakfast reading w/God. #justwhatineeded Oct 11, 2012
The older I get, the easier my morning meetings become. Looks like I’m approaching “plaid-shorts-up-to-my-armpits old.” Oct 09, 2012
Heading to some friends for a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner. Sweet! Two Thanksgivings this year! Eh? Oct 08, 2012
Bike ride and picnic in the park w/our community group. Oct 07, 2012
“Who killed Jesus? . . . the Father killed Jesus. He poured his wrath upon Jesus. What manner of love is this?” ~ Bryan McKenzie Oct 07, 2012
“It is impossible to keep our moral practices sound & our inward attitudes right while our idea of God is erroneous or inadequate.” ~Tozer Oct 07, 2012
“If you have a wrong understanding of God, it will adversely affect every area of your life.” ~ Bryan McKenzie Oct 07, 2012
Kasen’s soccer game, Home Depot kids event, grocery shopping, grilling, afternoon w/neighbors, movie, football games – check Oct 07, 2012
Kasen’s 3rd Game Oct 06, 2012
Kasen’s 3rd Soccer Game: Oct 06, 2012
Soccer game against his good friend Brady this morning. They both played well! Oct 06, 2012
“David strengthened himself in the Lord.” 1 Sam 30:6. Whatever you’re going through today, encourage yourself in God. ~ @matt_redman Oct 06, 2012
Brazoswood football game last night and Kasen’s soccer game this morning. GO TORNADOS! Oct 06, 2012
Breakfast at IHOP with a good friend = a great way to start the day Oct 05, 2012
Kasen & Kesleigh Concert – Song & Dance Oct 05, 2012
My kids are growin up too fast. Took ’em to Open House at the pre-school & they showed me around their classes. #gottatreasureeverymoment Oct 05, 2012
Wonder how life got so busy -Responsibilities w/family, school. FAB. band, soccer, dance, community group, bible study, etc #overwhelming Oct 03, 2012
Ironmen meeting (men from Grace Bible) this morning before Bloomers (Christian teachers – mostly women) and school. #manlymengotobloomers Oct 03, 2012
Got snocones and took kids to 7th grade Clute football games last night. They love football like their Mama. Oct 03, 2012
John 11:43 “Lazarus, come forth.” – “If Jesus hadn’t spoken Lazarus’ name, the whole graveyard would have emptied..” ~ Bryan McKenzie Sep 30, 2012
“Jesus doesn’t give us what we want. He gives us what we need.” ~ Bryan McKenzie Sep 30, 2012
“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.” ~ CSLewis Sep 30, 2012
Walked to the park with the kids in the rain today. We wanted to see how fast the slides were when they were wet. #veryfast Sep 29, 2012
“If God is your partner, make your plans big.” – D.L. Moody Sep 29, 2012
“The body wants to do what feels good. The ego wants to do what looks good, and the soul wants to do what is (cont) Sep 25, 2012
“God’s Word is an anvil that has worn out many hammers.” ~ Theodore Beza Sep 23, 2012
John 10:41-42 ….And they said, “John did no sign, but everything that John said about this man was true.” #wannabelikeJohn Sep 23, 2012
On Salvation: “That for which you did not work, you cannot lose by some work.” ~ Bryan Mckenzie Sep 23, 2012
Band practice at GBC. Sep 23, 2012
Mike Mathews in Lake Jackson = Luby’s trip. We enjoyed seeing Mike & Patti at the soccer game & at Luby’s today. #awesomeinlaws Sep 23, 2012
Kasen’s 2nd Soccer Game – Highlights Sep 22, 2012
“If you want quality moments, you’ve gotta be there quantity time.” ~ Steve Corn Sep 22, 2012
Fatherhood: “You don’t have to do spectacular highlight-reel type of things to be a Super Bowl (cont) Sep 22, 2012
Great guys night but now I can’t sleep. Had hoped for the opposite effect. Sep 22, 2012
Hanging w/guys from Small Group tonight so Miranda took the kids to the BWood football game – something seems backwards. #itllbefunanyway Sep 22, 2012
Awesome: “Your voice is the voice that commands the universe to be. Your voice is the voice that speaks words of love to me.”~ VickyBeeching Sep 21, 2012 : Kasen’s First Soccer Game Sep 19, 2012
The Sounds of Woodshop Sep 19, 2012
Can’t beat $1 kids meals at Fuddruckers (burger, fries, drink, cookie) They serve ’em to adults too. My whole family for $5 (I get 1 extra) Sep 17, 2012
RT @ROBLOVE146: “Hope is not like a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa & clutch, feeling lucky. Hope is an ax you break down doo … Sep 17, 2012
“The irony is that while God doesn’t need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don’t really want Him…” ~ Francis Chan Sep 17, 2012
Back to the woodshop today. Students are working on making a house sign. Sep 17, 2012
RT @kalynhemphill: “I just read that 4,153,237 people got married last year…shouldn’t those statistics be an even number? Just saying. … Sep 17, 2012
Love my small group – so patient with me and my rambling. I think I’m the “overtalker” in the group. #probablyalwaysbeenthatguy Sep 17, 2012
“Just be. It’s what the world denies you.” ~ Brandon Heath Sep 16, 2012
Band practice at GBC. Sep 16, 2012
Kasen’s First Soccer Game Sep 15, 2012
Kasen’s Fist Soccer Game #daddyisproud Sep 15, 2012
Kasen first soccer game! Go Tornados! Excited he gets to play with his friends: Collin, Kylie, and Glory. Sep 15, 2012
Tornados! Sep 15, 2012
Not sure there are words for how good God has been to me through my friends today. Wait. . . I’m definitely sure there aren’t words . . . Sep 12, 2012
My baby girl, Kesleigh, started dance classes today! She’s very excited! Sep 11, 2012
Big day – FCA kickoff, router practice tests, superintendent visit/meeting, Faith in Action meeting tonight. Sep 11, 2012
I must love these guys a lot – 6am worship planning team meeting on my birthday. Sep 11, 2012
“Jesus, as our good shepherd, calls each of us by name saying ‘I know you and you are mine.'” ~ Bryan McKenzie Sep 09, 2012
Jesus + Nothing = Everything ~ @PastorTullian Sep 09, 2012
Band practice at GBC. Joy to serve with people. Sep 09, 2012
The Lord is absolutely all we need, but bike’s for boys are truly a blessing. #we’llfindawaytosurvive – Haha! Sep 09, 2012
Tragedy: Attempted a bike ride w/my kids tonight but Kasen’s hand-me-down bike broke. Not excited about enduring a future of boy w/no bike. Sep 09, 2012
Lazy morning at hotel & lunch w/Shana (met Jeff -good guy) Time to get our kids now. Nice break – we should do this more often. #lovemybride Sep 08, 2012
Kelly Clarkson and The Fray concert with my baby for her birthday. Love this girl! Sep 08, 2012
Celebrating Miranda’s BDay tonight w/Kelly Clarkson/The Fray concert but in preparing, I forgot to say Happy BDay this morning. #husbandfail Sep 07, 2012
Treasuring the fact that my kids still want to sit next to me and snuggle on the couch in the mornings. Sep 06, 2012
Rode our bikes to “Mrs Neece’s Park” tonight. Sep 05, 2012
“Lash your heart to the ancient mast.” (Jesus) ~ lyric on “Find Your Way” by Andrew Peterson Sep 05, 2012
Meeting with GBC worship planning team this morning before school. Honor to work with them, but man, it’s early. #prayforperseveranceallday Sep 04, 2012
Unplanned trip to Hobby Airport to meet Mike and Patti. (someone lost their keys) Glad to have an excuse to see ’em. Sep 03, 2012
Family bike ride & picnic tonight. Sep 02, 2012
“I simply taught, preached and wrote God’s word; otherwise I did nothing … The word did everything.” ~ Martin Luther Sep 02, 2012
“God didn’t just breathe ‘into’ the Scriptures. They are breathed ‘out’ by Him.” ~ Bryan McKenzie on 2Tim3:16 Sep 02, 2012
First game of the year! Go Bucs!! Sep 01, 2012
On my way to Dow Grant Recognition Dinner to celebrate w/grant winners! Gonna be good. Wish I could take these guys. Aug 30, 2012
First test day for my students. Gotta pass all these safety tests so we can on to the fun part of wood shop – making sawdust. Aug 30, 2012
Playin at “our” park again tonight. Love these kids! Aug 28, 2012
Watchin’ a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse w/my sweet girl, Kesleigh & then headin’ to school for my 1st day w/students. #pray Aug 27, 2012
Heading to bed & praying for good sleep. Big day tomorrow = 1st day w/students. Praying for great 1st impressions & habits for all teachers! Aug 27, 2012
“Like a bucket in the ocean, we are in Christ AND He is in us!” ~ Bryan McKenzie Aug 26, 2012
“What we do is not who we are, but who we are has a tremendous impact on what we do.” ~ Bryan McKenzie Aug 26, 2012
“If I didn’t sweat, I didn’t worship.” ~ Dustan Thrift Aug 25, 2012
Thought about my old friend Dustan Thrift as We served & sweated today. He’s the best “sweat worshipper” I’ve ever known. #missthatguy Aug 25, 2012
Spent the day trying to get computers in our school lab working, then drove to Ney Elementary to meet my small group & spread mulch. #tired Aug 25, 2012
Had a great time at band practice. Looking forward to leading at GBC this week. Aug 24, 2012
“I might hate you more, but I’ll never love you less.” ~ Rose Narracott to her husband in the movie “War Horse” Aug 22, 2012
Long day at work & “meet the teacher” tonight. Ready to be home. #exhausted Aug 22, 2012
“Emerging from the mess (community) is the fingerprint of God writing the hope of the gospel and the story of redemption.” ~ Heather Zempel Aug 21, 2012
Had a great last day before school starts. Tommy Nelson at GBC, lazy afternoon, soccer game w/small group, & Big Brother w/Miranda now. Aug 20, 2012
Worn out from a little impromptu soccer match with my small group. Aug 19, 2012
Havin’ fun with my iPad! Awesome gift! Thanks Patti! Aug 19, 2012
Loved the GBC 10yr Celebration tonight – met people I heard stories about & got reminded of eternal truths by Tommy Nelson. #lovethischurch Aug 19, 2012
I am using Taptu! Aug 18, 2012
Excited! Heading to Pearland tonight for dinner with Mike and Patti where we are going to receive our Christmas gifts – ipads. #woohoo Aug 17, 2012
Lazy afternoon. Last one on a weekday for a while. #schooliscoming Aug 17, 2012
Music Video Aug 17, 2012
Jer 13:25b-26 “..because you’ve forgotten me & trusted in lies. I myself will lift up your skirts over your face…” #hopeGodisnttalkingtome Aug 16, 2012
Morning trip to the Sea Center. Aug 15, 2012
Get to have breakfast with @kdking08 before she leaves to go back to school. We’re gonna miss her. Aug 15, 2012
Pray for my friend Jon. He may have West Nile Virus. Aug 15, 2012
Noise and activity are the refuges of the bereaved and the guilty.” ~ Veronica Roth : Also true for those without Jesus. Aug 13, 2012
Gotta make the most of this week. I’ll be back in the classroom a week from today. #summerhasbeengood Aug 13, 2012
Grateful for the Clute pool. It became our “alternative beach” today. Aug 12, 2012
Not what we imagined for our beach experience today. Aug 11, 2012
Gonna be a great weekend! Aug 11, 2012
First time out w/the camper. #Excited. Grateful for family & friends to share it with & for the Colosimo’s generosity. Aug 10, 2012
RT @jaredcwilson: “Speak the truth in love” is our mandate. “Don’t hurt anyone’s feelings” is not. Aug 08, 2012
Our small group cooking/serving together at the Pregnancy Help Center last night. Aug 08, 2012
Love my small group! Cooking/Serving together at the Pregnancy Help Center tonight. Aug 07, 2012
Found a cheap hitch for the camper today and got the title. Planning to take it out for it’s maiden voyage this weekend. #excited Aug 07, 2012
Quick pic on the road. Stephen F Austin statue. Aug 06, 2012
The holiness of God is his concealed glory. The glory of God is his revealed holiness. Aug 05, 2012 : Gulf Shores 2012 Pics Aug 05, 2012
Always love hanging with @HansGooger & @CourtneyGooger ! Just wish there had been more time. Aug 04, 2012
Beach House cleaned. Car packed. Vacation over. 10hr road trip. . . Here we come! Pray for safe travel. Aug 04, 2012
Last day in Gulf Shores. Gotta make it a good one! Aug 03, 2012
After our first real sighting, my kids are seeing phantom dolphins. #beachproblem Aug 03, 2012
Had a nice night out with Miranda, Jared, & Tiffany last night while Patti & Mike watched the kids. Grateful for my in-laws & my bride. Aug 03, 2012
Kids laughed so hard at being buried from the waist down. Jul 31, 2012
Enjoyed a nice swim after the kids were in bed tonight. Too bad we couldn’t find the switch for the pool lights. #whocares Jul 31, 2012
Grillin’ up some chicken for fajitas tonight. Always love eating with the Mathews’. Jesus ate w/those He loved too. Jul 30, 2012
Ready for the beach. Jul 30, 2012
Ahh….vacation. Beach and pool this morning. Now I get to read a little. #thisisgood Jul 29, 2012
Grateful for Mike Mathews generosity! Gonna suffer this week staying on the beach in Gulf Shores at this place: Jul 28, 2012
I’ve stayed in nice hotels in Rome, Florence, Venice, Jerusalem, London, Hawaii, New York, Houston, etc and Gran’s shower beats ’em all! Jul 28, 2012
Dinner w/the Mathews clan at Bonefish Grill in Mobile. Jul 27, 2012
Working on Faith in Action stuff from the WiFi in the mall in Mobile, Alabama. Jul 27, 2012
Almost to Alabama! #ready – Papa got KrispyKreme! #reallyready Jul 27, 2012
Still love By the Tree’s “Invade my Soul” Jul 27, 2012
Excited for a week w/Mathews family at a beach house in Gulf Shores! Love family and vacations! #gonnabegood #gratefulforopportunity Jul 26, 2012
“Our dreams are just wishes, if we never follow them through with action.” ~ Bear Grylls Jul 26, 2012
One last trip to Alvin to complete a Faith in Action job from this past weekend. Client told me she prays & thanks God for us every night. Jul 25, 2012
Kesleigh quote: “Daddy, I like monsters. Not real ones. Only pretend ones, but I like monsters.” Jul 25, 2012
Enjoyed an evening with good friends! Jul 24, 2012
Meeting with Habitat for Humanity people this morning to see how Faith in Action can “team up” with them. Jul 23, 2012
Worn out from Faith in Action. Need a Sunday afternoon nap, but guessing my kids won’t allow it. #gladtheylovemeandwanttoplay Jul 22, 2012
Good Faith in Action weekend. 12 jobs. 3 ramps. 1 porch. 4 Houses painted. No injuries. 75 Volunteers. Countless blessings. 1 BIG GOD! Jul 22, 2012
So much fun visiting work sites with freeze pops for Faith in Action volunteers!! Jul 21, 2012
Delivering paint to a work team in Sweeny who forgot their supplies. #FaithinAction #gladtoserve Jul 20, 2012
Excited to have @Joshua__Johnson to lead music for our Faith in Action worship times. Check it out at 9:30pm tonight – Chapelwood UMC!! Jul 19, 2012
Short break from Faith in Action work today for my first dental appt in over 20yrs. Good news! My teeth still chew! (look better now too) Jul 19, 2012
After midnight and I’ll be heading to bed soon – been a very long day of Faith in Action work! (and rework w/registration changes, etc) Jul 19, 2012
Has been doing Faith in Action work for 2 days straight – wondering if I’ll sleep tonight? Excited though! Gonna be a good camp! Jul 17, 2012
“Even the devil is God’s devil.” ~ Martin Luther #overallthings Jul 15, 2012
Band practice @ GBC. Jul 15, 2012
Just picked up tshirts in Pearland for Faith in Action. Jul 13, 2012
I always try to be positive, but it’s a lot more difficult with this ear problem/lack of sleep. #whatisgodteachingme Jul 10, 2012
Dr told me I have the worst case of swimmers ear he’s ever seen. My ear is swollen shut. #badrvparkpool #couldbeworsestillhomewithfamily Jul 09, 2012
I have a semi-naked “caped crusader” running through my house today. #haha Jul 09, 2012 : Living Water Jul 09, 2012 : Colorado Pics Jul 08, 2012
I’m ready to satisfy the longings to embrace me that my bed has been having for the last few weeks. Jul 07, 2012
Kasen quote: “Daddy, I think Captain Hook’s name before Peter Pan cut his hand off was just Captain.” #haha #gladhesthinkin Jul 06, 2012
“Rings & jewels are not gifts…The only true gift is a portion of thyself.” ~ Emerson Jul 04, 2012
Bye bye Colorado mountains. Hello Texas. Jul 04, 2012
Jeep trails through Cinnamon Pass to Silverton, CO tomorrow. Pray For my driving and our safety. Gonna see waterfalls & ghost towns too! Jul 01, 2012
Creation yawns in front of me…the mountains sing your glory alleluia. The canyons echo sweet amazing grace. My spirit sails. ~ A. Peterson Jun 28, 2012
Had a great time in Cuchara & now we’re headin to Lake City! Love having these experiences w/my family! Praising God for opportunity! Jun 28, 2012
Dinner at the “Dog Bar” in Cuchara, Colorado w/Corns and Underwoods. Jun 27, 2012
On top of the mountain with my boy! Jun 26, 2012
KOA Campground Mini Golf Jun 23, 2012
KOA Campground Mini Golf Jun 23, 2012
Grateful for my family. We spent our 1st day of camping stranded at Walmart & we still like each other. I think. They may feel differently? Jun 22, 2012
First night of Walmart camping went well. Puts us on track to make it to Colorado today. Had a little car trouble, but fixing it today too. Jun 22, 2012
That’s my girl!! Jun 22, 2012
Our traveling home for next 2 weeks. Thanks to the Allen’s! Thanks to Underwood’s for a vehicle to haul it too! Jun 21, 2012
Lunch with @kdking08 and a little wading in the creek. #awesomepitstop Jun 20, 2012
Loaded up and runnin’ – camping here we come! Jun 20, 2012
Think I’ve got all the loose ends tied up, now I gotta pack. Heading out for vacation/camping trip to Colorado tomorrow w/Corn’s!! #excited Jun 20, 2012
BBQ for lunch on Father’s Day = good choice & happy daddy. #awesomefamily Jun 17, 2012
Good Faith in Action weekend and now it’s time for a family afternoon in a pool with some good friends. Jun 17, 2012
Worship with Faith in Action. Jun 17, 2012
The rain thought it could stop us, but these Faith in Action students kept right on serving! #lovingjesus Jun 16, 2012
On my way to host church for Faith in Action weekend. We’ve got 5 clients & 18 volunteers ready to go. #anticipatinggreatthingsfromagreatgod Jun 15, 2012
Received a big fake $9659 check today for Faith in Action from United Way. We already got the real one. Honored and grateful! Pic later. Jun 15, 2012
It’s a Faith in Action prep day – Lots to do & plenty of little fires to put out. I’m really not a “detail” guy so this is tough work. Pray. Jun 15, 2012
It’s a Faith in Action prep day – Lots to do & plenty of little fires to put out. I’m really not a “detail” guy so this is tough work. Pray. Jun 14, 2012
My new sounds: Stern3 on #SoundCloud Jun 11, 2012
Grateful for my small group. Nice to be with men. Nice to see a guy movie on a big screen. #Avengers Jun 09, 2012
Great day with Miranda! Now it’s time to see the Avengers with the guys from small group. Jun 08, 2012
Love having time with my bride without kids! Love it with kids too, but this is a nice change. Jun 08, 2012
Excited about the grant Faith in Action received from United Way! Jun 08, 2012
Kids are at my in-laws. Miranda has a meeting. Time to get some more Faith in Action stuff done! Jun 08, 2012
I love spending time with my kids. Jun 07, 2012
Brought Kasen & Kesleigh to Miller Outdoor Theater for a play “The Little Mermaid.” They liked it! Jun 07, 2012
1st session of “Art of Marriage” series at our church. AWESOME! Glad we opted in! Jun 07, 2012
Great family time at Surfside with old friends. the Davidson’s. Always love reminiscing & catching up. #goodtimes Jun 06, 2012
It’s summer and I have 3 meetings today. Church, school, and Faith in Action. 2 down and 1 to go. Jun 05, 2012
“The power or prestige of your pedigree is worthless before a holy God.” ~ Bryan McKenzie #onlyjesussaves Jun 03, 2012
Grateful today for small group friends who show up in the middle of your garage sale under the hot sun with Coke Zeros. Jun 03, 2012
Garage sale was a success! Now preparing for bike ride and dinner with friends. #summerisawesome Jun 02, 2012
Really wish I knew an electric guitar player in the Lake Jackson area who could join our worship team Sunday morning (& practice tonight). May 31, 2012
Kasen took swimming lessons this year! He’s doing great! Memorial Day 2012 @ the Krolczyk’s May 31, 2012
I just sold my Explorer. Kind of the end of an era. Guess all those guys who knew my keyless entry code won’t be able to get in anymore. May 31, 2012
I imagined a picnic @ park while the kids played on the splash pad, but I got to accompany a whining boy for his “time out.” #lovehimanyway May 31, 2012
Love having a teacher’s summer! May 30, 2012
Church +Lunch at home +Set up pool in backyard +Took a nap +Read a book on the patio +Dinner +a little TV = Great Day w/family May 28, 2012
I started a 4/4 worship song wrong this morning. We kept going & ended up with a 6/8 version of “My Chains are Gone” #gottalaughatyourself May 27, 2012
“I am not working FOR salvation, but I am working FROM salvation.” ~ Robert Smith #motivatedbyjesus May 27, 2012
Saturday’s = Kids Birthday Parties – Happy Birthday to my niece, McKenleigh! May 26, 2012
Proud of @shanagooger – love seeing who she’s becoming. Loved seeing Jon, Laurie, Aimee, and Kevin too. So glad summer is here! May 26, 2012
That’s our @shanagooger ! May 26, 2012
Sweet! May 26, 2012
First night of summer is also date night w/my beautiful bride. Gonna see a play that our good friend @shanagooger is starring in. AWESOME!! May 25, 2012
Had a great day today. Family time with good friends at the BMX track and Splash Pad. May 20, 2012
Bad link on the first one: Not Surprised: May 20, 2012
I am very proud of that beautiful girl down in front. If can’t tell, that’s my beautiful bride – Miranda! May 16, 2012
“If we don’t teach our children how to be alone, they will only know how to be lonely.” ~ Sherry Turkle May 15, 2012
Church Band Practice. Always enjoy these guys and worshipping with them. May 13, 2012
Great day so far & only getting better. Grilled burgers for lunch visit from Katie & in-laws & now date night w/Johnson’s. #morethancontent May 12, 2012
Has two awesome kids in his lap – watching the Fresh Beat Band. Not daddy’s choice for TV but great choice for snuggles. May 12, 2012
Here’s a video of our CO2 car races from my Woodshop class. May 12, 2012
Woke up this morning with a 25ft long 8in thick branch on his car. May 11, 2012
“If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking.”.~ David Crowder May 11, 2012 : Woodshop Update May 09, 2012
Love my bride – always sacrificial. She has stayed up late the last few nights helping me finalize grant applications for Faith in Action. May 08, 2012
Like putting on an old pair of shoes. May 06, 2012
will be playing in the band and teaching Bible to students today at church. Seems somehow familiar. May 06, 2012
As Kasen played in dirt on TBall field, coach: “Do you wanna go play in the grass in the outfield?” Kasen with a smile: “Yes!” #unexpected May 04, 2012
Ray Vander Laan says “The Promised Land is 70% desert.” What does this say about where God wants us to be? May 03, 2012
Busy day today – School + New Teacher Meeting + Kasen’s TBall game + Church Band practice = A 10:30pm arrival back home. May 03, 2012
Kasen has a great TBall coach. He brought waterballoons to hit off the tee tonight. Could this be why Kasen likes practice more than games? May 02, 2012
Tired this morning, but glad to have opportunity to meet with some guys from church. May 01, 2012
Kasen: “Daddy, You be Aslan & I’ll be Peter!” Me: “Aslan has some big shoes to fill.” Kasen: “OK Daddy, You be Edmond.” – #thaticando Apr 29, 2012
Pretty sweet 6yr old birthday party at Minute Maid Park! Happy Birthday Reid! Apr 28, 2012
Luby’s w/Mike & Patti after the CUBS game! Apr 28, 2012
Kasen’s TBall game. GO CUBS!!! Apr 28, 2012
New Blog: : The Bridge Apr 27, 2012
My boy! Apr 26, 2012
“The bread of life was born in a town called bakery.” ~ Ray Vander Laan (Bethlehem = House of Bread) Apr 25, 2012
New Blog: : Kasen’s First Day of BMX Apr 23, 2012
Kasen’s First Day of BMX racing! Apr 23, 2012
That’s my boy!! Proud of my little BMX racer!! Apr 22, 2012
Driving Kasen (4yrs) to his first BMX race. #excited Apr 22, 2012
John 8:1-11 – “Those who came to shame Jesus now leave in shame.” ~ D.A. Carson Apr 22, 2012
John 8:1-11 – Who is in trial? Pharisees pretend it’s the woman but are really putting Jesus on trial. All along, Jesus has them on trial. Apr 22, 2012
Saturday tasks: Install Car Stereo – check; Clean gutters – check; Clean back patio – check….Now for the good stuff – Date Night w/Miranda Apr 21, 2012
T-ball Game tonight – Kasen’s Cubs against the Red Sox. Those Cubs have come a long way! Proud of them. Apr 20, 2012
“If you wanna get to the other shore, you gotta be willing to lose sight of this one.” ~ Steven Tyler on American Idol Apr 19, 2012
Kesleigh is confused. She thinks she can demand something of daddy – the spiritual leader of the household. Glad it was “More kisses Daddy!” Apr 18, 2012
Miranda always makes fun of the people who are always picked to interview for news stories. Haha! Now she’s one of them! #Praysheforgivesme Apr 17, 2012
Just saw my bride on Channel 13 News! (Story on effects of storm. Her school released differently due to high waters.) Apr 17, 2012
Small group tonight. Apr 15, 2012
Pointing her toy phone at my tummy, Kesleigh says, “Say cheese belly button!” Apr 15, 2012
“No such things as ‘idle thoughts;’ every thought reverberates in the body, and constructs some reality, for good or ill.” ~ @lensweet Apr 15, 2012
Band practice this morning then church and lunch with mom. Should be a good day! Apr 15, 2012
Spending the morning with mom at Kasen’s T-ball game and then the afternoon with Faith in Action guys doing pre-site work. Busy day. Apr 14, 2012
Glad to have mom in town this weekend. Nice to have a little time with her. Apr 13, 2012
Playing w/kids – Kasen: “Daddy, I cut your head off!” Kesleigh hugging me: “It’s ok daddy. You have your head.” #differenceinboysandgirls Apr 11, 2012
Kesleigh (3yrs) quote – “I’m so happy that Jesus is alive! When He died on the cross, I wasn’t so happy.” Apr 08, 2012
Greatest day in history. Death is beaten. You have rescued me. Sing it out. Jesus is alive! Oh Happy day! You washed my sin away.~Tim Hughes Apr 08, 2012
Now the demons, they danced in the darkness When that last ragged breath left his lungs And they reveled and (cont) Apr 08, 2012
Jesus is alive!!! Apr 08, 2012
RT @CSLewisDaily: It cost God nothing, so far as we know, to create nice things: but to convert rebellious wills cost Him crucifixion. Apr 08, 2012
Another kid quote today from Kasen: “Yes mommy I punched him (cousin) but it was on accident.” #badexcuses Apr 08, 2012
Kid Quote of the day from Kesleigh (3yrs): “Kallie (cousin) poo pooed in my panties.” #blamegamestartsearly Apr 07, 2012
Egg Hunt at Gigi’s house. Apr 07, 2012
Egg Hunt at Gigi’s house. Apr 07, 2012
Celebrating Resurrection early in Pearland with family today. Apr 07, 2012
I know Miranda likes me to brush my teeth but her latest purchase of cough drop flavored toothpaste makes it difficult. Apr 07, 2012
Family…..isn’t this what days off are for? #thankful Apr 06, 2012
“@RAdamsYL: He drained the cup of God’s wrath bone dry, leaving not a drop for us to drink.” Apr 06, 2012
RT @megan_phillips: FREE ON KINDLE =) Three Francis Chan Bestsellers (via @gospelebooks) Apr 06, 2012
Beautiful day & a bike ride with the family to the park. Spring is here! Apr 06, 2012
Getting ready for a Seder/Passover meal with my small group tonight – love teaching this stuff and hanging with these people! Apr 05, 2012
RT @RickWarren: Life isn’t math-it doesn’t always add up. Life isn’t science-there’s no formula. Lfe is art- make something beautiful of it Apr 05, 2012
RT @MarkBatterson: God doesn’t just resurrect dead bodies. He also resurrects dead dreams, dead relationships & dead opportunities. Apr 05, 2012
Spent yesterday at home w/a sick boy. Back to work today & then I’m leading our small group through the Passover meal tonight. #excited Apr 05, 2012
God gave His son for the people of the world not our circumstances. Apr 03, 2012
Been thinking’ lately: God seems to be much more interested in making me “right” than in making my circumstances “right.” #reactiontoradio Apr 03, 2012
I became a truck driver last night. Apr 03, 2012
Disappointed – Think my kids are just not going to take a nap today. Guess I’m gonna have to play w/’em. #tradingrestfulafternoonforfunone Apr 01, 2012
“We need to have a greater faith in the faithfulness of God.” ~ Bryan McKenzie Apr 01, 2012
So glad to have Miranda back home after her Women’s Retreat. Mar 31, 2012
Kasen’s 2nd batting experience – Cubs vs White Sox – Mar 31, 2012: 3rd at Bat: Mar 31, 2012
I finally got twitter to update google+ using but G+ appears to be dead so…oh well. Still hope G+ can make comeback. Mar 31, 2012
Nice evening w/kids. Dropped Miranda off for women’s retreat, took kids to Chickflia, then to park & Kasen’s friends house. Ready for bed. Mar 31, 2012
Kasen: “Daddy, I wanna go in a plane and go where Jesus was born.” #makesdaddysmile Mar 28, 2012
Kesleigh’s prayer tonight: “Thank you God for givin’ us all the stuff we need.” Mar 27, 2012
Testing day at school vs. bike ride to dinner w/my family. Think I like the 2nd half of my day better. Mar 27, 2012
“Your arrogance can make you ignorant.” ~ Bryan McKenzie on the Pharisees Mar 25, 2012
Kasen’s first hit! #prouddaddy Mar 24, 2012
4yr old Birthday party for my niece at a gymnastics gym. Happy Birthday Kallie! Mar 24, 2012
Kasen is 2nd from left in the front row. Mar 24, 2012
That’s my boy! Mar 24, 2012
Opening Ceremonies, pictures, and then Kasen’s first TBall game. #prouddaddy Mar 24, 2012
“The best ideas percolated up (from workers) rather than down.” (from leaders) ~ Robert Baer Mar 24, 2012
Homecooked meal + bike ride w/kids + family trip to Target – even my regular family Fri nights are better than the best single guy Fridays. Mar 24, 2012
Feeling pretty jealous of my Father-in-Law, Mike Mathews who just returned from another trip to Israel. Mar 22, 2012
Nice surprise today – Kasen & Kesleigh brought a Sonic Slush to me in the shop after school. Mar 21, 2012
New Blog: : Livingston Pics – Spring Break 2012 Mar 20, 2012
Bridge building quote from the engineer (Chip) to the artist (Jon): “How do you measure ‘cute’ Jon?” Mar 16, 2012
Bridge building quote from Chip: “How do you measure ‘cute’ Jon?” Mar 16, 2012
Bridge building break this morning. Watchin’ kids so Miranda & the girls can go to store & restock kitchen shelves w/bridge builder fuel. Mar 16, 2012
RT @HansGooger: @Stevecorn Go ahead. Rub it in my face. Mar 15, 2012
Dinner with some of my favorite people. Mar 15, 2012
New Blog: : Unexpected Emotion Mar 15, 2012
Excited about spending the week in Livingston with the Goldbolds! Mar 11, 2012
Kid quote from Kesleigh: “Mama, you bringin’ yous puss?” Translation: “Your purse” Love that girl – still using “cute kid speak” Mar 10, 2012 Mar 10, 2012 Mar 10, 2012
RT @MattPopovits: God said no to Abram, to Moses, to Noah, to David, to Paul, and even to Jesus. So, tell me why he should say yes to yo … Mar 10, 2012
Lunch at the Aquarium with Uncle Schonn and cousins Ethan & Jaycee! Mar 10, 2012
“A life without people to rebuke us, is like a car without brakes. We will wreck soon enough.” ~ @jeffmedders Mar 10, 2012
Grateful for my brother-in-law, Schonn this morning. He spent the whole day yesterday driving to our house to for a visit. Mar 10, 2012
1 more day before Spring Break = 1 more opportunity to influence a student. Lord, keep me diligent to this calling to the end of its time. Mar 09, 2012
Kasen’s first TBall practice. Go Cubs!! Here’s one w/his friend Brady. Mar 09, 2012
Kasen’s first TBall practice. Go Cubs!! Mar 09, 2012
Spent the evening at the golden arches w/my kids. You know you have great love for someone if you’re willing to go there to make ’em smile. Mar 08, 2012
“Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.” Theme for week before Spring Break. Nice to know Jesus is strong when I’m not. Mar 06, 2012
From the time she was a baby, Kesleigh has loved playing w/her mama’s hair – especially in her morning snuggle time. Mar 05, 2012
Faith in Action workday with confirmation kids from LJFUMC – painting a house today. Mar 03, 2012
2nd day of staff development/curriculum writing with other Woodshop teachers today. Always fun working with them. Mar 01, 2012
Mcdonald’s meeting – The guys I was supposed to meet, didn’t show up. Probably more important that I had time w/God. Enjoyed it. Feb 28, 2012
RT @RealEricGeiger: Most people tip 10-15% even for bad service. For Christians who struggle giving, has His service to you been thad bad? Feb 28, 2012
Client visit for Faith in Action gave us excuse to drive to West Columbia & try out some Mexican food we kept hearing about. They’re closed. Feb 28, 2012
Nothing like waking with your 3yr old daughter crawling into bed & then proceeding to “have an accident” on you. #fatherhood #Kesleigh Feb 24, 2012
Birthday surprise! A visit from daddy at school during his conference period. Feb 23, 2012
Can’t believe it!! My baby girl is 3 today!! Happy Birthday Kesleigh!! You’re beautiful! Feb 23, 2012
Last Faith in Action board meeting before the 13th Annual Wild Game Dinner fundraiser. Saturday, Feb 25 – 6:30pm @ St Michaels Feb 22, 2012
New Blog: : Chores…..Because or So? Feb 21, 2012
“Give what love demands.” ~ Bryan McKenzie Feb 19, 2012
“God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving.” ~ Randy Alcorn Feb 19, 2012
“The question that Jesus drives us to ask ourselves is not ‘How much should I give?’ but ‘How much dare I keep?’l ~ John Piper Feb 19, 2012
Kesleigh will be 3 this week. We’re celebrating a bit today! Feb 18, 2012
Had the privilege of leading worship at GBC today – felt like putting on a new pair of old shoes – comfortable but new at the same time. Feb 12, 2012
Gearing up for the Faith in Action Wild Game Dinner. Seeking donations and auction items today. Any online friends want to donate something? Feb 11, 2012
Can’t believe Kasen is growing up so fast. We signed him up for 4yr old T-Ball today. Feb 11, 2012
Got to eat lunch with Miranda today. Good day. Feb 11, 2012
2 bday parties w/kids – 1 of Kesleigh’s friends’ & 1 of Kasen’s. Too much cake + bounce house = sugar crash & early bedtime. #daddycanhope Feb 04, 2012
“Pastors & fathers: if you will not fight back a wolf, do not call yourself a “shepherd.” You are a mutton provider.” ~ @drmoore @swaypastor Feb 04, 2012
Dale Googer on busyness: “I’m generally perfectly available for things I find enjoyable, but just busy enough to avoid things I don’t like.” Feb 04, 2012
“If you fill every minute of your life, eventually you’ll get empty…Protect the quiet spaces in your day.” ~ @jonacuff Feb 04, 2012
Happy to have my bride back home. My kids survived 2 days with just Daddy. Feb 03, 2012
Chickfila with my 2 favorite kids. Feb 03, 2012
Kasen at the Chase building observation deck. Feb 03, 2012
Kesleigh at the Chase building observation deck. Feb 03, 2012
The end of the Surfside jetty. Feb 03, 2012
Kasen: “Daddy, Aslan breathed life into him and God breathed life into us…Like this…haaa” – I chose not to comment on his bad breath. Feb 03, 2012
Kasen: “Daddy, I wanna watch that movie with Aslan!” – I pray he’ll just watch Aslan…for the rest of his life. Feb 03, 2012
zoo + metro train ride + lunch in tunnels + chase tower observation deck = 🙂 = quiet car ride home = late night w/bright-eyed kids tonight Feb 02, 2012
Substitute teacher = “daddy play day” w/my awesome kids = zoo + metro train ride + lunch in tunnels + chase tower observation deck = 🙂 Feb 02, 2012
Get to play hooky from school today! Watching my kids while Miranda attends a teacher conference. Planning on a little “daddy fun” time. Feb 02, 2012
Don’t know how effective I was, but I loved teaching/sharing about Jesus with the youth at GBC tonight. Feb 02, 2012
Christian Teachers gathering/devotional before school today. Nice beginning to the day. Feb 01, 2012
Studying tonight. I get to teach Scripture to a bunch of youth tomorrow night. Praying God will be lifted up and I won’t get in His way. Feb 01, 2012
Happy that my son enjoys watching XGames snowboarding and snowmobile jump competitions. Jan 31, 2012
Quote of the night: “If I’m gonna be bad, I want it to be good.”~ Me, explaining that I want “good” cookie dough to mess up my diet tonight. Jan 30, 2012
Found this chair on the side of the road, fixed it up in the woodshop, and gave it to Miranda for Christmas. Jan 29, 2012
Writing of Jesus in John 6, FF Bruce said “What they wanted, he would not give. What he offered, they would not receive.” They wanted bread. Jan 29, 2012
Hot date with my hot wife tonight! Jan 29, 2012
We just vacuumed for the babysitter. I’m sure that after about 30sec w/my kids, the “we-keep-a-clean-house” facade is shot. #honoringmybride Jan 28, 2012
Bike ride with kids while Miranda went to work out this morning. Jan 28, 2012
Wonder how much longer my son will like snuggling with daddy? #enjoyitwhileitlasts Jan 28, 2012
Listening to my kids argue over who got to the potty first. “I did.” “No! I did.” . . . I’m just glad they did it in the potty. Jan 27, 2012
Kesleigh: Can I have some more water? Me: Are you hugging me just so you can get more water? Kesleigh: Yes. – She got more water. Jan 27, 2012
Worship Postures!! Ha Ha!! Thanks Shana. Jan 27, 2012
Got to watch a guy movie tonight. Kids were asleep and Miranda went to a Bible Study. Jan 26, 2012
Kid quote that I hear almost every day from my daughter: “Daddy, can you make me some more sausage.” She’s daddy’s little girl!!! Jan 24, 2012
Playing at what the kids call “our park.” Jan 22, 2012
Band practice at GBC. Jan 22, 2012
Today has held a men’s ministry breakfast, a family bike ride/lunch, & a 4yr old’s birthday party. Nice to just be home tonight w/family. Jan 22, 2012
Men’s breakfast at GBC this morning. Probably gonna mess up the diet today. Jan 21, 2012
So glad my kids are learning to stay in their beds at night. Getting sleep is nice. Jan 20, 2012
“@M_Hedberg: You know, I’m sick of following my dreams, man. I’m just going to ask where they’re going and hook up with ’em later.” Jan 20, 2012
Heading to band practice tonight. Always enjoy spending time with those guys. Nice to be a part of the team. Jan 20, 2012
Earlier today Kasen was defending why he pushed his classmate saying “He thinks he’s the real Batman and he’s not….I’m the real Batman.” Jan 19, 2012
Kid quote from Kasen: “The more you eat, the more you taste the yummy.” Jan 18, 2012
Kid quote from Kasen: “Daddy, you have to go to college before you be a pirate.” Jan 17, 2012
Kesleigh is growing up so fast. Here she is on her “Big bike.” Jan 16, 2012
“Lord, I am willing to – Receive what you give, Lack what you withhold, Relinquish what you take.” ~ Anonymous (from book Respectable Sins) Jan 16, 2012
Friends are such a blessing. Nice to have someone who will hold the gas pedal so you can race. Kasen is very blessed. Jan 14, 2012
.com: Christmas Hangover Jan 14, 2012
Amazing!! @louiegiglio Jan 14, 2012
My kids are learning to play together. Makes me happy when they don’t need me to entertain them…wait…it makes me sad too. #conflicted Jan 14, 2012
RT @M_Hedberg: If the number 13 is unlucky, I think the letter B should be too, cause it looks like a scrunched together 13. Jan 14, 2012
RT @PastorTullian: One reason we give up in our efforts to obey is because we obsess more over our performance for Jesus than we do Jesu … Jan 13, 2012
Meeting w/Faith in Action board tonight. Gearing up for the Wild Game Dinner Feb 25! Excited about possibilities. Jan 11, 2012
“@louiegiglio: Tebow isn’t trending. Twitter is Tebowing. (via @DrewFranklinKSR)” // Haha Jan 10, 2012
#Bama = #nationalchamps ! Woo Hoo! Yeah Baby. Jan 10, 2012
“God does not help those who help themselves. He helps those who have reached the end of themselves.” ~ @mikepilav Jan 10, 2012
Glad to have a job in spite of the fact that I have to go to a Woodshop teachers meeting & miss the Alabama vs LSU game tonight. ROLL TIDE! Jan 09, 2012
Kasen: “Daddy, Jesus is on top of our car cause Jesus is everywhere.” Jan 09, 2012
RT @andrewjamestx: “It’s not the cross that saves but the man who came and wore it well.” Jan 07, 2012
“Whenever you have hope, you’re never really anyone’s prisoner.” ~ narrator on Tale of Despereaux Jan 07, 2012
RT @RevMSlaughter: Many of us talk about having Jesus, but Jesus must really have us. WE must convert 2 his outlook/perspective/priorities. Jan 07, 2012
Bike ride and picnic in the park with small group friends. Jan 07, 2012
Hi ho, hi ho. It’s off to work I go. Jan 03, 2012
“Fear, in my opinion, is just a misguided form of creativity.” ~ Janice Tanton : Nice observation. Creating a scary future prediction = Fear Jan 03, 2012
Isn’t ready to go back to work – think I still need a little more family time – so grateful to God that I can’t ever get enough of them. Jan 03, 2012
Enjoying the “Cricket Concert” in Livingston! #glrc #godboldlivingstonretreatcenter Dec 31, 2011
Jon and Laurie’s Trail – Love this place! Love these people! @Godbold Livingston Retreat Center Dec 31, 2011
This week I had flashbacks of grandma on the movie “Vacation” when Kasen said, “Daddy, Jesus is on top of our car ’cause He’s everywhere!” Dec 30, 2011
Saddened when I hear about feuding families during the Christmas holidays. Dec 30, 2011
Love traveling w/my family. Think it’s important too. “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”~Henry Miller Dec 30, 2011
My kids had a nap this afternoon. I enjoy the time it gives us…well, it’s good until the evening bedtime fighting begins. #comingsoon Dec 30, 2011
“I used to think courage was about not being afraid; but now I think it’s about being present even when we are.” ~ @bobgoff Dec 30, 2011
RT @perrynoble: Covering laziness in prayer is not a spiritual discipline! Dec 29, 2011
RT @PastorTullian: Jesus came to liberate us from the pressure of having to fix ourselves, find ourselves, and free ourselves. http://t. … Dec 29, 2011
Pulled Pork sandwich from the Brick Pit BBQ in Mobile. Mmm – good stuff. Dec 29, 2011
Thought prices were supposed to drop after Christmas. #iwaswrong Dec 29, 2011
Evening snack: Krispy Kreme washed down w/Peppermint Milkshake from Chickfila. Does it get any more sinful?? Dec 29, 2011
Amazed at how quickly Kesleigh learned how to ride her bike. Also how good Kasen is on his “big bike.” #prouddaddy Dec 28, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh riding the train in the mall. I never knew that going in circles was so fun. Dec 28, 2011
Playing in the Leaves at Gran’s house. Christmas 2011 Dec 28, 2011
“love always stoops, and faith always jumps.” ~ David A Zimmerman in a book review of “Jesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me” Dec 27, 2011
Just heard on the news that 1 in 4 gift cards that were received will go unused. If you’ve got one of them, I’d be happy to use it for you. Dec 26, 2011
Thought I’d try to lose some of my “holiday weight” while I’m in Mobile but I just discovered that Gran made Peanut Clusters. #ainthappening Dec 26, 2011
Kid quote: After waking in car & finding her brother still sleeping Kesleigh says, “Mommy, I sleep faster than Kasen.” #everythingsarace Dec 26, 2011
Driving soundtrack so far: Lego Star Wars movie, Mickey Mouse Choo Choo Express, Tangled #lifeofadad Dec 26, 2011
I’m always surprised by Mike and Patti’s extravagance on Christmas Day! I’m so blessed to be loved so greatly by my in-laws! Dec 26, 2011
Christmas Morning 2011 – Discovering what Santa brought. Dec 25, 2011
Christmas with the Mathews today!! Fun stuff!! Dec 25, 2011
My bride just had an awesome experience delivering a pie to some people who had to work today at Walgreens. Great idea from our church. Dec 25, 2011
My kids sang at our Christmas Eve service. Dec 25, 2011
Christmas Eve service, made cookies w/Kasen & Kesleigh, put on Christmas PJs, excited to tell them the Christmas story next! #lovechristmas Dec 25, 2011
Heading to Grace Bible for Christmas Eve service and rehearsal. Playing some carols and O Holy Night for an incredible soloist! @KimDHolt Dec 24, 2011
Suffering a post family gathering hangover as the energy @ mom’s settles. Kids asleep, cousins gone, sugar high subsiding. #lovechristmas Dec 24, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh love Aunt Phyliss’ cookies!! Dec 24, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh playing ball w/Great Grandma – 96yrs. Dec 23, 2011
Consistently Emmanuel Dec 23, 2011
One of the best things about Christmas is BlueBell Peppermint Ice Cream. Just saying. Dec 23, 2011
My kids fell asleep in the car on the way back to mom’s house. Love my kids, but enjoy these car trips with my bride too. Dec 23, 2011
My kids like Cabela’s. So do I. Dec 22, 2011
Driving to my sister’s to celebrate Christmas with “the Ball.” Always fun!! Dec 22, 2011
RT @Jeremy_Kingsley: Listen to words, believe behaviors. Dec 22, 2011
Good time last night w/Miranda, Kasen, Kesleigh, Mom, Bro, Kathy, Tyler, Tucker, Tanner, Sis, Brianna, Ethan, Jaycee, Tristan. Missed Schonn Dec 22, 2011
RT @ajsherrill: The diff between medieval yrs and now regarding discipleship: they possessed desire w/out literacy. We possess literacy … Dec 22, 2011
At grandmas park w/my kids. Dec 21, 2011
Stood out in the cold with Kasen & Kesleigh to watch the light show at this church. Pretty cool! Dec 21, 2011
Kasen got his tickets for the Polar Express train ride. Dec 20, 2011
Love the Christmas album title from “Our Hearts Hero.” It’s called “Love is Breathing.” Dec 19, 2011
Is gonna gain weight over the holidays. I just sampled one of everything in my mom’s stash of goodies. It’s not gonna be pretty. Dec 19, 2011
Santa’s Wonderland with the kids. Dec 19, 2011
Took kids to Santa’s Wonderland last night on the way to Mom’s house. Dec 19, 2011
Listening to Kasen & Kesleigh talking to grandma as they make waffles together. So blessed to be with family this week. Dec 19, 2011
Me: What’s wrong with your potatoes? Miranda: They’re too . . . potatoey. Dec 17, 2011
A surprise visit with Santa. Dec 17, 2011
A surprise visit with Santa. This is the closest she’d get. Dec 17, 2011
So glad “Chick-a-Lay” has reopened! Dec 16, 2011
Kesleigh headed into her school Christmas program. Dec 15, 2011
Here’s Kasen right after he sang in his school Christmas program. Dec 15, 2011
Miranda made one of my Christmas favorites: Chex Mix! – and I’m not allowed to eat it. #notachance Dec 14, 2011
Me: It was fun to run into Brady (Kasen’s friend) at Chuck E Cheese! Kesleigh: Daddy, did it hurt when Kasen ran into Brady? Dec 14, 2011
Movie with the family in this cold Sunday afternoon. Dec 11, 2011
“There are two ways of exerting one’s strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up.” ~ Booker T Washington Dec 11, 2011
“Open doors sometimes lead to elevator shafts.” Don’t determine God’s will by open doors. Determine it by His word. – Sunday School today Dec 11, 2011
Great company + great food + great music about our great God and His great rescue story = my great night Dec 11, 2011
Excited! Dec 11, 2011
Dodged a Christmas Tree @ 65mph on the highway. (it fell off the car in front of us.) Thank God for shoulders. Dec 10, 2011
Had a great evening and morning with my Bride and NO KIDS, but now it’s time to go pick them up. Thanks Gigi! Dec 10, 2011
Nice surprise today. My bride and boy showed up at my classroom after school with snacks. Daddy’s favorite – Cherry Sours!! Dec 07, 2011
Kesleigh made me kiss Pink (her stuffed elephant) goodbye this morning. Dec 07, 2011
.com: rePost: 50 Things to do at Christmas Dec 07, 2011
.com: Facebook as a Monument Dec 07, 2011
.com: Small Prayers Dec 06, 2011
Heading to small group tonight. Studying “Respectable Sins” by Jerry Bridges Dec 04, 2011
Was only gone for one week, but I missed my church friends. Nice to be back with them this morning. Dec 04, 2011
Something seems right about hanging Christmas lights and all of them working the first time you plug them in. #thisismyday Dec 04, 2011
Hate it when I go winding all up & down the aisles, wait in line, and finally get to the checkout only to realize I don’t have wallet. Dec 03, 2011
After a sip of daddy’s Coke Zero Kasen said, “That’s yuckier than the Coke I had before!” HaHa – Yes Kasen – You’re right! Dec 03, 2011
Something seems wrong with finding this in the yard while you hang Christmas lights. Dec 03, 2011
Something seems wrong with sweating while you hang Christmas lights. Dec 03, 2011
Got the tree and decorations up last night – today is the day for lights! Dec 03, 2011
Mixed emotions about this weekend – Excited about putting up Christmas lights, but also NOT excited about putting up Christmas lights. Dec 02, 2011
My kids have developed “ninja skills” when it comes to sneaking into our bed In the middle of the night. #wanttostopit Nov 29, 2011
Sitting next to the “hot tube” (theres a fire ban right now) and hanging out with family under a nice clear sky. Nov 27, 2011
“Reindeer are majestic magical creatures, but they are also cretins w/sticks on their heads. Without someone to (cont) Nov 26, 2011
Enjoyed a little reading time today. This is part of why I like camping so much. Nov 26, 2011
Another geocache today w/my kids and nephews. Nov 26, 2011
Listening to the rain hit the top of the camper. Watching my kids “hop like a bunny” w/Mrs Pattycake. It’s truly a “Pattycake praise day,” Nov 26, 2011
Found an island geocaching. Lake level was low enough that we could walk to the island. Fun times. Nov 25, 2011
Thankful my bro and his family got to the campsite safely. Nov 25, 2011
RT @jeffmedders: If you’re shopping at 4am on Friday, yet still can’t make it to church on time – behold, your idol. Nov 25, 2011
Thankful for Texas sunsets. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful that I know what it’s like to feel full. Praying for those who don’t – of course it’s not just prayer that they need. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for time off to be w/family. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for great food. Feel blessed to live in such abundance. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for kids who are old enough to be able to “go play” on their own a bit. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for the Mathews family – Gigi, Papa, bro-in-law, sis-in-law, nephew, nieces, Leroy & Sharon. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for Kesleigh’s new found ability to tell us when she needs to go potty. (No more poopy pull-ups) Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for safe travel. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for ChapelHill sausage kolaches. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for Corns & Underwoods – my mom, bro, sis, bro-in-law, sis-in-law nieces & nephews, Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for God’s grace. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for my children. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for friends w/big cars & campers. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for my bride. Nov 24, 2011
Thankful for Jesus. Nov 24, 2011
Riding bikes – Lake Somerville – Birch Creek State Park – Thanksgiving 2011 Nov 24, 2011
My bride and kids can walk on water – well . . . They can walk where water used to be. Lake Somerville – drought 2011 Nov 24, 2011
First day of our camping trip. – at Birch Creek State Park Nov 23, 2011
Hinze’s BBQ in Sealy on the way to the campsite. Nice pitstop. Nov 23, 2011
One more day of teaching and then we’re off on our camping trip!! Woohoo!! Nov 22, 2011
“Noah was not saved FROM the storm. He was saved THROUGH the storm.” Nov 20, 2011
Band practice & church this morning. Nov 20, 2011
Enjoyed the Festival of Lights event and parade last night with his family! Nov 20, 2011
My car passed a State Inspection w/bad door…..Guess as long as your blinkers work, climbing in & out the window is acceptable. Nov 19, 2011
RT @funnyoneliners: Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you’re donating blood. RT @VeryCleanTweets Nov 19, 2011
Isn’t sure what it means that he enjoyed a concert by himself?? Nov 19, 2011
Mike Stern concert tonight in Clute, TX! Sweet! Nov 19, 2011
Ready for the weekend and Festival of Lights tomorrow w/my bride & kids. Nov 18, 2011
Guitar clinic w/Mike Stern. AMAZING!! Nov 17, 2011
Heading to my first Woodshop teachers meeting. Nov 17, 2011
Walking hand in hand w/your kids loses that “loving family” feeling when one is walking bow legged w/pee running down her leg. #Kesleigh Nov 15, 2011
Love how Kesleigh says “her” when she means “she.” Ex: “Her doesn’t like the blue towel.” Referring to Miranda. Nov 10, 2011
Miranda made one of my favorites last night (Chicken-n-Dumplins) and I enjoyed the leftovers just as much tonight. Mmm. Nov 10, 2011
“His life is our death; His death is our life. No hope without Jesus. None.” ~ @PastorTullian Nov 08, 2011
Incredible trip with the Mathews for an incredible game and now I’m ready to see my kids. Nov 07, 2011
Lucky/Blessed to have a father-in-law who brings places like this. Nov 06, 2011
Lucky/Blessed to have a father-in-law who brings places like this. Nov 06, 2011
After eating homemade pecan pie, we’re at Bryant-Denny stadium w/family for the “Game of the Century.” Does it get any better? Nov 05, 2011
RT @edstetzer: When it comes to marriage, you can be right or you can be happy. #JustSayin’ Nov 05, 2011
Miranda at Game Day. Nov 05, 2011
Ready for the game. Nov 05, 2011
Pecan Crusted Snapper from the Ore in Birmingham – owned by Taylor Hicks. Nov 04, 2011
2nd try: Somewhere over Louisiana – same place Alabama will find themselves after the game tomorrow night. Nov 04, 2011
One where over Louisiana – same place Alabama will find themselves after the game tomorrow night. Nov 04, 2011
My boy’s birthday breakfast – bacon & chocolate chip pancakes – his favorites! Nov 04, 2011
Just so you know. According to my kids, this one is “OUR park.” Nov 03, 2011
Is flying to Alabama tomorrow and going to the Alabama vs LSU game on Saturday. I like my job, but am excited to miss a day tomorrow! Nov 03, 2011
.com: Kesleigh’s Words Nov 03, 2011
Playing with my kids. Nov 02, 2011
Tailgating at the Clute Intermediate vs LJI football game. Nov 01, 2011
My day always goes better when my kids stand at the door waving goodbye as I leave. Today will be good. Nov 01, 2011
Kasen and Kesleigh – Happy Halloween! Nov 01, 2011
Just finished reading the last story in the Jesus Storybook Bible to Kasen and Kesleigh. Now it’s time to start in Genesis again! Oct 31, 2011
Kesleigh on the Slide at Trunk or Treat. Oct 31, 2011
My kids just invented their own bike trailer with a skateboard. Proud to be raising creative children! Oct 29, 2011
Kasen’s Birthday Present Oct 29, 2011
Kasen’s 4th Birthday Party at the Bounce House. Oct 29, 2011
Kid quote of the night: Kasen – “Jesus & God know everything & they told me my dinosaur book is in Kesleigh’s car seat.” Oct 29, 2011
Off to our first Halloween Party tonight. Oct 27, 2011
Love having cloud access to my entire music library on Google Music Betafor free. Oct 27, 2011
Fuddruckers driver – Kesleigh Oct 26, 2011
Open House in the Woodshop. Nice to meet parents. Oct 26, 2011
Brazoria County Fair Oct 26, 2011
Brazoria County Fair Oct 26, 2011
Mosquitos too bad outside so I’m watchin my kids play in the mall’s indoor playground. Oct 25, 2011
Figured out how to update a file on the screen in my classroom with my iPhone. AWESOME! Don’t have to sit behind the desk. Oct 25, 2011
While it’s important to dream big for God, it’s equally important to dream small for God. ~ Margaret Feinberg on humility StThereseofLisieux Oct 25, 2011
Looking forward to the smiles waiting for me just inside the door to my house. Oct 24, 2011
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life.” ~ Jesus (John 5:24) Oct 23, 2011
“Humans are amphibians-half spirit/half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world. As animals they inhabit time.” ~ @CSLewisDaily Oct 22, 2011
Nephew’s soccer game with the Mathews family. Gonna be a good day. Oct 22, 2011
Am I the only one who thinks the new Facebook mobile app is too slow? I still have a iPhone 3GS. Is that my problem? Oct 21, 2011
Free night at the fair! Oct 20, 2011
“Do you believe this world’s just exactly how we built it – spinning out of control?” ~ Mutemath Oct 20, 2011
Curious – I’ve had over 110,000 page views on my blog over the past 4 days. No new content but a whole lot more traffic. Hmm. . . Oct 20, 2011
Best question ever from Kasen tonight while we read our Bible story. “Is Jesus in my heart daddy?” Great opportunity to talk about it. Oct 19, 2011
at the park with Kasen. He loves the swings. Oct 18, 2011
Had a great snugly morning w/Kesleigh. Praying her fever breaks so she can feel better. Daddy hates watchin his baby girl go through this. Oct 18, 2011
“Rejection isn’t failure. Failure is giving up.” ~ Richard Castle, character on TV show, Castle Oct 17, 2011
RT @jeffmedders: “Women are like wine — they get finer with age. Men are like milk.” – @pastormark :: Hilarious. Oct 15, 2011
My first Woodshop display case with a few crooked signs: Oct 14, 2011
My first Woodshop display case: Oct 14, 2011
“In the confrontation between stream & rock, the stream always wins… not thru strength but perseverance.” ~ H Jackson Brown Oct 13, 2011
“I’ll run forward and you fall back. Grace will come and clear your path.” ~ Audrey Assad Oct 13, 2011
“I will hold it [decision] up to the light.” ~ @davidwilcox Oct 12, 2011
.com: Place of Grace – Meridian – for my children Oct 12, 2011
“Whoever gets your message in a bottle has more to do with the ocean than with you. Thats alright. The ocean can be trusted.” ~ David Wilcox Oct 11, 2011
Passed the Technology Education exam! Well on my way to being certified to teach the class I’m teaching now!! Oct 10, 2011
“Life planted deeply becomes what it ought to be.” ~ @audreyassad Oct 10, 2011
My bride is good to me. Oct 09, 2011
Pray for my little boy. He’s been sick all day and slept all afternoon. Pray he’s not up all night too! Oct 09, 2011
Kesleigh: I want a sausage biscuit without the bun. Miranda: So you just want the sausage? Kesleigh; No! A sausage biscuit without the bun. Oct 09, 2011
Made some microwave Carmel popcorn with the kids tonight. Fun Times!! Oct 09, 2011
Thinking about his old friends from Crowley FUMC today as they celebrate “Lord’s Acre.” Wish we lived close enough for a weekend visit. Oct 08, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh’s Concert: Oct 08, 2011
Finally hung my first woodshop project. Oct 08, 2011
Kid quote of the night: Kasen whining repeatedly, “I want a haircut.” which is actually translated, “I want a sucker.” Oct 08, 2011
Pain is a forest we all get lost in. Between the branches hope can be so hard to see..but you [God] say I’m blessed because of this.~A Assad Oct 07, 2011
Kid quote of the night: “What are those potties Daddy?” (Daddy took Kesleigh into boys restroom.) Oct 07, 2011
Thursday night football. Go Bucs! Oct 06, 2011
Impressed! I blogged about a book and got a comment from the author! Lois Tverberg Oct 05, 2011
got a flu shot. Praying it does its job. Oct 05, 2011
When educated person says, “I dont need doctrine. I just need teachings.” they mean, “I dont need a Savior. I just need an example.~T.Keller Oct 05, 2011
watchin “Mike and Molly” with my baby. Oct 04, 2011
America believes in education: the average professor earns more money in a year than a professional athlete earns in a whole week.~Evan Esar Oct 03, 2011
Kasen at the Racetrack Oct 02, 2011
Wow! They even let us down on the track! Oct 02, 2011
Kasen loves the races even though it’s loud. I have earplugs but he doesn’t want them. Oct 02, 2011
is off to the races! Literally!! Kasen and I are going to Houston Park! $5 ticket for me and kids free tonight. Oct 01, 2011
Watchin our neighbors soccer game. Go Collin and Peyton!! Next year will be Kasen’s turn. Oct 01, 2011
A football quote: The reason women don’t play football is because eleven of them would never wear the same outfit in public. ~Phyllis Diller Oct 01, 2011
Today’s agenda: Big breakfast, birthday party with kids, nothing, nothing, NASCAR race tonight w/Kasen while Miranda watches Bama game. Oct 01, 2011
Made a “band saw box” this week. Experimenting to see if I’m gonna make it a student project. I have a pretty fun job. Oct 01, 2011
.com: Quote: Success includes Play Oct 01, 2011
See You at the Pole @ Clute Intermediate today. Sep 28, 2011
“You can have 1,000 ideas, but unless you capture an emotion, it’s an essay.” Bono, U2. Sep 28, 2011
Went to watch my students 7th grade football game tonight. My kids love going to games. Go COUGARS! Sep 28, 2011
“The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer.” ~ FB Meyer Sep 27, 2011
The back window of my car sent me down memory lane. Sep 26, 2011
“A place is only as good as the people you know in it.” ~ from movie “I am Number Four” Sep 25, 2011
“Love is always bestowed as a gift – freely, willingly & without expectation. We don’t love to be loved; we love to love.” ~ Leo Buscaglia Sep 24, 2011
“Beloved, all that is harsh and difficult I want for myself, and all that is gentle and sweet for thee” ~ St John of the Cross Sep 24, 2011
Made a little breakfast this morning. Sep 24, 2011
Tonight feels right! It’s Friday night and I’m with my family at a High School football game. Go Bucs! Sep 24, 2011
had his first woodshop accident today. My pants ripped!! I became very grateful for work aprons. Sep 21, 2011
Getting a late start today. I was leaving house when Kesleigh woke up needing snuggles. I was happy to help but then got leaky diaper on me. Sep 21, 2011
Grateful for “common graces” tonight. God has blessed me with breath, food, health, showers, clothes, a toothbrush, shoes, and so much more. Sep 21, 2011
Kid quote of the night – Kasen: I don’t wanna take a bath! I wanna stink! Sep 20, 2011
Kasen has become a “Spy Kids” fan. Coming home I normally get a “hey daddy!” but instead I got a blank stare today. #disappointeddad Sep 19, 2011
“Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God” – Anon Sep 19, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh under a rainbow tonight. Sep 19, 2011
First small group of the school year – beginning study on “Respectable Sins” by Jerry Bridges Sep 18, 2011
“Has it ever occurred to you that nothing occurs to God?” ~ Adrian Rogers Sep 18, 2011
Watchin Alabama walk all over North Texas while Kasen watch’s Pete’s Dragon in the other room. I may join him for a little more excitement. Sep 18, 2011
The Christian doesn’t think God will love us because we’re good, but that God will make us good because He loves us. – CS Lewis Sep 18, 2011
eating my last Chickfila for a while. Yes I should be dieting, but the real reason is that it’s closing ’til December for remodeling. Sep 17, 2011
Made a little breakfast this morning. Sep 17, 2011
.com: Wave Links – Draft Written in Aug 2010 Sep 17, 2011
Kid quote of the night: “I’m not a bad wolf. I’m Kesleigh.” Sep 17, 2011
Slide Races at the park tonight. Sep 17, 2011
will be working on student projects in the shop again today after they pass their belt sander practice test. Sep 16, 2011
.com: Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus – Draft written June 2009 – Never Finished Sep 16, 2011
Prayin for God’s blessings on my family today. Sep 15, 2011
.com: Miranda – Draft Written in Nov 2009 Sep 15, 2011
has been playing Hide-N-Seek with his kids. It’s their new favorite game. Sep 14, 2011
.com: Writer’s Block Sep 14, 2011
has the best bride ever! She had steaks out and ready to be grilled when I got home! Now I’m ready for this meeting! Sep 13, 2011
Long day at work and still have another meeting tonight – so glad I enjoy the people I’ll be meeting. Sep 13, 2011
“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” ~ Henry David Thoreau Sep 13, 2011
Riding bikes with the kids again – we almost always end up here. @ Junior Service League Park Sep 12, 2011
Feels very blessed to have so many birthday wishes yesterday! Thanks everyone. I love you all. Sep 12, 2011
amazed and overwhelmed to hear the 9-11 stories and recognize how God has used such a horrible event to shape and mold us. Sep 12, 2011
great birthday call from mom – said headline today read, “The Day that Changed the World” & wanted to confirm that it was for her as well. Sep 12, 2011
The best birthday gifts: Sep 11, 2011
“Every response to temptation is an act of worship.” ~ Bryan McKenzie Sep 11, 2011
Band practice. Love worshipping with these guys. Love worshipping with anyone but these guys ar @ Grace Bible Church Sep 11, 2011
It’s late, but I gotta give my kids a bath. They both had long naps so we’re in for a long night. Sep 11, 2011
Watching Alabama football with my Baby! Sep 10, 2011
Proud daddy. Took family for a bike ride. Kasen rode from our house past baseball fields & library to the bank & grocery store & back home. Sep 10, 2011
Snuggling this morning, Kesleigh said she doesn’t like daddy’s goatee cause “It’s a fruckadial one. It huts.” (crocodile & hurts) Sep 10, 2011
always enjoys band practice. Great people. Sep 09, 2011
has a bunch of wild kids in his backyard. Sep 08, 2011
Loves his bride more every day. Happy Birthday Baby! Sep 08, 2011
enjoyed beef fajitas tonight for Miranda’s birthday! She had a rough day so homemade birthday cards, cake, and Mexican food were required. Sep 08, 2011
First Day of School – They’re growing up too quickly. Sep 07, 2011
RT @lensweet: “I would rather join the exodus and lay my bones to bleach on the desert sand than make bricks for Pharaoh… … Sep 06, 2011
My little star. Kesleigh has stars on her arms and one on her head. She thinks she’s so cute – and she is! Sep 05, 2011
Kasen got some new Spiderman shoes so we’re seeing how fast he is now. 28.2sec to run around the track. Sep 05, 2011
Kasen (3yrs) is growin up – learning to use scissors to cut his first initial: Sep 04, 2011
power went out in the middle of the game … hmm … guess it’s time to get the kids home. – Where we have electricity. Sep 04, 2011
Watchin’ the Tigers & Ducks. #LSU Sep 04, 2011
Saturday afternoon football and grilling with family – always good times! Sep 03, 2011
Helped his students use a blade that makes over 750 cuts/second. (hand router) No one got hurt!! My shop teacher career is starting well. Sep 02, 2011
Great thought from @andrewjames: “Good songs are a needle in a haystack. But first I need the haystack.” Gotta work at it (not just songs) Sep 02, 2011
experienced the joy of cleaning poop out of the bathtub tonight. Love my baby girl, but . . . nevermind, “I love that girl no matter what!” Sep 02, 2011
Preparing for my first sub today. Got a new teacher thing at admin this morning. Sep 01, 2011
Rode bikes to the park and upon arrival Kesleigh says, “Oh no Daddy! Mommy didn’t fix my hair!” #cutie Aug 30, 2011
Rode bikes to the park and upon arrival Kesleigh says, “Oh no Daddy! Mommy didn’t @ Junior Service League Park #photo Aug 30, 2011
Spent over 2hrs last on a Prezi Band Saw presentation. Hope it was worth my time. We’ll see when classes start. Aug 30, 2011
Preparing for classes tomorrow. @ Clute Intermediate School Aug 28, 2011
‘s bride is excited about some “crock pot girls” thing on FB. Two running today – 1 for dinner & 1 for peanut clusters. Good stuff so far!! Aug 27, 2011
Miranda made chocolate peanut clusters today. Trying to convince myself to be patient while they harden. Aug 27, 2011
Kesleigh and Mommy went to get doughnuts this morning. Mmm. Aug 27, 2011
Kasen woke me up this morning and watched Jake and the Neverland Pirates with me. I’m so glad he likes doing the same things as me. Aug 27, 2011
Drill team goes down onto splits and Kesleigh says, “They fall down Mommy.” Haha! Aug 27, 2011
Friday night + High School Football + great friends + family = Great Night Aug 27, 2011
RT @UnvirtuousAbbey: When asked why there was only one set of foot prints Jesus replied, “The Sand people ride single file to hide their … Aug 26, 2011
Heading to band practice @ Grace Bible. Aug 26, 2011
Grateful for “Finding Nemo.” Aug 25, 2011
guess it can’t be that bad if I’m able to post updates like this. Aug 25, 2011
is watching 5 kids so Miranda can go out with the girls again. Not sure why they’d trust me with all of them, but … we’ll see how it goes. Aug 25, 2011
Teaching “Basic Shop Safety” today to about 120 7th & 8th graders. Aug 24, 2011
A simple yet profound thought. Check it out!!! Aug 24, 2011
First day as a wood shop teacher went pretty well. Think I’ll be able to settle in pretty quickly. Aug 22, 2011
.com: Teaching Wood Shop Aug 22, 2011
.com: Hijacker Aug 21, 2011
“Two things we can’t do in heaven: (1) Sin and (2) Share the gospel with unbelievers.” ~ Bryan McKenzie Aug 21, 2011
Kasen: What does your heart say? Me: Listen & see. Kasen (with ear on my chest) “It says I love Jesus.” Wow!! I pray he always hears that. Aug 21, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh are excited about riding the train with daddy. Aug 20, 2011
Ate too much of this. Aug 20, 2011
Anyone have Astros, Texans, or Dynamo tickets they want to get rid of tonight? Thinkin’ it’d be fun to take the kids to a game. Aug 20, 2011
The beginnings of my first wood shop projects since 8th grade. Aug 19, 2011
Bike ride. When we got to intersection a mile from house, Kasen (3yrs) pointed direction to his school, CVS, & home. Led me home. Growin up. Aug 19, 2011
Band practice at Grace Bible tonight. Fun to be involved with a band again. Aug 19, 2011
Ready to see his family after a busy day of teacher prep. Still so much to do. Aug 18, 2011
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams Aug 18, 2011
Kesleigh was trying on daddy’s shoes & socks this morning. Aug 17, 2011
Working on my carpentry skills – wanna be like the Master! Aug 17, 2011
Not sure what I did but I scored steaks two nights in a row! My bride is good to me! Aug 15, 2011
is excited about teaching shop! Met with another teacher who was able to get me pointed in right direction. Aug 15, 2011
is glad to have a meeting with a shop teacher from another school later today – hoping he can give me a clue!! Aug 15, 2011
“I do not fear Satan half so much as I fear those who fear him.” ~ St Teresa of Avila Aug 15, 2011
Meeting the other teachers from my new school today. Aug 15, 2011
loves having new church friends who invite him over for steak dinners – especially when they have an upstairs playroom for the kids! Aug 15, 2011
Felt pretty inadequate playing in a band with such incredible musicians to a perfect and holy God. Glad the Spirit steps in on our behalf! Aug 14, 2011
early band practice for church. Aug 14, 2011
had fun giving away backpacks full of school supplies tonight with the people of Grace Bible. Aug 14, 2011
“If anyone asks I have regrets in my career as a basketball player, I have one, I wish I was a better father.” Dennis Rodman @jonacuff Aug 14, 2011
RT @jonacuff: “If anyone asks I have regrets in my career as a basketball player, I have one, I wish I was a better father” Dennis Rodman Aug 14, 2011
RT @Jeremy_Kingsley: “Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them.” Winston Churchill Aug 14, 2011
Kasen has rediscovered his cars. Aug 13, 2011
got his 1st call from Kesleigh, his 2yr old girl. She was asking if I was coming home. How could I refuse such cuteness??? Love that girl!!! Aug 12, 2011
started my new job today. So grateful to everyone who was working on my behalf to find me a position and the God who orchestrated it all!! Aug 11, 2011
just signed the papers and will be the Clute Intermediate shop teacher this year! Aug 10, 2011
is meeting with the Faith in Action board tonight. Planning/imagining for the next year! Fun stuff!! Aug 09, 2011
might have a job if my Alternative Certification program will give me a Statement of Eligibility. Please pray that God will make a way. Aug 09, 2011
Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility. ~ St Augustine Aug 09, 2011
Jason’s Deli makes a nice lunch break when traveling. Mmm. Aug 08, 2011
is driving home. Pray for 6hr trip with family and dog. Thank God for incredible family time/visit! Aug 08, 2011
Our trip to see my family is wrapping up. Great to see ’em all. Wish we lived closer so we could see them more often. Aug 08, 2011
taking the kids to the circus this afternoon. All their cousins are going too. Should be fun!! Aug 07, 2011
“I am so flawed that Jesus had to die for me, yet I am so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me.” ~ Tim Keller Aug 07, 2011
is worn out from all the family time in Roger’s pool. The only thing I have enough energy for now is Roger’s brisket!! Mmm – ready for that. Aug 06, 2011
“Reason can get you to probability, but only commitment can get you to certainty.” ~ Tim Keller Aug 06, 2011
is attempting to get the kids to take a nap. I think it’s gonna take a miracle. Aug 06, 2011
“God’s ability to clean things up is infinitely greater than our ability to mess things up.” ~ Tullian Tchividjian Aug 06, 2011
‘s brother Roger has a nice pool that we get to enjoy this weekend. Grateful. Aug 06, 2011
is at the Bounce House with all the cousins: Aug 05, 2011
Kesleighs painting: Aug 05, 2011
‘s bride let him sleep in today. She’s so good to me. Aug 05, 2011
is excited to get to see his family, but not so sure about this: Aug 04, 2011
Mmm – Five Guys for lunch. Aug 04, 2011
‘s 2yr old daughter Kesleigh loves picking out her clothes. Now she’s doing it for her brother too. Too bad his tastes are different. Aug 03, 2011
cleaned out the garage again. I wonder how long it’ll last? Aug 03, 2011
at the park again – roasting in the sun and playing with my amazing kids. Aug 03, 2011
made dinner last night & breakfast this morning. Watched kids yesterday morn & again today so Miranda can see Doctor. Just call me “Mr Mom.” Aug 03, 2011
Tonight’s dinner: Aug 02, 2011
.com: Blazin’ a Trail Aug 02, 2011
Kesleigh just pointed at a taco truck & called it the “Ice Cream Cone Bus.” #haha Aug 02, 2011
is grateful for new friends. Sometimes hearing other people say what you’ve been feeling, is just what you need to feel a little less alone. Aug 02, 2011
gets to have dinner with some new church friends tonight. Hope they like us. Aug 01, 2011
just finished the last of the chocolate he got from students at the end of the year. Prayin for a teaching job so I can collect some more. Aug 01, 2011
.com: Gulf Shores Pics Aug 01, 2011
got some new Gulf Shores pics up: Aug 01, 2011
Some parents might be upset w/me (like my bride) but it makes me proud to see my 3yr old climb up the 8ft wall. Jul 31, 2011
watching Kesleigh go down the big slide by herself. She’s growin up too fast. @ Junior Service League Park Jul 31, 2011
heading to band practice. Jul 31, 2011
Back from vacation. My bed was stressed & lonely while I was away, so I get to be the hero when I surprise her tonight w/my presence. Haha! Jul 31, 2011
Another blessing from this vacation is evidenced by the reflection on my windshield. Jul 30, 2011
Beginning the 9hr trek from Gulf Shores to Lake Jackson with his family in tow. Lord, keep us safe & give us patience. Jul 30, 2011
Last day of vacation. Beach, pool, steak dinner, family pics, ice cream – great day! Pray for safe travel tomorrow – 9hr drive. Jul 30, 2011
is spending his last day at the beach. Glad the sun is out again. Jul 29, 2011
‘s daughter Kesleigh is snuggling on the couch with him and watching Mickey Mouse. Jul 29, 2011
enjoyed a nice walk on the beach with his family. Had cookies, brushed teeth, and now the kids are in bed. Jul 29, 2011
Mike’s famous grilled chicken! Mmm. Jul 28, 2011
is waiting on the charcoal with a beautiful and silly girl: Jul 28, 2011
Rain rain go away – from Gulf Shores to Lake Jackson. Jul 28, 2011
With some of my favorite people! @ Tacky Jacks Jul 27, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh running on the beach – Gulf Shores: Jul 27, 2011
made it out to the beach & the pool during a break from the rain – still clear out too. Just chillin’ before dinner now. Rough life. Jul 27, 2011
Rain is gonna keep us inside the beach house today. Lord, give us all patience with one another. Jul 27, 2011
Gulf Shores Day 2 Jul 27, 2011
“You did a good thing today Pooh. Instead of looking out for your tummy, you looked out for your friend.” ~ Christopher Robin Jul 26, 2011
is about to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie with the kids. Yes, this is Fatherhood. Jul 26, 2011
Watching the kids a bit this morning so Miranda can do a little shopping. Jul 26, 2011
Chargrilled Mahi Mahi – Mmm. Got a Key Lime Pie for later tonight too. @ Original Oyster House Jul 25, 2011
Day 1 in Gulf Shores: Jul 25, 2011
will spend the next few days suffering with his family in this place: Jul 25, 2011
made it to Gulf Shores and was greeted by Kesleigh yelling “Daddy!” & running with her arms wide open. #meltmyheart Jul 25, 2011
was excited to get lunch at a childhood favorite fast food place after about 30yrs. I think another 30yrs would be OK with me. Jul 24, 2011
worked hard for Faith in Action Camp so now I’m making my way to Gulf Shores, AL to meet family at a beach house. #toughcommitmenttofamily Jul 24, 2011
Faith in Action is on the front page of The Facts today: Jul 24, 2011
.com: First Follower – Leadership Jul 23, 2011
“The future isn’t a place we’re gonna go. It’s a place you get to create.”~ Nancy Duarte Jul 22, 2011
Faith in Action worship: Jul 22, 2011
.com: Waterslide Jul 21, 2011
is in Angleton preparing for over 100 Faith in Action campers (18 teams) – quite possibly the largest Faith in Action camp ever!! Jul 21, 2011
Miranda out of town = Peanut Butter for dinner. I realize how much she takes care of me when she’s gone. #bestwifeever Jul 21, 2011
hears a strange sound outside his window. Vaguely familiar. As if I had heard it somewhere in the distant past. Thank you Lord for rain! Jul 20, 2011
.com: Zero Negative Footprint Jul 20, 2011
will be making preparations for our July Faith in Action camp all day!! Jul 20, 2011
is already missing his baby. (Miranda) Jul 20, 2011
just drove away from his family for 5 days. Lord, keep them safe, draw them closer to you, and bring us together again Sunday evening. AMEN. Jul 20, 2011
is dropping his bride & kids off – won’t see them again til late Sunday. #sad Jul 19, 2011
has a lot of prep work for the July Faith in Action Camp. It’ll be awesome! Over 100 people registered & 26 days of work to do in 2 days. Jul 19, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh loved the waterslide at their friend’s birthday party: Jul 18, 2011
the best part of a Mexican food lunch: Jul 17, 2011
Band practice @ Grace Bible Church Jul 17, 2011
RT @lensweet: forks were unknown until the 10th century . . . knives and spoons appear in 5th century. Jesus ate with his fingers Jul 17, 2011
Busy day: Faith in Action site visits, Garage Sale, trip to the dump, next up is a birthday party, & I hear my bed calling in the distance. Jul 16, 2011
God’s love is “an infinite ocean of love, without shores and without bottom.” Inexhaustible. ~ Jonathan Edwards from @pastortullian Jul 15, 2011
is wading through old stuff for our garage sale tomorrow. If you’ve ever envied any of our stuff, let me know before tomorrow. Jul 15, 2011
Loves when Kesleigh snuggles in his lap in the mornings. @ Corn’s Home Jul 15, 2011
is watchin Jake and the Neverland Pirates w/his kids. Yo Ho! AHOY!! Let’s count our gold doubloons. Jul 15, 2011
swimming. Kasen’s been getting more comfortable in water, but today he was scared. Guess this was step forward, but didn’t feel like it. Jul 14, 2011
saw an old Dodge Dart on the road and was instantly transported back to 2nd grade in Enid, Oklahoma when my parents drove one. Jul 13, 2011
Having dinner with the two most beautiful Women on the world – Miranda and Kesleigh!! @ Asiel’s Jul 13, 2011
is still praying for a teaching job. Jul 13, 2011
is surrounded by estrogen and kids playing on bounce houses! @ All Star Pizza #photo Jul 13, 2011
RT @JohnCMaxwell: Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past. -Tyron Edwards Jul 13, 2011
is on his way to a Faith in Action Board meeting. Love these people so even a meeting is fun! Jul 12, 2011
still has a lot more Faith in Action stuff to get done, but has to stop for dinner and a little family time. Jul 12, 2011
is waiting for the Dr to take a look at his sweet sick little baby girl – Kesleigh. Jul 12, 2011
has a lot of Faith in Action stuff to do, but is at home w/a sick little girl. Gonna see Dr at 1pm. Hope to get something done after that. Jul 12, 2011
thinks he just figured out how to link Google+ and twitter. This is a test post. Jul 12, 2011
had a nice day. Enjoyed a nice dinner w/just his girls (Miranda & Kesleigh) while Kasen went to VBS tonight. Jul 12, 2011
is on the couch with Miranda watchin’ Big Brother. Kids already in bed. Nice. Jul 11, 2011
is happy to send google+ invites to his friends – send me your email. Jul 10, 2011
Kasen’s first bowling experience: Jul 10, 2011
is bowling with Miranda Kasen and Kesleigh. First time for the kids. Jul 10, 2011
band practice before church @gracebiblechurch Jul 10, 2011
isn’t sleeping. 2hrs of insomnia so far. (since 1:30am) Wonder how much longer I’ll be awake? Mind racing about family & need for a job. Jul 10, 2011
always enjoys being with the Mathews/Krolczyk clan. Jul 10, 2011
has a few things to learn when it comes to cooking a brisket. Tasted great but not as tender as I had hoped. Jul 10, 2011
will experience another “first” today – cooking a brisket & some ribs with my father in law, Mike Mathews. Jul 09, 2011
they have a pink one daddy: Jul 08, 2011
is heading to Pearland to watch the kids while Miranda goes to a women’s conference with her mom this weekend. Jul 08, 2011
thinks the treadmill just died. Stepped on and it stopped moving. Guess I’m too fat to use a treadmill. Jul 08, 2011
is doing a couple of Faith in Action site visits this morning. Jul 08, 2011
fell prey to the “Classic Kasen Kesleigh Cuteface Con” and rented another 50cent dinosaur kids movie. Jul 07, 2011
thinks the youth on the Faith in Action program team are great – fun, responsible, motivated, trustworthy, conscientious, creative, Godly. Jul 07, 2011
.com: Look Jul 07, 2011
just deleted over 3000 emails going back to 2007. Cleaning out the inbox is not one of my strengths. Jul 07, 2011
‘s daughter Kesleigh sure likes her CherryBerry: Jul 07, 2011
What does it mean when you watch the food network while you’re on the treadmill? Jul 06, 2011
is watching “Donald of the Desert” (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) w/the kids. Oh No! The sandbox is empty. Will you help them? You will? Ah great! Jul 06, 2011
got lots of Faith in Action stuff done yesterday & is excited about how it’s coming together. Jul 06, 2011
Celebrating the Independence Day that allows me to practice my dependence upon God freely and openly. Jul 04, 2011
is driving to Aunt Sharon & Uncle Leroys for a July 4th swim session. Jul 04, 2011
Would like a google+ invite and wonders if any of his friends are on yet? Jul 04, 2011
.com: Father’s Day Surprise Jul 04, 2011
thinks he wore Kesleigh out with this bike ride: Jul 03, 2011
out to lunch with friends just seems like what you’re supposed to do after church. That’s a tradition I’d like to keep. Jul 03, 2011
Band practice before church this morning. @ Grace Bible Church Jul 03, 2011
just got back from Walmart & Target w/family on a Saturday night. That’s how I roll! – & wouldn’t have it any other way! Jul 03, 2011
By the time we got the pool filled, the kids were finished swimming. #justmyluck Jul 02, 2011
rode bikes to the park w/family, niece, & nephew. I forgot how difficult bikes are w/tr @ Junior Service League Park Jul 02, 2011
is watchin’ Mickey Mouse Clubhouse w/Kesleigh. She doesn’t understand the concept of sleeping in on Saturdays. Wish I could change that. Jul 02, 2011
‘s kids are both asleep but our extras (cousins Reid & Kallie) are still wide awake. Wonder when they’ll get tired?? Jul 02, 2011
getting a haircut and then going to the bounce house with Miranda, Kasen, Kesleigh, Aunt Tif, Reid, Kallie, and McKenleigh. Jul 01, 2011
is watchin’ the kids tonight so Miranda can have another girls night. Watchin’ Shrek together. Jun 30, 2011
is glad to be back with his kids! It’s only been a few days but it’s still been too long. Jun 28, 2011
Miranda + friends + no kids + roller coasters + waterslides + BBQ + beautiful day = well, I don’t know but does it get any better than this? Jun 28, 2011
is having a great day with Miranda & some great friends. Jun 27, 2011
slept in his friends camper only 1 mile from Sea World. Guess what we’re doing today? Jun 27, 2011
Jazz at Jim Cullum’s Landing ? on #SoundCloud Jun 27, 2011
Mexican food on the Riverwalk with Miranda! Jun 26, 2011
Going to enjoy the evening with his bride and some old friends! @ San Antonio Riverwalk Jun 26, 2011
got some driver’s juice from Bucees! Also see my blog post: Jun 26, 2011
needs to get home to begin packing for a quick San Antonio trip with my bride. Excited to have a little time with her! Jun 26, 2011
had a great Faith in Action camp! Love those guys and love the ministry! Jun 26, 2011
Don’t let the walls you’ve built up in your life keep you from being who God has called you to be. ~ Josh Johnson Jun 26, 2011
is making people happy: Delivering Ice Pops to Faith in Action workers. Jun 25, 2011
is beginning day 2 of Faith in Action Camp – work day! Pray for safety, diligence, Godly interactions/witness, and success on home repairs. Jun 25, 2011
Faith in Action’s first night went well. Tomorrow is gonna be awesome! Great students. Great adults. God’s work for God’s glory! Jun 25, 2011
is beginning Faith in Action weekend w/30 participants & 5 clients to help. Pray we finish w/30 participants, no clients & God glorified! Jun 24, 2011 Jun 24, 2011
survived the movie line/crowd gauntlet and is sitting on the first row with the foot rails to see Cars 2 on opening day!! It’s a good day!! Jun 24, 2011
Today is a big day for Kasen & Kesleigh. Can you say “EXCITED!” Jun 24, 2011
will be watching Aubrey (one of our babysitters) school her sister Katie (our adopted College student) in a softball game in a few minutes. Jun 23, 2011
is watching the kids in their little pool. Jun 23, 2011
is preparing for Faith in Action. Jun 23, 2011
always enjoys Tommy Nelson’s Song of Solomon series. Our church is working through it this summer. Good stuff!! Jun 23, 2011
More puddle play: Jun 22, 2011
‘s kids playin in puddles. Jun 22, 2011
was just told by Kasen that he wants to wear “cumpterbuller” flip-flops. Makes daddy proud to be raising a flip-flop connoisseur. Jun 22, 2011
has a couple extra kids in the house this morning (neighbors). Nice to have easy entertainment for our own kids. Jun 22, 2011
Mmm – celebrating Mike and Pattis 36th Anniversary with a Ruth Chris Ribeye!! Jun 22, 2011
I’m at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse in Houston, TX Jun 22, 2011
.com: Pelicans and Leadership Jun 21, 2011
rode bikes to the “new park” with the kids. It’s not actually “new” – just not the regular “old” @ Yaupon Park #photo Jun 20, 2011
has enjoyed a day at home with the family. Didn’t need to “check-in.” I never left. @ Corn’s Home Jun 20, 2011
added new albums to our shuttterfly photo page: Jun 20, 2011
is missing his dad today but grateful for his legacy & influence that I experience every day. Jun 19, 2011
RT @RickWarren: Becoming a father is easy; being a father is hard. But the most demanding job is the most rewarding. Happy Father’s Day! Jun 19, 2011
got a great Fathers Day gift! Miranda helped kids make recordable book. “If daddy won a trophy, what would it be for? Loving me & Kesleigh.” Jun 19, 2011
rode bikes up here again with Kasen, Kesleigh, Grandma, and Jaycee tonight. @ Junior Service League Park #photo Jun 18, 2011
I’m at Pirates Alley Cafe in Surfside Beach, TX Jun 18, 2011 Jun 18, 2011
is excited about the Pirates Alley burger that we just ordered. Hungry! Jun 18, 2011
is taking everyone to the beach today. Miranda, Kasen, Kesleigh, Grandma, Brenda, Jaycee, & Tristan. Think Katie is meeting us too. Jun 18, 2011
spent the day visiting potential Faith in Action work sites. It’s gonna be a great camp!! June 24-26th @ FUMC Lake Jackson. Jun 17, 2011
4 little ones = a busy morning. Jun 17, 2011
is picking up Kasen from pre-school (even though mama is already there) cause he wants to “get picked up like all his friends.” Jun 16, 2011
RT @JohnCMaxwell: Consensus is a poor substitute for leadership. -Charlotte Beers Jun 16, 2011
is getting house ready for visit from my mom and sister this weekend as well as trying to reschedule Faith in Action site visits. Busy Day. Jun 16, 2011
didn’t burn them tonight. Jun 16, 2011
.com: Road Trip Rules Jun 16, 2011
grilled up some dinner for family & friends: Jun 15, 2011
had a great lunch with @kennmunn today. Excited to see what God is doing. Jun 15, 2011
is tweeting while listening to the original tweeter tweet about tweeting – a Catalyst podcast with Jack Dorsey, founder of twitter. Jun 15, 2011
Faith in Action Board Meeting tonight. Love these people. Jun 14, 2011
is not a clean-the-house-type of guy, but something about this just feels different: Jun 14, 2011
woke up at 4:30am & couldn’t go back to sleep – mind racing about how as a teacher, I could use twitter in my class. hashtag=class feed Jun 14, 2011
took the family/kids to Houston to ride the Metro, eat lunch in the tunnels, & go to the 60th floor observation deck of the Chase building. Jun 13, 2011
‘s kids are high. Chase Building. Jun 13, 2011
enjoyed worship with Grace Bible and is headin’ to Pearland for steaks with the in-laws! Jun 12, 2011
Enjoyed a little bike ride and is pushing kids on the swings now. @ Yaupon Park #photo Jun 11, 2011
thinks today may have been the longest I’ve been away from my family since summer began. (only 8hrs) Love having a teachers summer schedule! Jun 11, 2011
got 94% correct on the practice PPR test. Wish it could count as the real test. Guess I gotta register now & get it behind me. Jun 11, 2011
is exercising faith today. Driving to Houston for PPR test prep class. Gotta continue the certification process for a job I don’t have yet. Jun 11, 2011
Such a miserable place to spend the evening: Jun 10, 2011
had a proud daddy moment. Kesleigh (2yrs) broke her pink plastic headband in two and proudly exclaimed, “I have a light saber!” Jun 10, 2011
is excited about hanging with his friends/neighbors at their bay house tonight! Thanks Shelby’s! Jun 09, 2011
is glad to have our friend Katie back in town . . . well, most of the time. Jun 09, 2011
got a lot more Faith on Action stuff done this morning. Jun 09, 2011
.com: Jesus: True and Better Jun 08, 2011
was productive: School District Applications, Faith in Action stuff, info on Alternative Certification, set up guitars, blogged, dishes, etc Jun 07, 2011
.com: The Mystery of God Jun 07, 2011
had dinner with some new friends from church tonight. Thanks Parkers! Enjoyed it. We’ll have to do it again sometime. Jun 07, 2011
had dinner with some new friends Jun 07, 2011
‘s daughter Kesleigh said, “I’m gonna put the baby in my lap.” and then did this: Jun 06, 2011
Miranda threatened Kasen, “If you don’t stop whining, you’re gonna have to go take a nap.” Does that hold true for daddys too? I can whine. Jun 05, 2011
would rather trade my broken cistern for living water. (Today’s sermon from Jeremiah 2) Jun 05, 2011
‘s beautiful daughter Kesleigh is hiding. Wonder where she is? Jun 05, 2011
loves night when his children fall asleep in his arms and he gets to carry them off to bed. Jun 05, 2011
caught Kasen and his friend Collin making the slide faster by using mommy’s Febreze. Good News: They both smell nice. Jun 04, 2011
was surprised by some old friends who just stopped by the house. I love having friends who are comfortable enough to just stop by. Jun 04, 2011
spent the day moving Kesleigh into a new room and rearranging beds, dressers, etc and mow we’re resting. Jun 04, 2011
enjoyed dinner (chicken and dumplings – Mmm) with some new church friends. Jun 04, 2011
on a mission! Agents: Myself, Kasen, Kesleigh – Target: Grocery Store – Weapons: List, coupons, shopping card – Mission: Miranda time Jun 02, 2011
Here’s a pic of me & my “Sand Castle Architects” for today’s construction. Kasen, Kesleigh, Collin, & Peyton Jun 01, 2011
is returning from Surfside Beach. I’ve never been much of a beach guy, but glad we have free entertainment for the kids so close to home. Jun 01, 2011
My new niece – McKenleigh Nicole Mathews: May 31, 2011
is an uncle again!! Welcome to the world McKenleigh Nicole Mathews!! Excited to head to the hospital for my first introduction!! May 31, 2011
‘s soundtrack is stuck on repeat: “Watch me Daddy! Watch me Daddy!” @ Junior Service League Park #photo May 31, 2011
Pool + Family + Great Friends + Great Food + Beautiful Day + Great God = More blessings than I deserve May 31, 2011
will spend the holiday with his family. Corns, Mathews, and Krolczyks all around the pool. It’ll be a good day. May 30, 2011
Popsicles in the pool – this is summer!! May 29, 2011
Enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon. @ Corn’s Home May 29, 2011
just realized that the word “march” is really only used when someone is in trouble. Ex – “March right back and . . .” May 29, 2011
RT @DailyKeller: If you haven’t seen this yet… May 29, 2011
just ate one of these and will entering a “meat coma” soon. May 29, 2011
‘s family had a great time with @joneichler at Surfside Beach & is back home preparing to grill some big steaks. Mmm -Miranda is good to me. May 28, 2011
has a house full of people right now: Shana, Katie, Ashley, Collin, Peyton, Kasen, Kesleigh, Miranda, @ Corn’s Home May 28, 2011
is pushin’ kids on swings. May 28, 2011
Pushing kids on the swings. @ Yaupon Park #photo May 28, 2011
is gonna make breakfast for the family and our good friend Shana. Nice to have her with us this weekend. May 28, 2011
just left his first classroom as a teacher. Not my normal desk arrangement but… May 27, 2011
This isn’t the best place to lay eggs: You’re protecting your babies, but if I hurt you, I’m protecting mine. May 27, 2011
was warned by Miranda how bad the kids were today, but had a different experience w/help of McDonalds playland, SnoCone stand, & the park. May 27, 2011
Rasco jamboree party: @ Rasco Middle School May 26, 2011
Here’s another: May 26, 2011
is having fun with his 6th graders. Laughing at their dancing: May 26, 2011
It’s been a long day at work – glad to be with the people I love most in this world! @ Corn’s Home May 24, 2011
Back to work. @ Rasco Middle School May 24, 2011
made it. DMV for registration & courthouse for ticket dismissal in 30min! The Lord’s hand must be upon me. May 24, 2011
is headed to get a new registration sticker for my car. Think I can make it before my conference period is over? May 24, 2011
My free Netflix. I have an online queue and can have 3 out at a time. @ Lake Jackson Library May 23, 2011
“The word triumph starts with ‘try’ and ends with ‘umph!'” ~ Pa on Happy Feet May 23, 2011
My kids like the swings. @ Yaupon Park May 22, 2011
already had band practice and is heading back home to pick up the family w/Nena’s breakfast tac @ Grace Bible Church May 22, 2011
is laughing. We visited the first house Miranda & I lived in and found this: May 21, 2011
always enjoy eating here – especially with Mike & Patti. @ Harris County Smokehouse May 21, 2011
is excited about Zac’s wedding and the opportunity to see old friends today. May 21, 2011
is grateful for awesome neighbors that know how to fix broken pipes. Thanks Jeff! (I know you don’t use Facebook but your wife does.) May 20, 2011
was ready for a great weekend but came home to this instead: May 20, 2011
Excited about playing with the guys at band practice tonight. @ Grace Bible Church May 20, 2011
Teaching about Antarctica today. @ Rasco Middle School May 19, 2011
is running video/sound for SLP pre-school graduation. Guess I’m not watchin our kids after all. May 18, 2011
is watchin’ kids tonight during Miranda’s SLP graduation. Maybe we’ll sneak out for small group. @ Corn’s Home May 18, 2011
Working hard. Wanna finish strong. @ Rasco Middle School May 18, 2011
.com: Shadow May 16, 2011
set up the pool so the kids can slide right in! Here’s a pic w/neighbors. My kids are already worn out. May 16, 2011
Kesleigh could have gone to school today but the rules say 24hrs fever free. Guess my sick day just became a daddy/daughter day. Good day! May 16, 2011
.com: Shadow May 16, 2011
‘s kids are in his lap tonight. Love abounds & I’m grateful. May 16, 2011
is laughing at Kasen’s quote, “God & Savior hit the ball & he run & run. HOMERUN!” May 15, 2011
is disappointed – had to cancel plans to surprise Miranda w/ dinner & concert with old friends. Need to take care of a sick baby, Kesleigh. May 15, 2011
has a sick little girl. May 15, 2011
is watchin’ the kids this evening so Miranda can go to her end of school year party. @ Corn’s Home May 14, 2011
RT @timapratt: Is my life exhibiting the essence of the sweetness of the Son of God or just the basic irritation of myself that I would … May 14, 2011
is riding the train @KemahBoardwalk. May 14, 2011
is having lunch at the Aquarium with the greatest family in the world! @ Kemah Boardwalk #photo May 14, 2011
Enjoying the Poor Kings. @ The Local #photo May 14, 2011
is enjoying @thepoorkings at the Local. You know it’s good music if my 2 & 3yr old can sit and enjoy it as well. May 14, 2011
will administer a Social Studies benchmark test today. Guess we’ll see if I’m a good teacher o @ Rasco Middle School May 13, 2011
Band practice. @ Grace Bible Church May 13, 2011
is glad he gets to see the Faith in Action board members tonight. They’re always fun! May 10, 2011
is hoping this be his last day of Asia Project Presentations, but know there’ll be someone who @ Rasco Middle School May 10, 2011
is proud of his 2yr old daughter Kesleigh and her ABC song: May 10, 2011
Our regular hangout when I’m with the kids. @ Junior Service League Park May 09, 2011
is back with his family. Love being wherever they are!! @ Corn’s Home May 09, 2011
Starting another week. @ Rasco Middle School May 09, 2011
Celebrating Mother’s Day. @ Mathews’ House May 08, 2011
Eating lunch w/Gigi. @ Pie Garden #photo May 08, 2011
rushed out after church to head to – meeting Gigi for Mother’s Day lunch. May 08, 2011
will be playing acoustic guitar in the band this morning at Grace Bible Church. It’s been a while, but glad to be serving in some way again. May 08, 2011
‘s 2yr old daughter, Kesleigh told him she wanted to shave like daddy this morning. Hope that’s not something she ever has to do. #scary May 08, 2011
loves his bride more than ever, but must admit that after waiting over a year to get his iPhone, he enjoyed watching her panic a bit today. May 08, 2011
is picking up Miranda’s iPhone. She left it at Carinos last night & has been crazy all day thinking ’bout life without. Relieved to find it. May 07, 2011
is headin’ to our neighbors 4yr old birthday party with a bounce house. Happy Birthday Collin. May 07, 2011
is excited about spending the evening with his beautiful bride tonight! Date Night! May 06, 2011
“I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. (cont) May 06, 2011
is enjoying the time getting to know the music people from Grace Bible. May 06, 2011
Kasen & daddy’s shadow riding home from dinner. May 05, 2011
Is finishing up a great BBQ Burger. Mmm. @ Wurst Haus May 05, 2011
is bike riding w/Kasen & Kesleigh to meet Momma at the WurstHouse for dinner tonight. May 05, 2011
got food 30min after arriving at Lubys Drivethru. May 04, 2011
doesn’t understand the point of the Drive Thru at Lubys. We’ve been in line behind one person for 20min. I could go through the line faster. May 04, 2011
Excited to be with family and small group tonight. @ Corn’s Home May 04, 2011
will be touring Asia through my students projects today. @ Rasco Middle School May 04, 2011
“I can only think of one death that brought the world peace and we celebrated His resurrection a week ago.” – my friend Shana Gumienny May 03, 2011
.com: First Circle May 03, 2011
I’m at Corn’s Home in TX May 01, 2011
with my kids and their neighbor friends. @ Junior Service League Park #photo May 01, 2011
Here’s a pic I took @ Cherry Berry May 01, 2011
.com: The Wind May 01, 2011
‘s kids (Kasen & Kesleigh) just did the “Sit Down Stand Up Sit Down Song”: May 01, 2011
Studying John 3 today. @ Grace Bible Church May 01, 2011
Helping the kids pick out which donuts they want before breakfast. @ Shipley Do-Nuts #photo May 01, 2011
was up half the night with possibilities running through his head. May 01, 2011
set up the movie “Cars” outside tonight for all the kids. Nice time for parents to hang out on the patio as well. May 01, 2011
Guess my 2yr old baby girl wants to be a boxer today. Apr 30, 2011
is taking kids to Target to get a birthday gift for a party this morning. Apr 30, 2011
is excited about an evening at home with his family & a big Chicken-Fried Steak from Smithharts. Mmm. Apr 29, 2011
is glad his neighbors like to share BBQ chicken from their grill. Great dinner and company thanks to the Shelbys! Apr 29, 2011
Home sweet home. @ Corn’s Home Apr 28, 2011
.com: Teaching Job Apr 28, 2011
had a great time with his small group tonight. Apr 28, 2011
came home and discovered that Kasen (3yrs) already knows where to store his guitar. Daddy is proud. Apr 27, 2011
TAKS testing today. @ Rasco Middle School Apr 27, 2011
just caught his daughter Kesleigh eating Easter chocolate for breakfast. Said she didn’t do it but she had chocolate all over her face. Apr 27, 2011
Home for the evening. @ Corn’s Home #photo Apr 26, 2011
With Gigi and the family. @ Chili’s Apr 26, 2011
Playing with my kids. @ Junior Service League Park #photo Apr 26, 2011
is on a break during his first experience as a TAKS test administrator. Long day already. Apr 26, 2011
‘s little girl, Kesleigh gave him goodbye kisses & hugs when he went to work this morning. She’s so amazing! Such a blessing! Love my baby. Apr 26, 2011
RT @willmancini: We are’nt asking you to believe in the doctrine of the resurrection, we’re asking you to follow the living Savior, Jesu … Apr 24, 2011
‘s kids looked nice for church today: Apr 24, 2011
loves that when daddy read the Easter story to Kasen, he responded by saying, “I want you read it again.” Pray he always feels that way. Apr 24, 2011
Glad to be home. @ Corn’s Home Apr 23, 2011
wonders if it means you’re too fat if you do a belly flop on your kids trampoline & hurt your chest on the sprinkler underneath it? Ouch!! Apr 23, 2011
is celebrating the resurrection of Jesus & noticing other ways the Lord gives life – much smaller but still expressions of His character. Apr 23, 2011
is heading to play mini-golf for his nephew Reid’s birthday party! Will be Kasen & Kesleighs first experience. Hole-in-One, here I come! Apr 23, 2011
‘s little musician’s. Apr 23, 2011
always enjoys a trip to Tomball. Sometimes the circumstances aren’t great, but it’s still good to see ’em all. Praying for my friends. Apr 23, 2011
Kesleigh was helping daddy get ready today & reminded him to get his guitar. Guitar Club was yesterday, but glad she’s lookin out for daddy. Apr 21, 2011
is touched and proud of his son. In his prayers tonight, Kasen asked God to help daddy feel better. Apr 20, 2011
is still feeling sick after 3 movies on the couch. Hoping to be in the classroom tomorrow but . . . well, I guess we’ll see. Apr 19, 2011
Love the Texas pin I just got on @gowalla Apr 16, 2011
is gonna have beef fajitas from El Toro tonight. Hanging with our friends, the Shelbys. @ El Toro #photo Apr 16, 2011
‘s daughter Kesleigh takes her turn on the trampoline: Apr 15, 2011
‘s son Kasen is learning some new tricks on the trampoline: Apr 15, 2011
is ready for the weekend. Love family time. Apr 15, 2011
is watchin Kasen try to pull Kesleigh around the backyard on a piece of cardboard: Apr 14, 2011
wants to write something inspiring and Godly but knows the only real way to do that is to quote Scripture. “The Word became flesh.” – John 1 Apr 14, 2011
wants to honor God in spite of his emotions. Apr 11, 2011
‘s kids are excited about talking to Gran on the phone. Apr 09, 2011
got pretty good seats for the Agatha Christie play: Apr 09, 2011
took kids to CherryBerry tonight. Next stop: Babysitter & Date Night – an Agatha Christie play at local theater. Apr 09, 2011
isn’t sleeping. It’s 4:15am & I’ve been up since 2am w/garbage rolling around in my head re: no job, emotional impact, my family, future. Apr 08, 2011
was told that someone else was given (already signed a contract) my job for next year. The numb feeling that overtook me today is familiar. Apr 07, 2011
.com: The Hardest Question Apr 07, 2011
– early meeting w/music guy from our new church. Excited to spend some time w/him but wondering if I’m ready to be involved in music again?? Apr 07, 2011
Bad day – but even days like this are still filled w/His grace. Imagine what it could have been! Apr 04, 2011
rough day at school – had to remember grace given to me so I could extend some to others. Apr 04, 2011
had a great weekend at Faith in Action but will be very happy to tuck his kids into bed & sleep in his own bed tonight. Apr 03, 2011
RT @DailyKeller: RELIGION: I obey, therefore I am accepted by God. THE GOSPEL: I am accepted through the costly grace of God, therefore … Apr 03, 2011
is feeling good about the way things are coming together for Faith in Action this weekend! Gonna be fun to be hosted by Hope Fellowship. Apr 01, 2011
has 5 teams to send out this weekend for Faith in Action. “Forget about yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.” Philippians 2:4msg Apr 01, 2011
loved hearing Kasen tell the story of Adam and Eve that he learned from his mama in chapel yesterday morning. Apr 01, 2011
.com: Integrity Mar 30, 2011
‘s concrete driveway felt like carpet under his feet this morning: Trees exploded pollen yesterday. Mar 29, 2011
is so glad he has this kind of boy: The kind who would rather play ON the playhouse than IN it. My risk-taker. Mar 28, 2011
.com: Moon Mission Cut Short Mar 27, 2011
“We need to find God & he cannot be found in noise & restlessness. God is the friend of silence…..We need silence” ~ Mother Teresa Mar 27, 2011
‘s kids are building towers before church this morning. Kasen – Kesleigh – Mar 27, 2011
having a tough time w/organizing this Faith in Action camp – keep hitting walls. Satan’s attack must mean God is at work! I know who wins! Mar 26, 2011
had quite a few invitations tonight but is watching Madagascar w/the kids cause Miranda had some sort of girls thing. Mar 26, 2011
is ready for some family time this weekend. Mar 25, 2011
when I tucked him in bed tonight Kasen said, “If bad guys come, me & Kesleigh will get our light sabers.” Haha! Mar 25, 2011 Mater – “Look at me!! I’m driftin!!” Mar 25, 2011
is listening to Miranda read “Tokyo Mater” again. Mar 25, 2011
is helping take care of some friends’ dogs while they’re away at a funeral. Prayin’ for them today. (my friends not their dogs) Mar 22, 2011
is surprised – first day back at school went pretty well. Wish my students would behave this well all the time. Mar 21, 2011
wishes he could travel back in time to the beginning of Spring Break. Mar 21, 2011
spent the last few hours setting up site visits for our next Faith in Action Camp April 1-3 at Hope Fellowship. Excited! Mar 19, 2011
Our first day back home & Kasen chose to sleep in the hall tonight: Mar 19, 2011
is watchin’ Miranda feed a squirrel on the deck of our campsite: Mar 17, 2011
How hard to realize that every camp of men or beast has this glorious starry firmament for a roof! ~John Muir Mar 17, 2011
is pacifying the kids before our camping breakfast with “Lightning McQueen” & PopTarts. Mar 17, 2011
Kesleigh got to celebrate her birthday again tonight. Mar 17, 2011
catfish fry guys: Mar 17, 2011
avoided a $400 (iPhone submerged underwater) disaster with 48hrs & a $5 bag of rice. Grateful God’s favor. Mar 16, 2011
is enjoying being with family at South Toledo Bend State Park in Louisiana. Mar 16, 2011
is headin to another Louisiana State Park. Having fun camping with all the Corns, Underwoods, & Allens. Mar 15, 2011
found a nice little geocache w/Kasen & my nephews. Mar 13, 2011
was excited about springing forward and the extra hour of sleep but his children didn’t allow it to happen. Mar 13, 2011
arrived safely & has all his babies in bed. Now I’m listening to the voices of other campers while the crickets begin to sing over them. Mar 13, 2011
Doughnuts: check – shave dog: check – get tires: check – pack car: check – on the road now w/bride & kids asleep. WooHoo!! Spring Break!! Mar 12, 2011
is getting donuts with the kids before we begin our camping prep. Excited to spend the next week with family!! Mar 12, 2011
Cirque du So-Amazing!! Mar 12, 2011
is ready for a great Spring Break week. Starting it out right with dinner & a Cirque do Soleil show!! Excited!! Mar 11, 2011
should probably go to the doctor but isn’t allowed to use a sick day today. Guess I’ll hobble around on my bad knee today. Mar 11, 2011
hurt his knee teaching 6th Grade Social Studies today. Who knew teaching was a contact sport?? Mar 11, 2011
has another Faith in Action meeting tonight. Hope to hear more specifics about how the Wild Game Dinner went & prepare for April 1st camp. Mar 11, 2011
got a good meal (Chilis), enjoyed the company of his family, saw some friends, and supported Faith in Action all in one evening. Mar 09, 2011
Gigi had her ‘puter’ so everyone else had to get theirs too. Mar 09, 2011
realized that I started using a new phrase now that I’m a teacher instead of a church staff person: “lazy Sunday afternoon” 🙂 Mar 07, 2011
enjoys a Pirate’s Alley burger on a lazy Sunday afternoon.×912 Mar 06, 2011
jumped on a bouncy this morning w/the kids for Teagan’s bday. Now we’re prepping the house for a visit from Aunt Rhea. Good Weekend. Mar 05, 2011
is sending out invitations for: Mar 05, 2011
saved $8 tonight. Kids eat free at IHOP!! Mar 05, 2011
was at the school by 6am this morning. Mar 04, 2011
Kasen: Why yours (car window) don’t go all the way down? Me: I don’t know. Kasen: Is it ’cause Jesus made it that way? – #priceless Mar 03, 2011
always has a good day if any part of it is spent at the park with this beauty. Mar 03, 2011
isn’t sure what he thinks of the new Hwy 332 arrangement. I just drove an extra 2 miles to get to Bucees. Nothing should hinder Bucees. Mar 03, 2011
is headin’ back to the school under moonlight this morning. (very early – preparing for my PDAS) Mar 01, 2011
has his first (& possibly last) PDAS evaluation tomorrow. Say a prayer for God to give favor w/students, principal, & most importantly Him. Mar 01, 2011
Kasen’s version of the same song: Feb 28, 2011
Can anyone recognize Kesleigh’s song?? Feb 28, 2011
thinks it’s cute when Kesleigh talks about her “nassy noce” & her “bay-o.” (nasty nose & pillow) Feb 28, 2011
enjoyed seeing some old friends at FUMC this morning!! Miss those guys!! Feb 28, 2011
ate too much birthday food and would really like to take a nap. Feb 26, 2011
celebrating Kesleigh’s 2nd bday. Friends + family + grilled burgers + presents + bday cake = a good birthday party no matter what your age. Feb 26, 2011
really enjoyed the Faith in Action Wild Game Dinner last night. Feb 26, 2011
“Where you invest your love, you invest your life.” ~ Mumford & Sons Feb 25, 2011
Chickalay!! (Chickfila) Feb 25, 2011
is hoping/praying that God & this pink stuff (Pepto) will get me through the school day. Feb 24, 2011
is not feeling well but has too much to do. Can’t slow down & rest for a couple more days. Feb 24, 2011
has Faith in Action stuff to get done tonight but is also excited to celebrate Kesleigh’s 2yr Birthday!! My little girl is growing up. Feb 23, 2011
is watching his baby girl, Kesleigh, play w/her birthday toys. Can’t believe she’s 2yrs old!! Love that girl!! Feb 23, 2011
taught about Sept 11th yesterday & will cover a bit more today. Students will answer question: What can you do about terrorism? Feb 22, 2011
is grateful to Gigi for watching kids so Miranda & I could enjoy a trip to Walmart. Whoa…What did I say? Walmart? Really? This is my life. Feb 22, 2011
is hanging outside watching the kids play baseball, ride bikes, run around – just enjoying a beautiful day! Feb 20, 2011
is preparing for the Faith in Action Wild Game Dinner this Friday!! Feb 20, 2011
2nd hint: “You have been called forth to the summit of Mount Wannahockalugie.” Feb 20, 2011
Guess what I’m doing now. Hint: P Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney, Australia Feb 20, 2011
is watching Kesleigh pretend to change Buzz & Woody’s diapers. Feb 20, 2011
is watching the kids so Miranda can sleep in a bit. Grateful for “Animal’s Funniest Videos” & cereal bars. Feb 20, 2011
isn’t feeling well but still love being with the most beautiful woman in the world – my bride. Feb 20, 2011
is at Bayou Wildlife Park with his family. Ready to feed some animals. Feb 19, 2011
is at Bayou Wildlife Park with his family. Ready to feed some animals. Feb 19, 2011
is at Bayou Wildlife Park with his family. Ready to feed some animals. Feb 19, 2011
Is watching Kasen swing a bat to learn his numbers. Feb 19, 2011
is disappointed. I have the opportunity to sleep in but can’t sleep. Feb 19, 2011
has been grading since 8pm and is finally finished adding them to the gradebook at 12:30am. Goodnight. Feb 19, 2011
knew he had a sick kid at home, but arrived to find his beautiful bride and a t-bone steak. Both kids already in bed. Gonna be a nice night. Feb 19, 2011
is checking again to see if @tweetdeck will update twitter and Facebook simultaneously. #crossingmyfingers Feb 19, 2011
is testing @tweetdeck to see if it will update twitter and FB simultaneously. Feb 19, 2011
can’t figure it out. Tried a few apps but can’t get any of them to update FB with my twitter updates. Did FB make changes to mess it up?? Feb 18, 2011
OK – here’s another try to get twitter and facebook connected. Feb 18, 2011
thinks he got twitter connected to facebook again. This is a test post. Feb 18, 2011
doesn’t understand why, but will investigate why his twitter updates aren’t getting posted to FB anymore. Feb 17, 2011
was told he probably won’t have a job in Aug. District budget cut. Last hired – First fired. Principal wants to keep me but is being forced. Feb 15, 2011
Nothing but the best for my Valentine. IHOP has buy one get one free tonight! #gladsheisnothighmaintenance Feb 15, 2011
Valentines Day = Kill a Flower Day!! Thanks @joneichler Feb 14, 2011
is proud of the Faith in Action program team. They represented us well at Angleton FUMC. Here’s Andrea: Feb 14, 2011
isn’t a fix it guy, but always feels like a manly man when he’s able to get the tools out & actually fix something. Fixed the dryer today. Feb 13, 2011
‘s little boy is growing up so fast. Here’s a pic of Kasen’s first haircut without sitting in daddy’s lap. Feb 12, 2011
It’s a little early for a nap but they were both up late last night. Feb 12, 2011
spent a little time at the park this morning. Feb 12, 2011
‘s beautiful little girl sure likes her doughnuts!! Feb 12, 2011
can’t believe his 3rd old son Kasen is still awake at 10:45pm. He is always excited about Star Wars, but this may be too much. Feb 12, 2011
will be watching the kids this weekend while Miranda goes to a women’s retreat. They’re both asleep right now though- think I’ll read a bit. Feb 11, 2011
has enjoyed an evening with his family. Nice to have a bit more time tonight. Feb 11, 2011
is excited about the Faith in Action Board Meeting tonight!! Feb 09, 2011
gave his first Social Studies test today. Think it went well but won’t know ’til I get them graded. Hmm – did I teach them well?? We’ll see. Feb 07, 2011
enjoyed the book “Hunger Games.” Thanks for the recommendation Shana. Feb 07, 2011
No Superbowl party this year – just a nice quiet night at home with his family, a grill, and a game. (and some papers to grade) Feb 06, 2011
is excited about the Gospel of John series at church. Always ready for more Gospel (Good News)!! Feb 06, 2011
is ready for church at Grace Bible this morning!! Feb 06, 2011
Date Night with my beautiful bride!! A big steak + a movie + an amazing woman = a great date night!! Feb 06, 2011
spent the last few hours trying to get more donations for Faith in Action’s Wild Game Dinner on Feb 25th. Grateful for the few we received. Feb 05, 2011
“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials for knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.” – John Locke Feb 05, 2011
just realized. I changed Kesleigh’s diaper earlier when she said, “Boopy Daddy” but there was no poop. You think she was calling me names?? Feb 04, 2011
is having a rough day w/Kasen. Had to leave the MickeyD’s playground cause he couldn’t play nice & now he’s punished for hitting Kesleigh. Feb 04, 2011
Kesleigh is pointing to her diaper & saying, “Boopy daddy.” Guess I gotta change her. Feb 04, 2011
had a sub scheduled for a personal day tomorrow but school was cancelled. Woo Hoo! Now I don’t lose my personal day!! Feb 03, 2011
had to make a quick run back to the school so He’d be ready for tomorrow. Man, teaching is a lot of work. Feb 03, 2011
is learning about cheating teachers & sumo wrestlers from the audiobook Freakonomics on his way to school this morning. Feb 02, 2011
likes his small group. Always a good time with them. Feb 02, 2011
is glad to be home but worried about his little girl. She’s not feeling well. Feb 01, 2011
“I don’t need to watch where I’m going – just need to know where I’ve been.” – Mater Feb 01, 2011
had a dream about Social Studies last night. Guess I’m becoming a teacher. Jan 31, 2011
is getting the family ready for church. It’s gonna be a good day! Jan 30, 2011
hopes to get the kids in bed soon so he can spend the evening with his beautiful bride watching “The Social Network.” Jan 30, 2011
feels like he was productive today. Got some Faith in Action stuff done, took Kasen for a bike ride, & got the grill to work (thanks Chris!) Jan 30, 2011
just got another auction item for Faith in Actions Wild Game Dinner on Feb 25th!! Jan 29, 2011
is working on Faith on Action stuff today. Jan 29, 2011
“You’re my God, and I thank you. O my God, I lift high your praise.” Jan 29, 2011
had a great week of teaching but is ready for the weekend!! Jan 28, 2011
had a good night with the kids while Miranda had a girls night. Jan 28, 2011
is watching Americas Funniest Videos again – one of Kasen’s favorite shows. #iamadad Jan 28, 2011
Kasen’s New Trick: Jan 27, 2011
feels conflicted when he works late & gets greeted by 3rd old saying, “Daddy, I love you.” Work hard for him but too hard keeps me from him. Jan 27, 2011
Kasen’s Laugh – Jan 2011 Jan 26, 2011
Kesleigh’s Laugh – Feb 2011 Jan 26, 2011
had a great day of teaching! Maybe my best so far. Jan 24, 2011
believes that tidy is a gift from God and is planning on carrying that attitude throughout the day. Jan 24, 2011
woke up thinking about school stuff. Been up an hour. Now I can’t sleep, but heading back to bed to try. “Try” = “Toss and Turn” Jan 24, 2011
only spent 4hrs assembling this Christmas gift from my mom. Think I might be willing to pay someone next time. Jan 24, 2011
has 2 kids crawling all over him. Don’t enjoy getting up but love morning snuggle time. Jan 23, 2011
Monster Trucks are a little loud for Kasen & Kesleigh. Jan 23, 2011
‘s kids were even more surprised when Santa came to their table. Jan 22, 2011
can’t believe who he ran into at Spring Creek BBQ! Check out this pic. The Lone Star Santa Club – 65 Members Jan 22, 2011
is grateful for a great family! Went to birthday party at ChuckECheese & taking the kids to the Monster Truck Jam tonight. Great family day! Jan 22, 2011
Kesleigh is helping daddy make breakfast this morning. Jan 22, 2011
is excited about a restful night. It’s 6:30 and I already got my pjs on!! Jan 22, 2011
is finally headed home! 6:30 and I still have more to do before class tomorrow!! Jan 21, 2011
.com: Teaching = Walking on the Moon Jan 20, 2011
my bride’s status: Was just asked by Kasen…”What does Jesus in my heart mean?” Then he told me, “God told me to do the hot dog dance!” Jan 20, 2011
Mmm…Breakfast for dinner tonight!! Jan 18, 2011
has been entering parent e-mail addresses into a distribution list for 2 hours and is only about half way finished. Think I’m going to bed. Jan 18, 2011
always has a great time when he meets with the Faith in Action Program Team. I get to work with some pretty amazing students!! Jan 18, 2011
Does His forgiveness extend to misspelling too?? Ha Ha!! Jan 17, 2011
loves Kasen’s phrase as he talked about his coloring. “Daddy, we’re making a name for you!” Hope he says that in reference to God in future. Jan 17, 2011
gets frustrated when he navigates a website with his Nook only to find that I need flash to finish my task. Jan 17, 2011
sent Kasen to ‘time out’ for misbehaving. When I went to get him out, this is what I found: Jan 16, 2011
enjoyed church with the Mathews clan this morning & is headed to Lupe Tortillas to celebrate Aunt Tif’s birthday!! Jan 16, 2011
is amazed at how God wires children. Kasen, my 3yr old son, fights bad guys & Kesleigh, my almost 2yr old daughter, cares for her babies. Jan 16, 2011
No leaks so far – crossing my fingers that I did it right! Jan 15, 2011
has removed the broken disposal. Now I’m wondering if this job is too big for me?? Headin to Home Depot next. Jan 15, 2011
is chillin on the couch with Kasen watchin “Shrek Forever After.” Jan 15, 2011
had mexican food with the family tonight then watched a movie with Miranda on the couch after the kids went to sleep. Nice Night!! Jan 15, 2011
Kesleigh made it though. Jan 15, 2011
Kasen didn’t quite make it through dinner. Jan 15, 2011
is excited about being “daddy” for my kids this weekend instead of “Mr Corn” for my students. Jan 14, 2011
‘s son Kasen woke up saying, “Daddy, sing the song you wrote for me when I was a baby.” Love that boy!!! Here it is: Jan 14, 2011
watched Mater the Greater with Kasen and is relaxin’ on the couch while Miranda gives the kids a bath. She’s so good to me! Jan 14, 2011
had another good day of teaching but is ready to be home!! Jan 13, 2011
God has “beaten death at death’s own game!” – Andrew Peterson Jan 13, 2011
has decided that it’s cold enough to build a fire tonight. Besides – it will make me a hero to Miranda!! Jan 13, 2011
6th Grade Social Studies awaits again today. So grateful. Jan 12, 2011
is praying his pipes are gonna be OK with the towel/plastic/duct tape wrap I gave them last night. Jan 12, 2011
was able to catch the end of our small group tonight. Glad to have a group like this to do life with. Jan 12, 2011
thinks the FAB (Faith in Action of Brazosport) board members are Fab!! Jan 12, 2011
is heading to a Faith in Action board meeting – love working with these people!! Jan 12, 2011
is happy about the new NookColor Android update. Now I’ve got flash on my ebook Reader!!! Ready to get it connected to the marketplace next. Jan 11, 2011
is meeting a pastor about Faith in Action. Jan 10, 2011
learned how to create an assignment & add grades in the computer system today. (I think those skills might be important in my new position.) Jan 09, 2011
is grading papers. Jan 09, 2011
is excited to get back to his church this morning. Jan 09, 2011
had a great date night with my bride! Texas Roadhouse and a movie while Gigi watched the kids. Jan 09, 2011
I love @andrewjamestx and @zachmcnair – just sayin’ Jan 09, 2011
has successfully schemed with his beautiful bride to have a date night tonight!! Woo Hoo!! Jan 08, 2011
got the new ceiling fan installed!! (Miranda’s Christmas gift) Jan 08, 2011
is resting this morning. Got a lot to do this weekend – Faith in Action, grading, school prep, remove Christmas decor, hang ceiling fan, etc Jan 08, 2011
made a palette in the living room, put on “The Incredibles” & laid down with Kasen/Kesleigh @ 8pm. Realize I should sleep too. Jan 08, 2011
will head to school soon. My first Friday as a teacher. Jan 07, 2011
isn’t blogging/tweeting etc as much these days. Focused on becoming a great 6th Grade Social Studies teacher. Jan 06, 2011
Does this mean I did well my first day teaching or that someone is aiming for “teacher’s pet?” (written on desk) Jan 04, 2011
Prayer: Lord, be with me today in the classroom. Help me to make 1st impressions which will allow me to be a great teacher/influencer. AMEN. Jan 04, 2011
Today has been a good day, (Started my new job) but 7yrs ago today was 1000 times better!! I married the most amazing woman in the world! Jan 03, 2011
already made a mistake in his new job. Left some papers at home and have to run to get them. Sure glad there are no students today. Jan 03, 2011
First day @ new job. No students til tomorrow, but lots of prep work today. Jan 03, 2011
is watching “The Mentalist” with his bride. Jan 03, 2011
is ready to be home again. Still have one more road trip and then the joy of unpacking though. Jan 02, 2011
is with the Mathews watching Bama destroy Michigan State. Not much of a game. Jan 01, 2011
Kesleigh’s New Years Fireworks Jan 01, 2011
just won a game of capture the flag in Livingston. Jan 01, 2011
Kasen & Kesleigh 4-Wheelin in Livingston Dec 31, 2010
guitar & conversation on the porch in Livingston. Great friends and sacred moments. Dec 31, 2010
‘s kids are traveling well but I just knocked over Miranda’s Peppermint milkshake. She’s very forgiving, but I know how excited she was. Dec 30, 2010
is living in the 80s again on this roadtrip: Bon Jovi, the Police, Van Halen, Night Ranger, Def Leppard Dec 30, 2010
is packing. Heading to Livingston in the morning. Pray for safe travel – we’ve gotta go through a rainstorm. Pray my children travel well. Dec 30, 2010
enjoyed the Dew Drop Inn with @heatherzempel and @ryanzempel. Good food. Good friends. Good times. Dec 29, 2010
Kasen & Kesleigh Playin’ in the Leaves at Gran’s House Dec 29, 2010
is excited that his kids slept ’til 8am. Guess it’s time to put “mice on.” (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) Dec 29, 2010
Haha!! Dec 29, 2010
is really enjoying his Christmas gift (Nook color) from his in-laws. Dec 29, 2010
‘s Father-in-law Mike Mathews has assumed his normal position for family gatherings. Dec 29, 2010
is watching Dora with two amazing kids in his lap and snuggled under the covers. Dec 28, 2010
only gets Krispy Kreme when he comes to Alabama. The purpose of our 8hr drive is to see Gran, but Krispy Kreme is a nice bonus. Dec 28, 2010
‘s son Kasen now has the same lunch box that I had as a kid. Thank you Santa!! Dec 27, 2010
‘s son Kasen just asked me to take him down the “alligator.” (escalator) Dec 27, 2010
really loves Gran’s shower. Old school – none of this water saver stuff. Dec 27, 2010
is just plain tired. Think I’m gonna go to bed before 10pm tonight. Dec 27, 2010
made it to Gran’s and has already had some of her chocolate covered peanuts. Dec 26, 2010
Long way to go & a short time to get there. Dec 26, 2010
RT @JohnCMaxwell: Man is so made that whenever anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish. -Jean de la Fontaine Dec 26, 2010
is so happy to be a part of the Mathews family. Some families are like ticking time bombs during holidays. This one explodes love! Dec 26, 2010
Kasen & Reid (Luke & Vader) – Christmas 2010 Dec 25, 2010
Kesleigh’s New Ride!! Dec 25, 2010 – Kesleigh’s new ride! Dec 25, 2010
is celebrating!! Jesus was born so we could be reborn!! Dec 25, 2010
thinks I might be more giddy about Christmas as a father than I was as a kid. Kids are still asleep, but I’m awake with anticipation. Dec 25, 2010
.com: Kasen Tells the Christmas Story Dec 25, 2010
Here’s a pic of the end of our Bible story tonight. Dec 25, 2010
is grateful for friends who like cooking ribs & sharing them on Christmas Eve. Dec 25, 2010
is finished shopping and will spend a large portion of the day wrapping. Dec 24, 2010
likes being home. Catching up on Big Bang Theory. Love this show. Dec 24, 2010
Kasen wants to go back to Grandmas Dec 24, 2010
is excited!! Almost home for the Holidays!! Dec 23, 2010
RT @plattdavid: In awe of Christ’s deity…Jesus gave breath to His mom before she gave birth to Him. (Col.1:16-17) Dec 23, 2010
Mary was crazy to believe the angel. Joseph crazy to love Mary. God crazy to send His son. I’m grateful for the craziness of Christmas! Dec 23, 2010
loves being w/his family. All the Corns, Simmons, & Underwoods are everything family should be. Get to spend next week w/Mathews family too! Dec 23, 2010 – Kesleigh dancing with Cousin Tucker and grandmas dancing Santa. Dec 23, 2010
Kasen likes Cousin Tyler’s hot tub. Dec 22, 2010 – enjoys watching his son having fun & learning new things. You think God enjoys watching us enjoy the life He gave Dec 22, 2010
is shopping with Kasen for Miranda. He is helping pick out a few things – hope she likes monster trucks. Dec 22, 2010
thinks Kesleigh is cute in her Santa hat. Dec 22, 2010
It’s true. Bacon makes everything taste better, but (I never imagined there’d ever be a “but”) but…really?? Dec 22, 2010
had some Babes Chicken tonight. Dec 22, 2010
is winding “the ball” for new tradition – a tape ball full of little gifts. Everyone gets a turn to “find” gifts. Dec 21, 2010
Kasen’s ice cream Santa beard. Kesleigh likes hers too. Dec 21, 2010
enjoyed the Christmas lights tonight. Dec 21, 2010 – is running through the Christmas lights archway. Dec 21, 2010
‘s nieces, nephews, & kids are making playdough cupcakes. Dec 20, 2010 – is watching Kasen learn shapes, colors, & numbers by playing golf!! Dec 20, 2010
‘s daughter Kesleigh wants to wear her “soose” & drink her “yoose” while she watches “mice.” (shoes, juice, Mickey Mouse) Dec 20, 2010
will be celebrating his niece Jaycee’s birthday today. Dec 19, 2010
had a great Christmas w/family. Mom was creative too. A family cookbook w/old pics & a Christmas book w/her own voice recorded reading it. Dec 19, 2010
Kesleigh’s Santa Impression for Grandma Dec 18, 2010
successfully navigated the dog poop minefield/patch of grass at Bucees with Peanut. Dec 17, 2010
‘s Christmas break has officially begun. Dec 17, 2010
.com: Orange Name Tags Dec 17, 2010
finished watching “How to Train Your Dragon” with the kids. Now I gotta figure out how else I can entertain them ’til mama gets home. Dec 17, 2010
is watchin’ 4 kids tonight so Miranda can go to her staff Christmas party. Dec 17, 2010
‘s son Kasen wanted to buy Jesus a present for his birthday earlier today. So glad he understands who Christmas is really about. Dec 16, 2010
is catching up on Big Bang Theory. Think I’ll ask Santa for one of Sheldon’s t-shirts for Christmas. Dec 16, 2010
needs to rest. These “holy” days (holidays) have been “waytoobusydays!” Dec 16, 2010
just watched a 6th grade band concert. Dec 15, 2010
will spend his last day as a substitute today. Dec 15, 2010
.com: Withness Dec 15, 2010
is heading to the Wurst Haus for some great food & the Faith in Action Christmas board meeting. Nice to bring the family this time too. Dec 14, 2010
loves that Kesleigh enjoys riding bikes with daddy so much. Dec 14, 2010
‘s bride was on Good Morning America – she’s the pretty one holding up the sign w/Kasen, Kesleigh, & my name. Dec 14, 2010
had an unexpected encounter with Santa Claus at Chick-Fil-A. Dec 14, 2010
is at Chick-Fil-A entertaining…..I mean eating with the kids. Dec 13, 2010
is ready to have his bride back home. Dec 13, 2010
‘s kids found hats today. Dec 13, 2010
cant sleep. The 2 kids in his bed make things a bit crowded- not cause they need much space, but cause they insist on snuggling up so close. Dec 13, 2010
really loves Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God. Especially at Christmas. Thanks Redeemer & Tomball Bible for a great night!! Dec 13, 2010
took the kids to church this morning. I’m so grateful for Grace Bible Church. Dec 12, 2010
in spite of that last pic, I think they wore me out!!! Dec 12, 2010
think I wore ’em out?? Dec 12, 2010
has found Kesleigh’s lost cup at least 5 times today – no exaggeration, I bet it has consumed at least an hour of the day. Now it’s lost. Dec 12, 2010
is ready for mama to be home to give him a break. Tired of all the crying & whining over ridiculous things. I know…I confess..I’m shallow. Dec 11, 2010
is making breakfast for dinner. Dec 11, 2010
is running bases with the kids now. Dec 11, 2010
Oops – wrong pic. Here’s the good one. Dec 11, 2010
went geocaching (treasure hinting) w/Kasen & Kesleigh. No luck but nice pic today. Dec 11, 2010
.com: Prayer is Christmas Dec 11, 2010
is making cinnamon rolls for Kasen & Kesleigh this morning. Dec 11, 2010
had a good day with his kids: bike ride, dairy queen, petting zoo, hayride, free cookies, live nativity, & then old Christmas TV specials. Dec 11, 2010
isn’t sleeping. Up thinking about Social Studies. Dec 09, 2010
was just recommended FOR A JOB!!!! 6th Grade Social Studies here I come!!! God is good & I am extremely grateful!! Dec 08, 2010
is wearing another hat today. I’ve taught science, math, language, social studies, life skills, & music – today, I’m a librarian. Dec 08, 2010
‘s kids are “hiding” from him. Check out their hiding place: Dec 07, 2010
is having a great day as a 6th grade Social Studies substitute! Enjoying my conference period too. Dec 07, 2010
got some family pics done today. I’ll post ’em when we get them back. Photographer (Josh Johnson) said about a week. Dec 07, 2010
‘s kids sang in church this morning. Dec 05, 2010
just got a new photo album up covering some highlights from July-November. Dec 05, 2010
is hanging with the in-laws before the Christmas Parade! Always nice to be with them. Dec 04, 2010
took the kids to a birthday party this morning. We’re headed to see Santa now & then a Christmas parade later tonight. Love family days!! Dec 04, 2010
is excited about brisket & friends tonight. Dec 03, 2010
.com: Unconditional Love Dec 03, 2010
just received a temporary Class B drivers license. First step in the process for my bus driving career. Dec 03, 2010
finally got his car door open. Guess this is semi-normal for a car w/180,000 miles. Dec 03, 2010
is studying to become a bus driver Excited to one day be able to sing the old @caedmonscall song with integrity: “I’m just a bus driver…” Dec 03, 2010
Is glad to have his baby home. Dec 03, 2010
“Prayer is a moment of incarnation – God with us.” ~ from Paul E. Miller’s “A Praying Life” Dec 03, 2010
thinks Kasen is still a little small but I’m glad he likes climbing trees. Dec 02, 2010
needs to get his daughter Kesleigh some “yoose.” (juice) Dec 02, 2010
doesn’t think Miranda appreciates how much effort/thought I put into the apps I put on her iPhone for her. Oh well she likes using them. Dec 02, 2010
is glad to be back home with his family. Good day subbing but always good to get home. Dec 01, 2010
.com: rePost: 50 Things to do for Christmas Dec 01, 2010
will be a 6th grade Social Studies teacher/sub for 5 out of the next 6 school days. Nov 30, 2010
is at the park with Kasen again. He & daddy both love having a park close to home. Nov 29, 2010
Win an Apple iPad on Cyber Monday 2010! Retweet this and follow @cybermonday_fm to win!! Nov 29, 2010
is studying again. Nov 29, 2010
hopes to get a lot done today. Nov 29, 2010
is on the couch with his bride. Right where I belong. Nov 29, 2010
is studying this: so he can get a CDL & become a school bus driver. Nov 28, 2010
hopes Kasen will always think it’s fun to fix daddy’s car. Maybe I can get free repairs when he’s older. Nov 28, 2010
is taking the 2nd most beautiful girl in the world to church. Nov 28, 2010
loves it when Kesleigh gets up early & then falls asleep again in daddy’s arms. Good snuggle time. Nov 28, 2010
has just inherited the lovely job of fixing the toilet. May the Force be with me. Nov 27, 2010
is making a list and checkin’ it twice for our family Christmas. Nov 27, 2010
is glad to be home and happy to have his own bed! Nov 27, 2010
isnt sleeping. Up thinking about all my blessings. Especially grateful for Jesus. Nov 26, 2010
decided to start working out/eating better & then hurt my back. Not sure when workouts will start. Grateful for family taking care of me. Nov 26, 2010
RT @JohnCMaxwell: Silent gratitude isn’t much good to anyone. -Gladys Bronwyn Stern Nov 26, 2010
is thankful for Jesus, his family and friends. Nov 25, 2010
is watching the kids so Miranda can have a girls night – grateful for McDonalds playland. Nov 25, 2010
The distinction between pretending you’re better than you are & being better in reality is finer than moral (cont) Nov 24, 2010
can’t sleep. Nov 24, 2010
“If you try to literally follow Leviticus 19:18 ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’…well, you can’t. (cont) Nov 23, 2010
.com: Our Wonderful Life Nov 23, 2010
is grateful for Gigi who can watch the kids so Miranda and I can have a date night. Nov 23, 2010
is honored, humbled, & overwhelmed by the goodness of God through friends tonight. It IS A WONDERFUL LIFE!!! Nov 21, 2010
family + Festival of Lights + Lubys + inlaws + friends = a nice way to spend a Saturday. Nov 20, 2010
is proud that his 3yr old knows who both Yoda & Jesus are. Prayin’ he becomes a jedi Jesus follower. Did you know “jedi” was an adjective? Nov 20, 2010
.com: Miracle Nov 19, 2010
is grateful for childproof caps. Uhh…..does that incriminate me?? No, I didn’t lose a medicine bottle. No, my daughter didn’t find it. Nov 19, 2010
loves the fact that God calls me His child. I know I’m in good hands & He’s got my back. Just hope I make Him smile w/the way try to live. Nov 18, 2010
‘s daughter, Kesleigh just can’t seem to sleep very well. We were up at 11:30, 1:30, 2:30, 4:00, 5:15, and 6:00. Been up since then. Nov 17, 2010
.com: No Training Wheels!! Nov 17, 2010
.com: Throne Together Story & Downloads Nov 17, 2010
‘s son Kasen turned 3 last week & started riding his bike w/no training wheels tonight. Proud papa! I’ll upload & post video later tonight. Nov 16, 2010
isn’t sure the $$ savings we enjoy with a son out of diapers is worth the pain of enduring the “disgusting factor” of his accidents. Nov 16, 2010
AJ Jacobs (Year of Living Biblically) refers to his efforts as “flying solo on a journey that was intended for a crowd.” Alone = Failure Nov 16, 2010
has been writing the “Throne Together” story. Will post it tomorrow along with some free music downloads including some unreleased stuff. Nov 16, 2010
wishes he had an office or even a desk. Miranda’s not a big fan of my kitchen table workspace. Nov 15, 2010
is wondering where this road is going to lead? God has carried us this far. I know he’ll continue, but I wish I could see around the corner. Nov 15, 2010
Miranda: I love the cold cause that means Christmas is coming! Kasen: I want to go to their house. Mom: Whose house? Kasen: Christmas’! Nov 15, 2010
‘s son Kasen wants to play Candyland on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Sounds like a pretty good idea. Nov 14, 2010
‘s daughter, Kesleigh has pushed a chair up to the sink, climbed on it, & is now shouting “Wass! Wass!” (Wash) so I’ll turn on the water. Nov 14, 2010
is glad to be home with his family and hoping to get a good night of truly restful/refreshing/invigorating/bountiful/dream-rich sleep. Nov 14, 2010
is laughing about how Kasen (3yrs) ended his prayers the other night. – “and mostly thank you for Jesus. . . and Mickey Mouse. AMEN!” Nov 14, 2010
survived his first camp experience as Faith in Action Director. Its great to serve w/such great students & volunteers to “Seek the Kingdom.” Nov 14, 2010
has a busy weekend with Faith in Action. Nov 13, 2010
is wondering why twitter is saying he has only tweeted 4 times??? Nov 13, 2010
has a lot of Faith in Action stuff to get done for the camp this weekend. Nov 11, 2010
has mixed feelings. I love waking up w/Kasen snuggling up next to me, but know he shouldn’t be allowed in my bed. He crawls in like a ninja. Nov 09, 2010
looks like an irresponsible parent when he goes to the park. I can’t help it if my children are comfortable & confident at the park!!! Nov 08, 2010
thinks he would make a pretty good Social Studies teacher too. Enjoyed subbing for a friend today. Nov 08, 2010
wonders if Kasen is too young to ride his bike without training wheels. He’s determined-spent lots of time today working on it.-Proud Daddy. Nov 08, 2010
‘s daughter just learned how toake her toy duck quack. She thinks the sound is a request fir a kiss. Nov 06, 2010
is excited to be able to take the kids to the B-Wood football game tonight! Nov 05, 2010
thinks the interview went well. Just prayin now. Nov 05, 2010
Kasen’s first words this morning: “Where’s Mama and Kesleigh?” and then “I was tooting.” Nov 05, 2010
thinks it’s pretty cool to be able to watch Superman fly around his house. Nov 05, 2010
.com: Kasen’s 3rd Birthday! Nov 04, 2010
is well-rounded (double meaning). Subbed for 2 SocialStudies classes today. Taught about Israel in 6th grade & The Northwest Passage in 5th! Nov 03, 2010
‘s son Kasen likes to “paint” his sister Kesleigh with blue soap in the tub! Good thing she enjoys it too. Nov 03, 2010
is excited. Got another job interview!! Say some prayers for Friday. Nov 02, 2010
RT @AnthonyTrendl: @lensweet Do you know what the perfect tweet is? Unedited Famous Quote Exactly 140 Characters – Twitter-Sized http:// … Nov 02, 2010
is working on Faith in Action stuff!! Nov 02, 2010
is glad to be home. Had a good day of subbing, (5th Grade Language) but glad to be with my family. Nov 01, 2010
.com: Jewish Educational System Nov 01, 2010
.com: Halloween and Fall Pics 2010 Nov 01, 2010
‘s son Kasen just pee peed in the Trunk or Treat parking lot. I’m just glad I don’t have to change diapers anymore. Nov 01, 2010
has built 2 railroads & driven 2 monster trucks since church let out & I’m going out w/Minnie Mouse & Batman tonight. I’m a very blessed man Oct 31, 2010
RT @plattdavid: Luther: I’ve held many things n my hands, & I’ve lost them all; but whatever I’ve placed n God’s hands, that I still pos … Oct 31, 2010
is up with Kesleigh. She’s been looking at pictures of herself for the last 30min. Hope I’m not raising a vain child. Oct 31, 2010
good day. Took kids to get donuts, library, Sea Center, before family b-day party for Kasen. Good times – food, cake, presents, & new toys. Oct 31, 2010
is watching both kids this morning so Miranda/mom can clean house for Karens bday party. Oct 30, 2010
.com: Joppa, Jonah, and Peter Oct 30, 2010
had busy day. Subbed as an elementary music teacher, led a costume parade, took kids to Fall Festival, put them to bed, & now just relaxin’. Oct 30, 2010
is grateful to God for such loving and supportive friends – especially during tough times. Oct 29, 2010
spent the morning doing Faith in Action stuff and now we’re preparing the house for Kasen’s B-Day celebration with family. Oct 28, 2010
isn’t able to sleep. Oct 28, 2010
is heartbroken. Didn’t get the job. Oct 28, 2010
got a few miles in this morning. Gotta head to the school to sub for a 4th grade teacher today. Oct 27, 2010
feels good about the interview but wont know anything til the end of the week. Keep praying! Oct 26, 2010
is asking for lots of prayers. Job interview tomorrow for what seems like a perfect position for me!! Oct 26, 2010
is at the park again with Kasen. He never gets tired of the “Big Boy Slide.” Oct 25, 2010
has been tracking down Faith in Action worksites all morning. Oct 25, 2010
is gonna watch “Fanboys” tonight. I’m enjoying all these “free from the public library” movies. Oct 25, 2010
enjoyed ice cream from the Strand & a free ferry ride w/Kasen, Kesleigh, & Miranda this afternoon. Oct 24, 2010
got to hang out w/Joe Torrez (my old youth minister) at Guido’s in Galveston today. Oct 24, 2010
loves family days-Breakfast, Playtime, Soccer, Playtime, Birthday party, Playtime, Dinner, Playtime, football/playtime…I’m just a big kid. Oct 24, 2010
is going to have a full day with the family. Soccer game this morning, birthday party this afternoon, and Alabama game tonight. Oct 23, 2010
upset Kesleigh. I was talking to Miranda. Kesleigh put a book on the couch near me & was climbing up as I was getting up to leave. #clueless Oct 23, 2010
had some family fun! Pumpkin Patch & then “Free day” at the fair!! Oct 22, 2010
is excited to have an interview this coming Tuesday. Say some prayers. Oct 21, 2010
will be back in his old church this morning helping with a funeral. Prayin’ for the Gibson family. Oct 21, 2010
loves being greeted at the door with Kasen yelling, “Daddy!” and Kesleigh following behind with a great big, “Da da, da da, da da!” Oct 21, 2010
is excited about the possibilities. Oct 21, 2010
just finished his first Faith in Action Board Meeting and really loves being able to be a part of what they do. Oct 21, 2010
enjoyed some live music with his bride & boy tonight. You guys need to check out my friend Bo Carter!! Oct 20, 2010
Here’s the pic: Oct 20, 2010
‘s boy Kasen just asked if he would get candy later for eating all his chocolate sundae. Oct 20, 2010
subbed all day today and will be doing 5th grade science again tomorrow. It’s a great class too!!! Oct 18, 2010
is so grateful for God’s work in our lives. I hate that He sometimes has to take us through the fire, but I’m sure glad He’s there with us. Oct 18, 2010
thinks it’d be nice to be able to hop in a plane with his beautiful bride and go somewhere romantic for a few days. Oct 18, 2010
must have worn out is son Kasen. He was asleep at 6pm tonight. Oct 18, 2010
went for a family bike ride today. Kasen rode all the way to his school (2 miles?) & we moved a little mulch around & rode home. Oct 17, 2010
is heading to church. Oct 17, 2010
thought he’d enjoy a movie tonight but forgot about the Alabama game. As a loving husband, I choose NOT to get between Miranda & her team. Oct 17, 2010
‘s son Kasen has made it 2 days now without any “accidents” in his underwear. Well on his way to no diapers now. Growin’ up quickly. Oct 17, 2010
did a little tent camping in the backyard last night with Kasen & Kesleigh. We got up with the sun & picked up Shipley’s for mama. Oct 16, 2010
.com: Quote: Doing or Being? Oct 15, 2010
.com: Kesleigh’s Words Oct 15, 2010
loves subbing/teaching but hates that he missed a chance to see @zachmcnair today. Oct 15, 2010
Kasen went pee pee in the potty at Target tonight. Proud of him, but I’m also relieved I didn’t have to explain an accident in the store. Oct 13, 2010
is excited to get his bride, boy, & girl back home from school soon. Got Faith in Action stuff done today, but excited to have ’em home. Oct 12, 2010
is getting the word out to more youth ministers about Faith in Action! Would love to see new people – Oct 12, 2010
feels a bit like Joseph. My job situation has brought me closer to God. Gen 50:20 – “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.” Oct 12, 2010
.com: Quote: Lighthouse of Holiness Oct 12, 2010
subbed for a computer tech class today. Oct 11, 2010
got the New Faith in Action Website up and running! Check it out!! Oct 11, 2010
got the New Faith in Action Website up and running! Check it out!! Oct 11, 2010
got the new Faith in Action website up & running. Thanks Chris! Still needs a few minor changes. Oct 11, 2010
will be subbing for Miranda at the pre-school today. Oct 11, 2010
loves the fact that his 19month-old daughter Kesleigh takes her Bible to bed. Oct 11, 2010
wishes he could be at the @gatlinelms CD release party tonight. Oct 10, 2010
is blessed to have found a new church to become involved in. Great service and teachings this morning. Oct 10, 2010
is going to watch his 4yr old nephews soccer game this morning & then Alabama this afternoon. Oct 09, 2010
is feeling old tonight. Got back pains and I’m ready for bed at 9pm on a Friday night. Oct 09, 2010
is gonna go outside and play with his boy!! It’s beautiful outside today! We don’t need to be stuck inside on a day like this. Oct 08, 2010
s kids are growing up. Said goodbye without tears today. Not sure how I feel about it. Oct 08, 2010
is tired. Gonna sleep well tonight. Will need it too – subbing for 5th grade Language Arts tomorrow. Oct 08, 2010
is reading through the Faith in Action policy manual to see if there are changes that need to be made. Oct 07, 2010
.com: Multi-tasking is a Myth Oct 07, 2010
just made Kasen & Kesleigh their very first chocolate milkshakes. Daddy was also smart enough to give it to them right before bath time. Oct 07, 2010
Like the giving of the law on the mountaintop in Exodus, the Sermon on the Mount is intended to reveal our sin and need for a Savior. Oct 06, 2010
is excited to hang with some old youth ministry friends today! Oct 05, 2010
“You can’t have good ideas unless you’re willing to generate a lot of bad ones.” – Seth Godin Oct 05, 2010
“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” – Seth Godin Oct 05, 2010
“People watch what you do more than listen to what you say.” ~ Seth Godin Oct 05, 2010
enjoys subbing, but knows he’d love having his own classroom even more. Oct 04, 2010
is subbing for 6th grade social studies/reading classes today. I know some of the kids from other jobs – fun stuff! Oct 04, 2010
had over 10,000 page views on his website yesterday, but can’t figure out why?? – Hope somebody read something about Jesus. Oct 04, 2010
Bible in 50 Words: God made, Adam bit, Noah arked, Abe split, Joseph ruled, Jacob fooled, bush talked, Moses (cont) Oct 04, 2010
is getting ready to watch Amazing Race with my bride and my boy! Oct 04, 2010
‘s 18 month old daughter Kesleigh chooses red sauce over queso on her chips. She takes after her mama. Oct 03, 2010
went to Sunday School. 1st time in our new church. Great teaching on Jonah…well…really more on Balaam/parallelism, but great stuff! Oct 03, 2010
‘s little Karate Kid, Kesleigh, is in his lap playing w/a pen (put cap on, take cap off, repeat) & asking/reaching for her “yoose.” (juice) Oct 03, 2010
had a great day w/family. Went to the zoo (beautiful day) and now we’re at the in-laws watchin’ football with ice cream being scooped!! Oct 03, 2010
‘s daughter Kesleigh is putting her book in her backpack, then taking it out again, and putting it back in. . .at least it keeps her busy. Oct 02, 2010
is thinking it’s time for bed. Goodnight all!! Oct 02, 2010
is taking the family to the B-Wood football game tonight!! Go Bucs!! Oct 01, 2010
is excited to begin the New Testament today in his Bible reading plan. I just can’t help but get excited about Jesus. Oct 01, 2010
wishes he had a mobile virtual presence device like Sheldon’s!! #bigbangtheory makes me laugh! Oct 01, 2010
subbed all day, took the kids on a bike ride, and then had breakfast for dinner made by my bride. Life is good. Sep 30, 2010
is subbing for 6th grade science again today. Sep 30, 2010
really enjoys watching the social and leadership dynamics within the game of Survivor. Wonder what these things mean for the modern leader? Sep 30, 2010
is excited about the possibilities with Faith in Action!! Sep 30, 2010
is at the park with the kids on a beautiful day. Kesleigh keeps saying “wass dada” (meaning “watch daddy”) Sep 29, 2010
just got a half day sub job – gotta get ready to teach 6th grade science now. Sep 29, 2010
loves when Kesleigh waves goodbye. She looks at you, smiles, then watches her hand hand making sure it’s waving, & proudly smiles again. Sep 29, 2010
has nothing clever to say. Just getting kids fed, dressed, ready for school, watchin’ Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, etc. Being a dad. Sep 29, 2010
is grateful to God – kids in bed, cookies in the oven, his beautiful bride on the couch, and a nice evening ahead. Sep 29, 2010
RT @andrewjamestx: New Gatlin Elms record release info! Please RT!!! Sep 28, 2010
is more convinced each time he subs, that a teaching position is the right place for him. Just wish I could land one. Sep 28, 2010
has had fun this morning with Kesleigh following him around and trying to do everything daddy does. Sep 28, 2010
is subbing for two classes today – 5th grade science & math. Should be fun! Sep 28, 2010
had a busy day – Faith in Action meeting, 1st grade substituting, dinner w/the family, bathing the kids – now it’s couch time w/my bride. Sep 28, 2010
is getting ready for a meeting to get started on some Faith in Action work. Sep 27, 2010
Nehemiah in the reading plan today – love that book!! Sep 27, 2010
listening to the sweetest voice in the world sharing the sweetest story in the world. Miranda is reading the kids Bible stories for bedtime. Sep 27, 2010
.com: Quote: God’s Presence Sep 26, 2010
is laughing with Kesleigh. She’s giving “zerberts” this morning. Sep 26, 2010
“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” – St Augustine Sep 26, 2010
.com: Radical: Lessons from David Platt’s book Sep 26, 2010
really likes the new Hawaii Five-O! Didn’t watch it when it the first night, but the pilot came on again tonight. Adding it to the DVR list! Sep 26, 2010
is full – too many football snacks & too much pulled pork – not enough exercise. Good times with good friends though. Sep 25, 2010
is excited about being with his family for pulled pork sandwiches and the Alabama game this afternoon. Sep 25, 2010
changed his twitter background. Not sure what I think of #newtwitter Sep 25, 2010
is having dinner tonight with a family from the church we’ve been attending. Feels a bit like like a blind date. Sep 24, 2010
is amazed by the actions of God’s people in Ezra 10:12 – permanently left their families to follow God. Hope God never asks that one of me. Sep 24, 2010
is hoping to begin some Faith in Action work today. Sep 24, 2010
is excited to see the things God is doing in the life of a friend. Sep 24, 2010
is heading to meet w/pastor of the church he’s been attending to get a few questions answered. Praying they’re a good fit for our family. Sep 23, 2010
has a sweet little girl in his lap trying to push the buttons. Kesleigh’s first tweet: enrhcxhgyvucgvcbhcw hyuy7eehhfuddgsgijg Sep 23, 2010
.com: Troop Carrier or Luxury Liner? Sep 23, 2010
had a good day. Got a part-time job w/Faith in Action & then was reminded of God’s promises with this: Sep 23, 2010
is excited!! Just got the job as the new Faith in Action executive director!! Sep 22, 2010
is broke & has discovered the public library. Make requests on-line + e-mail notification + pick up movies/books > Netflix ’cause it’s FREE! Sep 22, 2010
doesn’t think God will ever say, “I wish you had kept more for yourself.” – @plattdavid Sep 22, 2010
can’t sleep. Sep 22, 2010
survived. I watched the kids tonight while Miranda attended another church meeting. They both had baths and are safely tucked into bed. Sep 22, 2010
‘s beautiful bride watched the kids for an hour so I could get away and read a bit. She’s so good to me. Sep 21, 2010
thinks being a sub for Kesleigh’s class was pretty simple. Play + Eat Snack + Play = Right up this big kid’s alley. Sep 21, 2010
will be a substitute teacher for Kesleigh’s toddler pre-school class today. Should be interesting. Sep 21, 2010
just watched the pilot of “Chase.” Not sure what I think of how they are portraying Texans. We’re not all cowboys & country music lovers. Sep 21, 2010
hopes a little wind will blow into his sails soon. Still hoping, but LORD, it’s not easy. I still believe & know you’re w/me. YOU are GOD. Sep 20, 2010
made ice cream sundaes w/the kids tonight. Blue Bell, Carmel/chocolate syrup, rainbow sprinkles. Good thing we also do baths after dinner. Sep 19, 2010
served breakfast in bed to Miranda this morning. Kasen & Kesleigh helped make biscuits, bacon, & eggs. Then we ate together in bed. Fun! Sep 19, 2010
loved @joneichler ‘s wedding. Great ceremony/worship, great friends, and breakfast for dinner at the reception. Congrats Eichlers! Sep 19, 2010
is enjoying a day with his beautiful bride & then heading to @joneichler ‘s wedding. Honored to be asked to read Scripture. Sep 18, 2010
Is in willowbrook mall. Strange to be back after all these years. Sep 18, 2010
had a great time at his friend @joneichler rehearsal dinner. I even hit a few golf balls..I missed a bunch too, (OK most) but sure had fun!! Sep 18, 2010
– : Quote: Try Different Sep 17, 2010
Here’s a couple of family videos this morning: Kasen: & Kesleigh: Sep 17, 2010
even likes BigBangTheory reruns. Sheldon:”There’s a fine line between wrong& visionary. Unfortunately,you have to be a visionary to see it.” Sep 17, 2010
is subbing for a science teacher in an after school program & then an interview w/Faith in Action for a permanent part-time position. Pray. Sep 16, 2010
has worked his part-time job with the Boys and Girls Club for a couple of days and really enjoys working with the kids. Sep 15, 2010 Sanctuary Bus Sep 14, 2010 Career or Calling Sep 14, 2010
will start a 3 day/week part-time job today with the Boys and Girls Club. Hoping to get sub jobs on the other days. Sep 13, 2010
‘s bride + Kasen + Kesleigh + mom + sister + niece + nephew + steak dinner + key lime pie + Bama game = A GREAT BIRTHDAY! Sep 12, 2010
Miranda and my sister just left mom and I with 4 kids so they could get their hair done. Hmmm. . .I thought it was MY birthday??? Sep 11, 2010
jus watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse again. “Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog.” Sep 11, 2010
‘s mom, sister, niece, and nephew arrived & I actually had everything done in time. Glad to have them here!! Sep 10, 2010
is with his son watching “Shrek the Third” (or “the one with the babies” as Kasen calls it) while Kesleigh naps. Sep 10, 2010
If workplaces had nap rooms, multitasking was frowned upon,& meetings were held during walks, we’d all be more (cont) Sep 10, 2010
has to eat breakfast, clean the house, make a run to the dump, and the donation box before his mom/sister/niece/nephew arrives. Sep 10, 2010
Is 1:13-14 -Quit your worship charades. I cant stand your trivial religious games..I’m sick of your religion..while you go right on sinning. Sep 09, 2010
helped make Kasen’s “me poster” for school tomorrow. Here it is: Sep 09, 2010
“A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing. If you love nothing, what joy is there in your life?” – Sean Connery in “First Knight” Sep 08, 2010
is cleaning out closets today. Fun, fun, fun. Sep 08, 2010
wishes he could have done more to give his beautiful bride an incredible birthday. Sep 08, 2010
Is subbing as a 4th grade teacher today. Sep 07, 2010
had too much to eat at the in-laws. Good to see everyone though. Sep 06, 2010
is trying to keep Kesleigh away from his wallet. She found it this morning on the kitchen table and thinks it’s a toy. Sep 06, 2010 Kasen and daddy on the waterslide! Sep 05, 2010
What kind of 21 year old has a water slide at her birthday party?? My friend Katie King…Happy Birthday Katie! Sep 05, 2010
thinks he and Miranda finally found the right church where their family can get involved. Sep 05, 2010
dreamt last night that he was kidknapped from a hardware store by a couple in an RV. Weird. Sep 05, 2010
is watchin’ “Cars” again. Ka-chow!! Sep 05, 2010
got peed on this morning. Kasen is wearing big boy “u-erwear” and was sitting in daddy’s lap. Sep 04, 2010
needs to find some breakfast. Gotta gear up to watch 4 extra kids later today. Gonna be fun though. Sep 04, 2010
read Ezekiel 23 today. Every time I read it, I’m amazed how God speaks of the very people He has chosen as His own. (including me) Sep 04, 2010
is visiting with Katie King. She’s back from college for the weekend. Sep 03, 2010
s son is in a “Why?” stage. Today he said “’cause God made it that way.” referring to a “bad truck.” Think he learned that phrase somewhere? Sep 03, 2010
is making pancakes this morning for all Miranda’s pre-school teachers. Chocolate chip, Banana, Pecan, etc Sep 03, 2010
had a dream come true tonight -something I’ve always imagined doing as a father. My daughter asked me to brush her hair. (short hair but…) Sep 03, 2010
subbed for a Kindergarten class today. Interesting. Think I’m better suited for students a little older. Sep 03, 2010
just placed plywood on the ground outside so Kasen and his friends could pretend they were in “boats.” Sep 01, 2010
is waiting for his lunch to come out of the oven while Kasen crawls around on my shoulders and whispers “I love you daddy” in my ear. Sep 01, 2010
“We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God.” – CS Lewis, Letters to Malcolm Sep 01, 2010
is heading to the neighbor’s house to have breakfast for dinner with them and let our kids entertain each another. Aug 31, 2010
had fun with all the 3rd graders today. Supposed to go back to be a 4th grade sub next week. Guess they liked me OK. Aug 31, 2010
will be substitute teaching for a 3rd grade class tomorrow. Say a prayer for me. I haven’t substituted for any class this young before. Aug 31, 2010
is grateful for an amazing bride who made an incredible dinner: Roast, potatoes, gravy, & biscuits. Mmm. Only problem? I ate too much. Aug 30, 2010
Kasen is OK. Dr. said it was common among kids and that it would heal on its own. Aug 30, 2010
Kasen fell, hit the couch, & has a bloody lip w/the skin from lip lodged between his front teeth & holding the wound open. Heading to Dr. Aug 30, 2010
Is watching kids again today – just call me mr mom. Aug 30, 2010
was called by the substitute teaching website so they could tell me that the sub job they were going to offer me was “no longer available.” Aug 30, 2010 Rocks Aug 30, 2010
A good morning worship service + 2 kids napping + sleepy Sunday afternoon + my bride = Ahh. . . Aug 29, 2010
will visit another church today. This makes 14, but we’re still hopeful. Aug 29, 2010
God beckons storm clouds, and they come. He tells the wind to blow and the rain to fall, and they obey (cont) Aug 29, 2010 Redeeming Love Aug 29, 2010
just started “Radical” by @plattdavid and can sense the Holy Spirit moving in me. Wonder what He’s gonna do now?? Aug 29, 2010
watchin Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I’m in the dark ages now in regards to my own tv, music, & movie choices. My choices = kids choices now. Aug 28, 2010
is heading to bed at 8:08pm. Aug 28, 2010
feels pretty productive. Took kids to beach, got car inspected & new registration, went grocery shopping, & now his bride is fixin’ dinner. Aug 27, 2010
is up with kids. Talked about going to the zoo today (We can get in for free.) but we may try to save the gas. We’ll see how the day goes. Aug 27, 2010
After 20yrs of full-time “ministry,” I’m learning what it is to be a neighbor from my neighbors. Thanks Chris for putting brakes on my car. Aug 27, 2010
picked up the kids, fed them lunch, now I gotta change diapers & get Kesleigh to take a nap. Wish me luck. Aug 26, 2010
is choosing to persevere today: “The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling.”- Lucretius 95BC Aug 26, 2010
enjoyed dinner w/friends, James & Marjorie. Thanks guys. Aug 26, 2010
Couldn’t get the kids to nap so now they are both asleep in the car. Aug 25, 2010
got out of the shower this morning & found his daughter Kesleigh had taken off her diaper & pooped on the floor. Fabulous… Aug 25, 2010
is praying that whatever is wrong with the car is also under warranty. They’re supposed to call later this morning to give us the news. Aug 25, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Free Bags of Crap and #iPad to celebrate 100k followers. Retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win. Aug 25, 2010
is feeling better about not having a job so Satans attacks just funny now -Today the car broke down & got a ticket for expired registration. Aug 25, 2010
caught a lizard to put in Kasen’s bug box. Now he and his friends are outside trying to catch moths to feed him. Aug 24, 2010
spent the last 5hrs helping paint the pre-school where my bride works. Aug 24, 2010
RT @Sleeperstar: We have 3580 followers, help us get to 6000 and we’ll then give away another iPad!! Include (#ssipadgiveaway in your RT)… Aug 24, 2010
Today’s activities: Took Kesleigh to the doctor, Got Kasen a haircut, Picked up prescription for Kesleigh, Caught bugs, Shot waterguns, etc. Aug 23, 2010
is grateful for such an amazing bride. Her prayers and conversations always make me feel better. Thank You God!! Aug 23, 2010
is crying. School starts tomorrow & still dont have a teaching job. Trying to trust God, but I can feel depression trying to close in on me. Aug 23, 2010
checked out another church this morning, and lunch, & we just watched “Flashpoint” while the kids are napping. Aug 22, 2010
just got home from Rusk, TX. I had a great time talking about Jesus, seeing old friends, & listening to audiobooks during my 8hr drive. Aug 22, 2010
RT @jaredcwilson: A comfort-laden life is as dangerous to the soul as a dangerous one is to the body Aug 22, 2010
is excited about the 4hr drive, speaking about Jesus , & seeing old friends in Rusk, TX at this: Aug 21, 2010
watched 4 kids so Miranda & neighbor could go to garage sale. Learned the “break out of jail” game w/a rope & tree isn’t such a good idea. Aug 21, 2010
is grateful a bride who notices my need & then offers to let me leave the house for an hour or so to get away & read a bit. Aug 21, 2010
has been at home w/the kids again today while Miranda works. I love having the time w/them, but it’d be nice to spend time w/adults too. Aug 20, 2010 Singing Your Song Aug 20, 2010
“In a controversy, the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for truth & have begun striving for ourselves”-Abraham Heschel Aug 20, 2010
is trying to remember that his value is not determined by what he does or by his job (or lack of one), but by his relationship w/Jesus. Aug 19, 2010
‘s son Kasen might be interested in going in the potty today. Guess I’ll be making trips to the bathroom every 30min today. Aug 19, 2010 Fruck in Fractor Aug 19, 2010
thinks an honest assessment of how I feel wouldnt be very hopeful so I’ll say I’m working on trusting God for the right job.When I’m weak… Aug 19, 2010
has 2 napping kids after taking them to All Star Pizza/Bounce House for lunch. Wore ’em out. Now I gotta get some things done. Aug 18, 2010
is up with the kids watchin’ Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. “Oh Toodles!! Uh Oh. We must need the Mystery Mousekatool.” Aug 18, 2010
‘s friend Zach found an old website & I was reminded of God’s work @ the Wave: -Thanks Jon & Zach. Aug 18, 2010
My Twifficiency score is 45%. What’s yours? Aug 18, 2010
“My mother says that when we deceive people for personal gain, we make Jesus cry.” – Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory Aug 18, 2010 In the Master’s Name Aug 17, 2010
watching kids. Miranda is taking Katie out for last night in LJ. Whats it mean that my 30-something bride hangs out w/college student. Aug 16, 2010
“Where reason cannot wade, there faith may swim.” – Thomas Watson Aug 16, 2010
RT @Sleeperstar: Sleeperstar is giving YOU 3 iPod’s & 2 iPad’s this WEEK!! (RT this and keep checking back today as the 1st winner will … Aug 16, 2010
RT @zachmcnair: .@Sleeperstar is giving YOU 3 iPod’s & 2iPad’s this WEEK!! (RT this & keep checking back today as the 1st winner will be … Aug 16, 2010
played waterboy all afternoon/evening for his friends (Thanks Chris & Jeff) who fixed his AC. Hope we have cool air through the night now. Aug 16, 2010 Where am I Going? Aug 15, 2010
can count at least 12 churches he’s visited over the past few months. Ready to “belong” somewhere. Aug 15, 2010 “I Want You” Aug 15, 2010
wishes his friend Chris was here w/his wife. Without him I’m outnumbered & I’m being forced to endure “Betheny getting Married” on TV. Aug 15, 2010 Cool Picture. Aug 14, 2010
“Stubbornness is a virtue if you’re right.” Tony Dungy Aug 14, 2010
Dinner downgrade status: From steaks to hot dogs the 1st time. Now from grilled hot dogs to microwaved. Praying the electricity stays on. Aug 13, 2010
‘s dinner plans just got downgraded from steaks to hot dogs. Oh well, maybe it’s better that the kids will actually eat tonight. Aug 13, 2010 Family Videos Aug 13, 2010
Here’s a pic of Kasen’s Speckled Trout. He caught 3 fish this morning at our friend’s bay house in Palacios. Aug 12, 2010
Me: “Kasen, don’t hit your sister.” Kasen: “But daddy, I want to.” – My son has brilliant logic. Aug 11, 2010
made a critical parenting mistake by allowing Kesleigh out in public without shoes. I got scolded by my bride. Aug 11, 2010
had a great time at his friend’s bay house in Palacios. Kasen caught his first fish!! I’ll post pics soon. Aug 11, 2010
watching the kids today. Have them all afternoon so Miranda can work & then tonight so she can go out. I must have “SUCKER” on my forehead. Aug 10, 2010
isn’t feeling good physically. Miranda says I’m “down” about the job search. Maybe she’s right, but I’m trying to choose to trust God. Aug 09, 2010
will sleep in his own bed tonight after a week away. Also got home to a nice surprise: My neighbor fixed/cleaned my lawnmower. Thanks Chris. Aug 09, 2010
Kasen insisted that daddy get him the “talking” cookies: When did Chips Ahoy start their speech program?? Aug 08, 2010
skipped sunday school this morning cause he had to change the flat tire that discount tire supposedly fixed yesterday. Aug 08, 2010
We’re not even close to right living. We long for light but sink into darkness, long for brightness but stumble through the night.Is 59:9msg Aug 08, 2010
“Where, except in the present, can the Eternal be met?” – CS Lewis – Christian Reflections Aug 08, 2010
just realized we didn’t tell Katie that we were staying in Pearland tonight. Gotta send her a text to see if she can feed Peanut. Aug 08, 2010
will be spending another night w/his in-laws due to the flat tire we had earlier. It’s fixed now. We’ll be able to get home tomorrow. Aug 08, 2010
finally has an operational vehicle but the wedding is over. Sorry Dale. We hate that we missed it. Aug 07, 2010
has a flat tire and is missing his good friend Dale’s wedding. Disappointed. Aug 07, 2010
‘s son is trying to put his shorts on by himself. Right now, he’s got both feet in one leg. Is it wrong of me to wait, watch, & laugh?? Aug 07, 2010
is excited about Dale and Christina’s wedding today!!! Aug 07, 2010
loves when his father-in-law (Mike) grills steaks – ate mine tonight with a butter knife. Aug 07, 2010
is watching “Christmas Vacation” w/my father-in-law while the kids nap. Christmas in August??? Aug 06, 2010
just saw Toy Story 3 with my kids, nephew, niece, and inlaws. Pretty good. Aug 06, 2010
is scheming with Miranda and Mike to go to a movie this afternoon. Aug 06, 2010
needs to study his Bible more often, more deeply, more. . . well, more. Thinkin’ I’ll spend a little time w/e-sword over the next few days. Aug 06, 2010
just got back from my inlaws neighborhood pool. Water was hot. Not even refreshing. Thats how hot it gets in Texas. Still wore out the kids. Aug 05, 2010
went w/Papa & took the kids this AM. Rode the train, fed the ducks, fish, & squirrels, played in the park, ate lunch. Nap??? Probably not. Aug 05, 2010
has a headache that won’t go away. Maybe I need to just go to bed and try to sleep it away. Aug 05, 2010
is watching kids tonight in Pearland. Trying to give Miranda a break. She’s workin all day tomorrow too so Mike & I are in for a long one. Aug 05, 2010
believes, trusts, doubts, hopes, loves, struggles, wrestles, feels, rests, wonders, and is in awe of God. (sometimes simultaneously) Aug 04, 2010
Isaiah 38:17 (MSG) “You never let me tumble over the edge into nothing.” Aug 03, 2010
has broken up fights, enforced time-outs, & been to the bounce house. Time for naps. Aug 03, 2010
thinks it got pretty hot in the car the other day. Check out our melted DVD player. Crazy thing still works!!! Aug 03, 2010
has been up for 30min & has already had to enforce a “time out.” I wonder how many more there’ll be today??? Aug 03, 2010
was hoping for a call today about a job interview…but the call didn’t come. Guess God thinks I’ve still got more faith. I choose to trust. Aug 03, 2010
is an uncle again. Welcome to the world Tristen Underwood!!! Aug 02, 2010
Is still in the hospital waiting for his new nephews arrival and trying to keep kids entertained. Aug 02, 2010
is excited about having a new nephew sometime today. Keep praying for both he and my sister (his mama). The contractions have started. Aug 02, 2010
spent a good day with his family, mom, bro, sis-in-law, sis, bro-in-law, niece, and nephews. Should have another nephew sometime tomorrow. Aug 02, 2010
is driving to Ft Worth for the birth of his nephew. Say a prayer for both he & his mama. (my sister) Aug 01, 2010
‘s kids are asleep. Guess I won’t be anchoring bookshelves to walls until after naps. Don’t wanna wake ’em up. Gotta enjoy these moments. Jul 31, 2010
just got back from Lowes and will be anchoring some bookshelves to the wall after a little lunch. Jul 31, 2010
RT @lensweet: “History doesn’t repeat itself . . . but it rhymes.” Mark Twain Jul 31, 2010
is attempting to get motivated for Miranda’s “Super-Cleaning Day.” Not sure if it’s possible, but I’ll do anything for my bride. Jul 31, 2010
is in a bit of a writer’s block. Haven’t posted anything new in a few weeks. Gotta do some more reading so it’ll spark new thoughts. Jul 31, 2010
is hanging at the house tonight with the family. Love being together. Jul 30, 2010
doesn’t enjoy getting bit trying to get crayons out of Kesleigh’s mouth. I dont understand the facination. Does she think it’s candy? YUCK! Jul 30, 2010
made breakfast this morning. Jul 30, 2010
discovered that looking at pictures on the computer makes Kesleigh stop crying. Now she’s in my lap. I’m going to Jul 30, 2010
is grateful for friends who teach him new things. Went fishing this morning & tore apart a lawnmower carburetor tonight. Thanks Chris. Jul 30, 2010
had fun fishing! 1st time since elementary school. Caught a few hardheads, a small croker, and this gafftop: Jul 29, 2010
is glad he has friends who want to borrow documentaries like “Growin’ a Beard” and “Air Guitar Nation.” I’ve got friends as weird as I am. Jul 29, 2010
laughed when we said “let’s pray” at dinner & Kesleigh got out of her chair & sat on the floor folding her hands. (our bedtime prayer spot) Jul 29, 2010
is grateful for such a great family. I just love being w/them. Even when the kids are cranky. Jul 29, 2010
“Only through fire can the smith pull and stretch metal into the shape of his design.” Michelangelo Jul 28, 2010
is watchin’ the “monkey movie” (Curious George) with Kasen. Jul 28, 2010
took 4 kids on a bike ride and is getting ready to sit down with the neighbors for some pulled pork. Jul 27, 2010
just got back from Academy in search of a bike pump – Kasen wants to go on a bike ride later today. Jul 27, 2010
is wrapping up Faith in Action stuff. Jul 27, 2010
chased down another job lead this morning. Praying for an interview now. Jul 27, 2010
is full. I always tend to eat too much when we have breakfast for dinner. Now it’s time to play w/the kids and exercise off a few calories. Jul 26, 2010
is glad to be able to spend the day with his family today!! Jul 26, 2010
got over 800 pics uploaded to the Faith in Action facebook page: Join and check ’em out!! Jul 26, 2010
110 volunteers+22 clients+62 hrs+2 wheelchair ramps+8 handrails+siding+yardwork+gutters+paint+sweat worship+great hosts = Faith in Action Jul 25, 2010
is tired. Still have another night of Faith in Action, but already tired. Gonna need the LORD’s strength. It’s been tons of fun though. Jul 24, 2010
is excited about Faith in Action this weekend. Praying for “No Rain.” Jul 22, 2010
is scrambling to be ready for Faith in Action. We had some last minute site changes. Jul 22, 2010
is going to bed with much still to be done. Sometimes sleep becomes the priority so important work can be done well. Jul 22, 2010
didn’t get it at first but now understands why his son wanted him to let Peanut jump on the toilet paper. Jul 21, 2010
worked in a hardware store in college, but got confused in one today. Didn’t even know what some items were. Always something new to learn. Jul 21, 2010
is headed to McCoys to purchase materials for 20 “Faith in Action” worksites. Jul 21, 2010
has been playing referee this morning in the battle between two kids and their frootloops. Jul 21, 2010
likes this quote, but is tired of the cocoon: “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” ~Richard Bach Jul 20, 2010
is disappointed. Didn’t get the job I interviewed for yesterday. Guess God has something else in mind for me. I will trust Him. Jul 20, 2010
The most influential people who walked among us have 1 commonality. They were aligned 1st w/spiritual nature & then w/the physical.-Einstein Jul 20, 2010
An immature Christian wants 2 die nobly 4 a cause, but the mark of a mature Christian is that he wants 2 live humbly for one. Wilhelm Stekel Jul 20, 2010
has a job interview today. I think I’d really love this job. Please say a prayer for me. Jul 19, 2010
Is sitting in a theater again. Gonna see grown ups this time. Two movies in two days. Wow! Jul 18, 2010
Just had dinner with some old friends. I am so blessed to have such great people in my life. Thanks davidsons! Jul 18, 2010
never gets to see “guy” movies, but with Miranda and the kids away, this mouse went to see “Inception!” Good stuff! Jul 17, 2010
has officially become a regular dad. I had the chance to “sleep in” today and only made it ’til 8:30am. Jul 17, 2010
has been working on “Faith in Action” stuff for the last 12hrs now! It’s gonna be a great camp!! Join us next weekend – July 22nd-25th. Jul 17, 2010
thinks we’ve finally got enough Faith in Action worksites!! Now I gotta get to work on entering all the data. Jul 16, 2010
The mind is simple: You’re either trying to learn God’s laws in order to follow them; or you’re trying to outsmart Him. ~Martin H. Fischer Jul 16, 2010
is checking out more Faith in Action sites today!! Jul 16, 2010
is a bachelor for a few days. Miranda took the kids to Alabama for the weekend. Guess I’ll do some reading, watch some movies, and write. Jul 16, 2010
According to the I Write Like Analyzer, my blog writing is similar to the writing of Stephenie Meyer(Twilight series) Weird?! Jul 15, 2010
is desperately trying to find more Faith in Action worksites. Brazosport folks please help. Think handrails, ramps, paint, minor repairs,etc Jul 15, 2010
just returned from another job fair. Praying for a job. Jul 15, 2010
froze last night. Didn’t realize it, but Kasen (2yrs) turned the thermostat to 45°. Jul 15, 2010 Why the Grass Makin’ Noise? Jul 15, 2010
is in his house alone. Gonna try to enjoy the quiet a bit. Jul 14, 2010 Lingering Love Jul 14, 2010
is working on finding a few more Faith in Action sites. Jul 13, 2010
‘s daughter Kesleigh is trying to put socks on Peanut (the dog). This is good for 15min of entertainment. Daddy is watching kids today. Jul 13, 2010
is waiting for Miranda to finish watching the Bachelorette before he joins her on the couch. Hope it comes quickly. Jul 13, 2010
is glad to be home again. Gotta get a lot more Faith in Action stuff done this week. Jul 12, 2010
wants to remember the conversation he had with Kasen in the tent last night. Need to write a blog. Jul 12, 2010
Is enjoying Austin today. Salt Lick lunch and Barton Springs w/train, playground, pool this afternoon. And a snow cone to top it off. Jul 11, 2010
is still praying for a teaching job, but heard there have been at least 100 applicants for all positions. Hope someone can see my potential. Jul 11, 2010
is packing for a quick camping trip. McKinney Falls here we come! Jul 10, 2010
is glad Miranda married him ’cause he got her family too. Had a great time with them tonight. Happy Birthday Patti!!! Jul 10, 2010
My friend’s band is releasing a CD! Great stuff!! Check ’em out! Now available for preorder! @gatlinelms Jul 09, 2010
is visiting Faith in Action worksites today. Got a bunch to check out! Jul 09, 2010
has tucked his son Kasen (2yrs) into bed 3 times. Miranda has done it 3 times too. Wish I knew how to get him to stay without using ropes. Jul 09, 2010
had a great Faith in Action meeting and is excited about the next camp. Join us July 22-25th!! Jul 08, 2010
is reading Jonah 1-4 today for the 1yr Bible reading plan. Jul 07, 2010
Here’s one for all you mom’s out there too. I’m cracking up!! Jul 07, 2010 Dad Life Jul 07, 2010
thinks this might be the greatest video I’ve ever seen. Jul 07, 2010
spent the last few hours searching school district websites. Still hope to get a teaching job. Please say a prayer for me if you read this. Jul 07, 2010
was just told he would get to watch the kids tonight so Miranda could go to the movies w/the girls. Glad I’m able to give her a night out. Jul 06, 2010
‘s friends came all the way from Italy to take us to lunch. Great food & great conversations. Gonna take the kids for a bike ride soon. Jul 06, 2010
had to change Kesleighs diaper twice in a 5 minute span. Guess she wasnt quite finished the 1st time. Maybe I’m too on top of things today?? Jul 06, 2010
thanks God for creating a stomach ejection seat for bad stuff. Got to clean up puke in the middle of the night. Oh the joy of parenthood. Jul 06, 2010
has been cleaning house today. I thought it was supposed to be “spring” cleaning not “summer” cleaning. Gonna take Kasen to the pool later. Jul 05, 2010
RT @zachmcnair: RT @davidbean RT @marshallw In ‘Back to the Future’, Doc sets clock in the DeLorean to a day 25 years in the future. Tod … Jul 05, 2010
was told by Kasen (2ys) that it’s not raining outside so we could sleep in the tent tonight. Drat! He remembered my excuse from a month ago. Jul 05, 2010 Risk in the Blood Jul 05, 2010
thinks little ol’ Lake Jackson puts on a good fireworks show. Both kids stayed awake ’til 9:45! (That’s the sign of something spectacular.) Jul 05, 2010
picked up Buzz Lightyear and Disney Princess folding chairs for the fireworks tonight with the neighbors. Jul 04, 2010
had an unexpected “Missing my Dad” moment today (died of leukemia in 1997) when my son Kasen put on a sailor’s cap. Cried on the drive home. Jul 04, 2010
‘s son Kasen was wearing a flag shirt and asked daddy where his was. Miranda is now picking out a flag shirt for daddy. $5 @ Old Navy. Jul 03, 2010
My knee is getting tired of bouncing kids. Jul 03, 2010
‘s daughter Kesleigh wants her turn too. She wants to do everything her brother does. Jul 03, 2010
s son Kasen is sitting, well bouncing in his lap listening/laughing as his voice shutters from the bouncing. Wish you could all hear/see it. Jul 03, 2010
woke up this morning with Kasen sitting on his chest saying he wanted “KoolAid.” We had KoolAid for breakfast. Jul 03, 2010
is retweeting his wife’s FB status: Miranda’s electricity is out. Kasen just said “Why is our house broken? We need to go buy another one!!” Jul 03, 2010 Vandal Jul 03, 2010
is right back to “normal” after a great vacation. Went to grocery store & now the neighbor kids are over to play w/Kasen. Good to be home!! Jul 02, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win Two #Apple iPhones July 4th Weekend. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPhone4. Jul 02, 2010
is excited about sleeping in his own bed tonight! Jul 02, 2010
is coming home!! Jul 01, 2010
had a great day with his wife, kids, mom, sister, bro-in-law, nieces, and nephew. The fajitas are mentioning too. Jun 30, 2010
thinks his plans for the family have officially been rained out. We’ll have to try again tomorrow. Now, how do I entertain 2 kids inside? Jun 29, 2010
is back in Ft Worth after an incredible vacation. I’ll post pics soon. Gotta find some fun stuff for the family in Ft Worth for tomorrow. Jun 29, 2010
is so blessed to have such incredible family!! Both Mathews & Corns. Jun 27, 2010
just boarded the plane (Continental flight #2) that’s gonna get me a few 1,000 miles closer to my kids. I’m ready. Jun 27, 2010
is “Leaving on a jet plane…” Ready to see my big boy Kasen & sweet girl Kesleigh back in Texas. 2hr wait + 8hr flight + 5hr drive = home Jun 27, 2010
just finished lunch by the pool. It’s our last day on the ship. Jun 25, 2010
has to go buy a larger “carry on” so we can make it home w/the extra Hawaiian stuff we’ve accumulated. Jun 25, 2010
didn’t know Mahjongg was played w/physical tiles. I’ve only played online…until now anyway. Jun 25, 2010
can’t believe Mike & Patti Mathews just went zip lining w/us in Kauai. Can’t get pics up ’til after the trip but… It’s pretty amazing! Jun 25, 2010
just finished reading his book while lounging at the pool which overlooks a mountain in Kauai, Hawaii. Jun 24, 2010
will be doing some ziplining through the rainforest in Kaui later today. Gonna be another good day!! Jun 24, 2010
Oops Ecc 12:13-14 Jun 23, 2010
Fear God. Do what he tells you and that’s it. Ecc 12:12-13msg Jun 23, 2010
is in a lava tube. Jun 22, 2010
is excited – gonna see Volcano National Park today!! Jun 22, 2010
spent the morning in Maui & jumped off some lava rocks into the Pacific. Now we’re sitting down w/family for tacos. Life is good. Jun 21, 2010
Saw a banyon tree that covers a whole city block this morning. Jun 20, 2010
Is sitting at the wharf in Laheina hawaii waiting for his fish and chips to arrive while the girls do some shopping Jun 20, 2010
is spending Fathers Day away from his kids, but can’t complain too much cause I’m in Hawaii!! Missin’ my big boy & sweet girl though. Jun 20, 2010
got a workout in so now I can have a bog breakfast. Probably too big. Jun 20, 2010
“Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what’s… Jun 19, 2010
is gonna spend the morning on Waikiki Beach. God is so good. Jun 19, 2010
helped Miranda w/biggest pancakes he’s ever seen. Featured on Man vs Food Didnt get far. Jun 19, 2010
has a nice view from his hotel room. Jun 19, 2010
landed safely in Honolulu. Now we’re looking for our hotel. Jun 19, 2010
is headed to Hawaii!!! Jun 18, 2010
said goodbye to his children for 10 days. Surprised how hard it was. Looking forward to Hawaii, but gonna miss my big boy & sweet girl. Jun 18, 2010
is trying to figure out what fun things to do with his kids today in Ft Worth. Jun 17, 2010
had a good day w/family. Great to see mom, bro, sis, nieces, & nephews. Now I gotta find someplace fun (for kids) to eat in Ft Worth. Ideas? Jun 17, 2010
is going to hang out with his bro, sis, niece, & nephews a bit today. Should be a good day. Jun 16, 2010
Not exactly what I imagined for our Hawaiian vacation! Jun 15, 2010
Is driving to Fort Worth to begin the Hawaiian adventure! Woo hoo!! Jun 15, 2010
could use some prayers. I’ve got a job interview today!! Jun 15, 2010
is thinking eggs and bacon with/@andrewjamestx would be great right now!! Be sure to bring enough for my kids too – Kesleigh loves her eggs. Jun 15, 2010 Proud Parent Post Jun 15, 2010
is trying to be a good husband. Beach this morning, errands/shopping all afternoon, & now watching kids so Miranda can get her toes done. Jun 15, 2010
is glad the neighbor’s kids feel so comfortable in his home. Miranda and I always prayed for a house where other people feel “at home.” Jun 14, 2010
got back from beach & was showering when the neighbors boy walked in the bathroom telling me how his daddy was taking him swimming. Awkward. Jun 14, 2010
“If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.” Saint Thomas Aquinas Jun 14, 2010
is going to go to bed early tonight. Very tired after Faith in Action this weekend. Jun 14, 2010
saw God’s hand working through each of the Faith in Action workteams & thinks there’s something eternal in laughter/smile moments. Jun 13, 2010
finally got all the Faith in Action pics uploaded. I’m not a fan of facebook’s uploader options. Jun 13, 2010
has been trying to upload Faith in Action pics since about 10:30pm last night. Facebook keeps crashing so I’m still working. Jun 13, 2010
RT @johncmaxwell: Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful. -John Wooden Jun 12, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #iPhone4 if USA win England Today in 2010 #WorldCup. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win. http://bit. … Jun 12, 2010
finished his work as the “frozen towel delivery guy” for the “Faith in Action” work teams. All 5 sites making progress & surviving the heat. Jun 12, 2010
Is getting ready for a full day of work. Five Faith in action projects today. Jun 12, 2010
doesn’t know how to get his 15mth old daughter, Kesleigh, to stop biting her 2 & a half yr old brother. Jun 11, 2010
must turn on the light in Kasen’s room. So glad he’s learning how to play by himself. Jun 11, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #iPhone 4 Today. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPhone4. Details: Jun 11, 2010
has a big day ahead. Getting ready for Faith in Action this weekend. Jun 11, 2010
“What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.” ~Karl Menninger Jun 11, 2010 rePost: I Want to Teach Jun 11, 2010
is excited to lead his 1st Faith in Action tomorrow. Say a prayer. We’ve got about 40 youth/adults serving & helping/building for 5 clients. Jun 11, 2010
“Love consists in desiring to give what is our own to another and feeling his delight as our own.” – Emanuel Swedenborg Jun 11, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #iPhone 4 Today. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPhone4. Details: Jun 10, 2010
must have God’s favor. Prov 18:22msg “Find a good spouse, you find a good life– and even more: the favor of GOD!” Jun 10, 2010
is grateful and satisfied. Had a nice steak tonight from the grill. Jun 10, 2010
“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.” – Oswald Chambers Jun 10, 2010
“When I am in the cellar of affliction, I look for the Lord’s choicest wines. – Samuel Rutherford Jun 09, 2010
“The higher the hill, the stronger the wind: so the loftier the life, the stronger the enemy’s temptations.” – John Wycliffe Jun 09, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #iPhone 4 Today. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPhone4. Details: Jun 09, 2010
got a little workout in this morning and had a little time to himself while Miranda took the kids to the church for a Mom’s Bible Study. Jun 09, 2010
wants to remember some moments forever: like when Kesleigh clings to my hair when she falls asleep in my arms. Jun 08, 2010
had a scare today. Lost power while using my electric razor. Only other razors in house were Miranda’s. Luckily power/hope was restored. Jun 08, 2010
loves the excitement of nurses when they first understand we’re trying to help their patients for free. Fun stuff. Jun 08, 2010
is tracking down home health centers looking for Faith in Action clients for the July camp. Jun 08, 2010
is up early and hoping to get a lot done today. Jun 08, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #iPhone 4 today. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPhone4. Details: Jun 08, 2010 The Ditch Jun 08, 2010
thought he was going to watch Flashpoint on-line tonight, but Miranda has the Bachelorette on – think I’m gonna watch Flashpoint alone. Jun 08, 2010
is happy to have his neighbors back in town. It’ll be much easier to entertain the kids now. Jun 07, 2010
‘s family got thrown out of the pool today due to thunder & lightning. Jun 07, 2010
has been doing Faith in Action stuff this morning. It’s all coming together. Jun 07, 2010
is getting ready for church in Tomball & then to Pearland to make decisions about the Hawaiian cruise my in-laws are taking us on. Jun 06, 2010
apic of Kasen in his Spiderman PJs with his friend, Superman. Jun 06, 2010
‘s son, Kasen, is very excited about his Spiderman PJs. Jun 05, 2010
had some great burgers and dogs grilled by some great friends. (Josh & Shana) Jun 05, 2010
enjoys/loves his friends. Jun 05, 2010
Asked kasen what colors were on the flag. His answer: blue white and kool ade. Jun 04, 2010
wants to do something fun with his family today. Suggestions? Jun 04, 2010
Overheard Kasen yesterday in the car saying, “Dude, I love you.” to his teck deck toy skateboard. Jun 04, 2010
got up before anyone else in his family today. What’s wrong with me?? The kids are sleeping later, but their schedule has trained my body. Jun 04, 2010
read books, prayed together, sang Jesus Loves Me, & Kesleigh went to bed fine. Kasen took another 30min of books. Wish it was a easier. Jun 04, 2010
Is headed to a faith in action program meeting. Excited about possibilities! Jun 03, 2010
‘s beautiful bride is making breakfast. I’m a very blessed man. She’s way too good for me. Jun 03, 2010
Ps 116:12msg “What can I give back to GOD for the blessings he’s poured out on me?” – Bono quoted this verse during one of his concerts. Jun 03, 2010
took Kasen down his 1st waterslide today. He wasn’t scared at all. That’s my boy!! A risk-taker/faith-walker – the kind of guy God can use. Jun 03, 2010
is watchin’ the kids while Miranda gets her hair done. Jun 02, 2010
‘s son Kasen has his own guitar collection. Like father, like son. Jun 01, 2010
wishes he had an ipad, Kindle, or Nook for his trip. Anyone wanna give one away?? Jun 01, 2010
Had a full day and a long drive home – thought the kids would fall asleep on the way home – no luck. Long night ahead. Jun 01, 2010
For Memorial Day: “The dead soldier’s silence sings our national anthem.” ~Aaron Kilbourn May 31, 2010
‘s son Kasen is singing to his waffle. If he was eating like he’s supposed to, the waffle would be in his mouth & he couldn’t sing. May 31, 2010 Quotes: Something of God May 31, 2010
has enjoyed the day with his family. Church, lunch, playing in the pool, and now everyone has a popsicle in hand. Wait…everyone but me… May 30, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #iPad & #iPhone this Memorial Weekend. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win. Details: May 30, 2010
fell in the mud in the theater parking lot. Kasen & I dressed the part for Shrek who likes to bathe in mud himself. May 30, 2010
wonders how to get rid of the birds (mosquitoes) in my backyard?? Well, I could get some explosives but I need something more..kid friendly. May 29, 2010
100 religious persons [unified] by careful organizations do not constitute a church any more than 11 dead men make a football team.-AW Tozer May 29, 2010
“To be right with God has often meant to be in trouble with men.” – AW Tozer May 29, 2010
RT @GoodNewsFL: May is #Military Appreciation Month. Win an iPad+3G announced end of May. Follow and RT @GoodNewsFL May 29, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #iPad & #iPhone this Memorial Weekend. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win. Details: May 29, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #iPad when @dealsplus has 2k more followers. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win. More details: http: … May 28, 2010
is amazed that RootBeer is considered the highest reward when you poop in the potty. A BIG drink for a BIG boy!! May 28, 2010
Kasen peed on the floor this morning, but pooped in the potty this afternoon. What am I to think? May 28, 2010
is doing a bunch of pre-site work today for Faith in Action. May 28, 2010
Kasen was so excited about wearing big boy underwear this morning that he decided to pee all over the kitchen floor. I’m just glad its tile. May 28, 2010
Something of God..flows into us from the blue of the sky, the taste of honey, the delicious embrace of water..& from sleep itself.-CS Lewis May 28, 2010
isn’t excited. Miranda & kids are asleep. Not good. Miranda is gone tonight & this means the kids will stay up late. Think I’ll wake ’em up. May 27, 2010
really wishes he could take a nap today. Kids are too wired though. May 27, 2010
is getting a lot of Faith in Action stuff done today. Gotta be prepared for the first Camp June 11-13th. May 27, 2010
is still prayin’ for a job. May 27, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #Giveaway Everyday. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPod, #iPad and more. Details here: http://b … May 26, 2010
is running the computer for the School for Little People Pre-School Graduation – One of the things I do for my beautiful bride. May 26, 2010
is in charge of watching an extra kid at his house today. May 26, 2010
Is enjoying splash day w/Kasen and Kesleigh. May 26, 2010
is working for Miranda this morning. Putting together her Pre-School Graduation slideshow. May 26, 2010
made bacon and egg breakfast tacos this morning. Kesleigh loves eggs. Kasen likes the bacon. Mommy and daddy like breakfast. May 26, 2010
was wrong. God is always good & He knows what’s best and that means He is fun too. I just wish He’d do things my way. I’m sinful. May 26, 2010
wants a job so he can buy an ipad & iphone. Guess God is teaching me patience & discipline. He is always good but sometimes He’s not so fun. May 26, 2010
‘s son need to go to bed, but fights it every night. Too bad we can’t just put candy in the bed and let him eat himself to sleep. May 26, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #Giveaway Everyday. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPod, #iPad and more. Details: … May 26, 2010
‘s son is rolling on the floor crying. I think he’s just tired. Ooops – now Kesleigh is joining him. Gotta go console them both. May 25, 2010
RT @timapratt: God can do nothing for me until I recognize the limits of what is humanly possible, allowing Him to do the impossible. – … May 25, 2010 Quotes: A Mountain May 25, 2010 Dream Apnea May 25, 2010
is taking both kids to grocery store so Miranda can have a few moments to herself. If I was a better man, I wouldn’t be telling FB about it. May 24, 2010
had fun as an 8th grade science teacher. Enjoyed the LJI vibe too. Gotta gear up for some play time with my kids now. May 24, 2010
will sub for an 8th grade science teacher at LJI today. May 24, 2010
wishes Eko had made a return for the finale. May 24, 2010
LOST lost me. May 24, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #Giveaway in 30 mins. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPod, #iPad and more. More details: http:/ … May 24, 2010
#LOST May 23, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #Giveaway Everyday. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPod, #iPad and more. Details: … May 23, 2010
is grateful to his friend Chris who helped him secure/password protect his wireless connection. It’s only been 4 years. May 23, 2010
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” – Ambrose Redmoon May 23, 2010
‘s neighbors (The Shelbys) boiled crawfish tonight. Fun times. May 23, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #Giveaway Everyday. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPod, #iPad and more. More details: http://b … May 22, 2010
‘s friends (Thanks Johnsons) gave him a “big boy bed” w/slide for Kasen. Got it set up & Kasen is lovin’ it. May 22, 2010
Miranda just put Kasen’s baseball bat in “time out.” Should the bat be punished for Kasen’s misuse?? May 22, 2010
‘s daughter Kesleigh is snuggling and trying to share milk from her sippy cup with daddy. May 22, 2010
is waiting for the babysitter to arrive. Miranda and I have a hot date tonight! May 21, 2010
substituted for the choir director at LJI today. Fun times. May 21, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win #Apple #Giveaway Today. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win #iPod, #iPad and more. More details: http://bit. … May 21, 2010
‘s son Kasen is frustrated ’cause his PopTart was “broken” after he took a bite out of it. May 21, 2010
has now become the interim Faith in Action director for the summer. Excited, but prayin’ I can serve the LORD well in this position. May 20, 2010
picked up Kesleigh from school & wishes she’d take a nap. It doesn’t seem likely, but a man can dream – right? May 20, 2010
Real wisdom…begins w/holy life & characterized by getting along w/others. Its gentle, reasonable, overflowing w/mercy & blessings.Jas 3:17 May 20, 2010
is filling out another on-line application. May 20, 2010 A Perfect Ministry Storm May 20, 2010
“It’s better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day.” – Proverbs 24:5msg May 20, 2010
wants to get a lot of things done but doesn’t think he has enough time today. May 19, 2010
is amazed at how many ways God is providing for my family. May 19, 2010
took Kasen to the grocery store, cooked dinner tonight, & is now baking cookies as a reward for my big boy. He pooped in the potty tonight. May 19, 2010
‘s kids are playing in the pool. Summer is here! (not to mention the 89° temp) May 18, 2010
Kasen just figured out that he can spit without getting in trouble if he brushes his teeth. May 18, 2010
dreamed he was building a 3 story house in a trees on a mountains with a porch overlooking a little town. Now I can’t sleep. May 18, 2010
took the kids on a bike ride to the park and now we’re fighting the nightly battle, “No Kasen. You can’t eat donuts for dinner.” May 17, 2010
loves it when his daughter Kesleigh wants him to read to her. Not sure how I feel about the Cookie Monster book the 7th time around but. . . May 17, 2010
Always feels at home in Tomball. May 17, 2010
had fun with Josh and Shana. Enjoyed Robinhood and then we had our first Lupe Tortilla experience – good stuff. May 16, 2010
had great conversations and great lunch with some old friends. Thanks Kelly & David! Now we’re meeting Josh & Shana to see Robinhood! May 15, 2010
is getting ready for a trip to Tomball for a good friend’s wedding. Kids stayin w/Gigi. Miranda & I have Marriott rewards points to reedeem. May 15, 2010
is attempting to get 4 kids settled down in front of “Toy Story” so we can play spades with friends. May 15, 2010
has a house full of kids. Most are eating pizza at the moment, but the crying/yelling/playing/amazingly fun chaos will begin again soon. May 14, 2010
“I’m here 4 a purpose-2 grow into a mountain. I’ll apply my efforts 2 become mountain. Strain mypotential ’til it cries 4 mercy.” Og Mandino May 14, 2010
is watching his son Kasen hold two donuts up to his eyes so he can look through the holes & brag to his sister Kesleigh that he has them. May 14, 2010
has to go print up some things for his job interview tomorrow. Say a prayer for me. May 14, 2010
just had a 4yr old tell him to take him to the underwater hotel. Wish I had the $$ to do it. I’d love to go myself. May 13, 2010
will be accompanying his class to a reptile show today. Should make for an interesting day. May 13, 2010
“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” – Henry Brooks Adams May 13, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win an #Apple #iPad in one hour! Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win. Details: May 13, 2010
experienced a power outage at school today. Learned that it’s easier to deal with “no lights” than “no A/C” when you teach in Lake Jackson. May 12, 2010
loves that his daughter Kesleigh smiles real big and runs to him when she sees him in the morning. May 12, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win an #Apple #iPad today! Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win. Details: Another iPad w/ 80 … May 12, 2010
is disappointed that his small group is not meeting again for a couple of months. May 11, 2010
had fun substitute teaching for a music class today. Taught about the history of Rock-N-Roll. May 11, 2010
“If God asks that you bend, bend and do not complain. He is making you more flexible, and for this be thankful.” ~Terri Guillemets May 11, 2010
got home around 6:30-7pm and made 2 Walmart trips before 9pm. Peanut (our dog) likes to chew through mini-blinds when we’re away. May 10, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win an #Apple #iPad today! Just retweet this and follow @dealsplus to be entered. Details here: May 09, 2010
is driving home with a VeggieTales accompaniment. “Good Morning George. How are you?” May 09, 2010
is blessed to have such an incredible mom. My mother-in-law is great too. And my bride is the best mother in the world to our kids. May 09, 2010
had some leftover steak in his eggs this morning – good stuff. Did some little jobs for mom. Gotta pack up and head home this afternoon. May 09, 2010
Breakfast w/mom, grandma, aunt + afternoon w/my sister & cousins + grilled steaks + nephews baseball game + evening w/my bro = a great day. May 09, 2010
had an amazing steak and baked potato as a late lunch and is headed to his nephew Tanners baseball game. May 08, 2010
enjoyed breakfast w/Mom, Grandma, Aunt Rhea, Brenda, Jaycee, & his own family-Miranda, Kasen, & Kesleigh. Now we’re watching Miss Pattycake. May 08, 2010
watchd his nephew Tanner hit the game winning ball in his baseball game tonight. May 08, 2010
is at mom’s for the weekend. Wonder what we’ll be eating? Gotta love when you can get mom’s cookin’. May 07, 2010
is enjoying the sunset as he drives to Ft Worth for Mothers Day. It keeps getting better. May 07, 2010
Is thankful for sunset drives. Going to see mom in fort worth! May 07, 2010
Took the kids on a bike/scooter ride to what Kasen calls the ‘other one’ park. May 06, 2010
found a sippy cup last night that had been filled with milk about a week ago. One of the little joys of being a dad. May 06, 2010
is tired & hungry. Got home from substituting & can’t find my bride & kids – hope they’re w/the neighbors so we can get dinner started soon. May 05, 2010
‘s 1yr old daughter is feeding her breakfast to Peanut (our dog) & then complaining ’cause she wants more. How do I convince her to eat it? May 05, 2010
Continue seeking God with seriousness. Unless He wanted you, you would not be wanting Him – C.S.Lewis May 05, 2010
came home and found a couple of sleeping kids. Excited to take them to go see the Veggie Tales characters tonight at Chick-Fil-A. May 04, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win an Apple iPhone today! Just retweet this and follow @dealsplus to win #Apple #iPhone. Details here: May 04, 2010
has been substituting for the same teacher the past 6 days. Today I become someone else for another 9 days. Wonder what awaits?? May 04, 2010 Feast of Tabernacles May 04, 2010
‘s son Kasen slept through dinner tonight- now he’s been eating cheese & crackers for the past 30 minutes & wants chocolate milk. May 04, 2010
RT @PastorMark: “The worth of a man must be measured by his life, not by his failure under a singular and peculiar trial.” – the histori … May 04, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win an #Apple #iPhone today! Just retweet this and follow @dealsplus to be entered. Details here: May 04, 2010
Really enjoys catching up with ministry friends and speaking to youth – thanks Lakewood and FUMC Houston. Had fun with everyone today. May 03, 2010
has a son who has been fighting bedtime for an hour now. May 02, 2010
will be at two different churches tomorrow – leading worship at one in morning and speaking at the other in the evening. May 01, 2010
will be heading to Pearland for nephew’s t-ball game & then celebrating Mother’s Day a little early w/Patti. Gonna see my mom next weekend. May 01, 2010
wonders if anyone else feels guilty for ignoring facebook’s “friend suggestions”? Are those people lonely? When I hit “ignore” do they hurt? May 01, 2010
is amazed at what God is doing w/students I used to work with. @zachmcnair worked on a video that played on MTVu today. May 01, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Win iPad 3G in 3 hours! Retweet this and follow @dealsplus to win an #Apple #iPad hours! Details here: May 01, 2010
is surprised by how much he enjoys 5th grade students. Apr 29, 2010
will be a substitute teacher for the TAKS test tomorrow. No training. Don’t think I’m allowed to do anything – maybe I’ll be in the office?? Apr 29, 2010
set up a tumblr account. Not sure I’ll use it, but thought I’d check it out. Don’t need something else to update. Maybe I can update w/feed. Apr 29, 2010 Church Staff Ideas Apr 29, 2010 The Adultery Passage – John 7:53-8:11 Apr 29, 2010
is so outta shape that a couple of days on his feet in a classroom has made his legs sore. I better get used to it. Apr 28, 2010
had a great day substitute teaching for 5th grade ELA students – excited about small group tonight. Teaching the Adultery Passage in John. Apr 27, 2010
RT @heatherzempel: loves Augustine’s view: “The church is a whore, but she is also my mother.” Despite all her shortcomings, the church … Apr 26, 2010
‘s second day of substitute teaching went much better. I believe this is something I’ll be able to do well. Apr 26, 2010
is ahead on his Bible reading plan, but concerned about possibly falling behind this week. Gonna need to find a new reading time. Apr 25, 2010
is excited! We were given tickets for “Taste of the Town” tonight! Thank You Hockstras. Apr 25, 2010
has to go shopping this afternoon for more “teacher” clothes. Gonna miss t-shirt & shorts being considered “work” clothes. Apr 25, 2010
visited another church today. It’s a strange thing to be in church and be unknown to the people around you. Apr 25, 2010
is having leftovers for breakfast – thanks Leroy and Sharon. Apr 25, 2010
is headed to his nephews birthday party. Happy Birthday Reid! Apr 24, 2010
had a crazy day as a substitute but still believes he’ll make a good teacher. Apr 23, 2010
has his first substitute teaching job today – 9th grade world geography. Wish Yoda was here to say, ‘May the force be with you.’ Apr 23, 2010
‘s kids were both in bed by 7pm. Time to study so I can be a good sub for a 9th grade world geography class. Apr 23, 2010
has substitute teaching jobs for the next 7 school days. Looking forward to the challenge. Apr 22, 2010
Francis Chan: “If I arrived in America after being on island w/just a Bible, I don’t think the 1st thing I’d do is start a Sunday service.” Apr 22, 2010 Benefits of the Unemployment Experience Apr 22, 2010
1 Chronicles in the Bible reading plan today – Exciting lineage stuff. Apr 22, 2010
‘s 1yr old daughter Kesleigh thinks it’s funny to throw her breakfast on the floor. Apr 22, 2010
can’t believe his bride waited up for him to get home. She’s so good to me. Thank you God for Miranda. Apr 22, 2010
really loves his family but has also enjoyed the 3hrs in the car alone. Thank you @markbatterson @israelloken and @markdriscoll Apr 22, 2010
is on his way to Katy to speak about Beniah to a bunch of “lion chasers!” Apr 21, 2010
will be teaching youth about living boldly. Gonna use info from “In a Pit with a Lion” by @MarkBatterson Apr 21, 2010
really enjoys teaching the Bible to adults. Apr 21, 2010
is back home and headed outside to play with the kids. We spend most of our time outside these days – gotta do it before it gets too hot. Apr 20, 2010
RT @dealsplus: #IHaveAThing4 iPad. Retweet this to win an iPad today. Remember to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 20, 2010
will teach 4yr olds again today. Apr 20, 2010
is sitting in a quiet house with his bride and mother-in-law. It’s nice. Apr 20, 2010
‘s kids are fighting over the 10,000 goldfish crackers that we have in our kitchen – there’s more than enough for everyone. I don’t get it. Apr 19, 2010 Spiritual Gifts Inventory Apr 19, 2010
“May the strength of God pilot us, the wisdom of God instruct us, the hand of God protect us, the word of God direct us.” – St. Patrick Apr 19, 2010
thinks that Walmart’s $4 prescriptions are amazing! – Especially for the uninsured! Apr 19, 2010
is going to see the doctor with no health insurance. Apr 19, 2010
is excited about the Feast of Tabernacles stuff he’s been learning. Apr 19, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Hey! Retweet this to win a new Apple #iPad today. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 19, 2010
ran to the grocery store for M&Ms & popcorn & picked up/borrowed the movie, “The Princess & the Frog” from friends. Gonna be a fun rain day. Apr 18, 2010
got excited about a substitute position and then realized it’s a bilingual teacher/job. Hoping for some other opportunities. Apr 18, 2010
has been up reading books with Kesleigh for an hour. She sure is cute: Apr 18, 2010 Ice Cream Run Apr 18, 2010
has been laughing for 3 hours about the incident w/his son this afternoon. Hope to write a blog soon. I’ll post it here too. Hilarious!! Apr 17, 2010
is back home and a little disappointed in the migrationcelebration. We were too late or the marsh buggy tours. Apr 17, 2010
had a breakfast of peppered bacon and pancakes. Mmm… – Heading to the a little later w/the kids. Apr 17, 2010
wants to say something inspiring, but is too tired to really think much. Goodnight. Apr 17, 2010
has a date with his bride and the DVR tonight. Apr 17, 2010
is disappointed – finally in the system & can start substitute teaching, but got online & found exactly zero jobs. I’ll try again next week. Apr 16, 2010
will be home with his beautiful little girl (Kesleigh) today. She’s sick. Apr 16, 2010
Kasen’s choice of bed tonight: Fell asleep during dinner. It was only 5:30 & both kids were already in bed! Apr 15, 2010
got a haircut, ate lunch, did dishes, vacuumed. Now I’m waiting on kids to get home. I’m pretty good at this whole “Mr. Mom” thing. Apr 15, 2010
took a popsicle to the school for Kesleigh (Doctor’s orders). She has a swollen lip from a fall yesterday. Apr 15, 2010
Benjamin Franklin said, “He that can take rest is greater than he that can take cities.” Think I’ll be great today by staying home to rest. Apr 15, 2010
is watching Lost with his bride and resting after a long hard day. Apr 15, 2010
I just entered to win a free Apple iPad from @MediaFunnel, the platform for teams using social media #contest #iPad Apr 15, 2010
is grateful for his new friend Chris who helped him get to the hospital today. Apr 14, 2010
is glad to take his dress off. Had a scare & a visit to emergency room this morning. Everythings good now. Apr 14, 2010
is finally heading to bed – better get rested -going to do ministry tomorrow morning at the Port Ministry. Apr 14, 2010
is excited for the Bowles family & is praying for newborn Annie Elizabeth. Apr 14, 2010
did a late night run to Walmart to pick up some yellow cake so Miranda can take it to her teachers tomorrow. Apr 14, 2010
I just entered to win a free Apple iPad from @MediaFunnel, the platform for teams using social media #contest #iPad Apr 14, 2010 A Secret Apr 14, 2010
just got back from small group – I really love those guys. Apr 14, 2010
did 4 miles on the bike, is getting ready to eat lunch, and hopes to get some studying in for small group – John 7 tonight. Apr 13, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Free iPad!! Retweet this and win a new Apple iPad today. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: … Apr 13, 2010
“Christians do not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.” – CS Lewis Apr 13, 2010
David speaking to King Saul: The king of Israel obsessed w/a single flea! Hunting me down-a mere partridge-out in the hills! -1Sam 26:20msg Apr 13, 2010
makes an effort to make sure Peanut (our dog) is in the house when the kids are eating. It makes it much easier to clean the floor afterward Apr 13, 2010
This is long, but I’d encourage you all to check it out this post about Jesus’ Wedding. I think It’s amazing stuff! Apr 13, 2010
is laughing. Miranda was talking to Kasen (2yr old) & said “I have a secret…I love you.” Kasen: “Mommy, I have a secret…I want candy.” Apr 13, 2010 Married Twice – An Ancient and Future Wedding Apr 13, 2010
is headed to the bathroom – it’s bath time for the kids. Apr 12, 2010
just got back from a bike ride w/Kasen to the park – part of me likes being unemployed. Of course that other part of me is really worried. Apr 12, 2010
is about to eat some yellow cake with chocolate icing and a big tall glass of cold milk. Thank you baby! Apr 12, 2010
had fun with the First Methodist Houston folks and is excited to spend the rest of the afternoon with my bride and kids. Apr 11, 2010
is at First Methodist Houston getting things set up to teach. Fun topic – weddings. If I was a girl, it’d be more than I could stand. Apr 11, 2010
wishes he could find a place to download the movie “She’s Having a Baby.” Need to use a clip from it tomorrow morning. Apr 11, 2010
thinks he’s all set for tomorrow – teaching/comparing the modern wedding to ancient Jewish wedding customs & to Wedding Feast in Revelation. Apr 11, 2010
would really like an ipad, Kindle, or Nook, but is starting to believe he’s not gonna win one & knows he cant afford it. Sorry for the spam. Apr 11, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Hey! Retweet this to win a new Apple product in 30 minutes. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: http://bit.l … Apr 11, 2010
I just entered to win a free Apple iPad from @MediaFunnel, the platform for teams using social media #contest #iPad Apr 11, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Hey! Retweet this to win a new Apple product today. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 11, 2010
Busy day: Pearland Job Fair, lunch. play w/kids, beach trip, home, grill burgers & dogs, & now last minute prep for tomorrow’s teachings. Apr 11, 2010
is tired. Gotta go get on the couch with my beautiful bride. Goodnight all!! Apr 10, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Hey! Retweet this to win a new Apple iPad today. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 10, 2010
is glad his son Kasen (2yrs) is starting to understand prayer. He corrected daddy tonight & added ‘cookies’ to the things we thank God for. Apr 10, 2010
has been working on a photobook of Kesleigh’s first year. Gotta clean the house next – yuck!! Apr 09, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Want iPad?? Retweet this and win a new Apple iPad today. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: … Apr 09, 2010
Check out this video. Amazing. Apr 09, 2010
is cruising (sorry, it’s the 80’s in me – we “cruised” everything) the web looking for teaching job openings. Apr 09, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Want iPad? Retweet this and win a new Apple iPad today. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 09, 2010
just comforted his son, Kasen after a nightmare. He’s sleeping soundly again. Makes me feel like I’m a good dad. Apr 09, 2010
freaks out when the red light isn’t on the DVR & he knows something is supposed to be recorded. Thought we missed FlashForward/Survivor. Apr 09, 2010
“Most people wish to serve God – but only in an advisory capacity.” ~Author Unknown Apr 08, 2010
Hey! Retweet this to win a new Apple Product today. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 08, 2010
‘s dog, Peanut has a bloody ear. He got out of the fence this morning so only God knows what happened. Cleaned him up, but it’s sick. Apr 08, 2010
still needs a job. Completed alternative certification, applied for every job I’m eligible to receive. Will be subbing soon.What else? Pray. Apr 08, 2010
Want iPad? Retweet this and win a new Apple iPad in an hour. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 08, 2010
is worn out. Apr 07, 2010
enjoyed lunch with an old friend. Apr 07, 2010
is studying up on Jewish Wedding customs for a teaching time this Sunday at FUMC Houston. Apr 07, 2010
is listening to Kasen making up his own tune and singing “I’m done playing” in the bathtub – time to go dry him off and get him to school. Apr 07, 2010
Hey! Retweet this to win a new Apple iPad today. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 07, 2010
completed 100 days of Bible Reading plan. Today Samuel reminded me:”remember the great things (God) has done for you.” 1Sam12:24-much needed Apr 07, 2010
exercised again this morning – still feeling my muscles crying out in pain. Apr 06, 2010
is waiting to have fingerprints done for the state of Texas. Long wait – wish I had brought my book. Apr 06, 2010
‘s daughter Kesleigh loves pop tarts. Gotta give her a bath before school now. Apr 06, 2010
will be fingerprinted tomorrow. The state of Texas is making sure it’s safe to put me w/students. Do fingerprints make me less dangerous? Apr 06, 2010
‘s son (Kasen) fell asleep while he was chewing his dinner (cheesy tortilla) tonight. Both kids in bed by 7pm. Gonna be a relaxing evening. Apr 06, 2010
is playing outside in the sprinkler with Kasen and the neighbor kids. Apr 05, 2010
is hurting – it’s been too long since I exercised regularly. Trying get back to it. Apr 05, 2010
RT @dealsplus: Just Retweet this to win $13,000 cash today! Remember to follow @dealsplus Details: Apr 05, 2010
When you start following directions, you stop being an artist. ~ Seth Godin Apr 05, 2010
has a green car!! Pollen on white paint = green Apr 05, 2010
has taken out the garbage, vacuumed the living room, washed the dishes, & is going to get paperwork so he can be a substitute teacher. Apr 05, 2010
the free @digg app is here for iphone! they’re giving out a tricked ipad each day for 2 weeks to celebrate! Apr 05, 2010
hopes to get everything done this week so he can begin substitute teaching. Apr 05, 2010
had a great Easter! Hung out w/the in-laws. Mike grilled up some steaks. Hunted eggs w/the kids. Kasen rode his scooter. Kesleigh ate candy. Apr 05, 2010
Hey! Retweet this to win a new Apple Product in an hour. Don’t forget to follow @dealsplus. Details here: Apr 05, 2010
‘s daughter has her foot in her cereal bowl. Apr 03, 2010
saw the Easter Bunny – coloring eggs later. Plan to tell the kids about Jesus’ tomb when we hide eggs. Want them to know Jesus not bunny. Apr 02, 2010
“We live and die; Christ died and lived!” ~John Stott Apr 02, 2010
watched his son Kasen clothesline his sister Kesleigh w/toy. Now he’s in timeout & she’s playing w/toy plotting how she can get him back. Apr 02, 2010
is going to enjoy the long weekend. Apr 02, 2010
is trying to feed the kids lunch & they’re not eating. Maybe I’ll just pull out the Easter candy??? Apr 01, 2010
loves this quote – “When people can’t find meaning they numb themselves with pleasure.” @donmilleris (via Victor Franco) Apr 01, 2010
Blog Post:: A Cannibal Meal Apr 01, 2010
must have worn the kids out – they’re both in bed already & it’s only 7:30!!! Apr 01, 2010
has been w/kids all day – took Kasen to Walmart, to school, then Easter parties, home, outside w/neighbors, bikes in park. I’m a tired dad. Mar 31, 2010
Kasen’s first tweet: abvaghaja jahakhahkja Ahhhhhhh3vmekf7d1bhnnnm, Mar 31, 2010
‘s son Kasen actually got “goosed” yesterday at the park. A goose bit him & wouldn’t let go. I’m a horrible dad – I laughed. It was funny. Mar 30, 2010
is going to the grocery store to look for Matzah. Mar 30, 2010
Kasen sat own next to daddy with his “Cars puter” last night. Mar 30, 2010
dreamed he could fly and was in a battle against enemy storm troopers. Any dream interpreters out there?? Mar 30, 2010
went for a bike ride to Shy Pond with an extra 50lbs worth of kids in tow – thank you Parks for the bike trailer. Mar 29, 2010
“God’s gifts put man’s best dreams to shame.” ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning Mar 29, 2010
had a full day & will welcome the feeling of crawling into bed next to my beautiful bride in 3. . 2. . 1. . . Mar 29, 2010
“Before me, even as behind, God is, and all is well.” ~John Greenleaf Whittier Mar 28, 2010
had fun leading worship this morning for youth at First UMC Houston – Going back again in a couple of weeks to teach. Mar 28, 2010
enjoyed a great evening: steak+baked potato+corn-on-the-cob+brownies+friends+good conversations+other kids = How could it be a bad evening? Mar 28, 2010
“I do not believe in God, for that implies an effort of the will – I see God everywhere!” ~Jean Favre Mar 27, 2010
Ministry leaders—want an iPad from @NeueMag and Craig Groeschel for your church? Enter to win one now: Mar 27, 2010
“I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things.” ~Vincent van Gogh Mar 27, 2010
is making breakfast for the family. Mar 27, 2010
searched itunes podcasts for “seder meal” – only 5 results, but 1 was from my friend’s church. @redeemerbible @kevinbowles @jeffmedders Mar 26, 2010
just did 5 miles on the bike. Gotta start exercising again. Mar 26, 2010
wishes the Bible described how Shamgar defeated 600 Philistines w/a sharp stick. It’s only one verse. (Judges 3:31) Mar 26, 2010
loves Kesleigh’s morning cooing sounds. Mar 26, 2010
is ready for bed early tonight, but is hoping to get a little reading done first. Mar 26, 2010
the free @digg app is here for iphone! they’re giving out a tricked ipad each day for 2 weeks to celebrate! Mar 26, 2010
is ahead on his Bible Reading Plan, but is going to read some more. I need all I can get. Mar 25, 2010
has to get the kids dressed so they can go to school and then figure out a list of items I’ll need for the Seder meal next week. Mar 25, 2010
finally got the kids down – now it’s time to sit on the couch with my bride and watch Survivor. Mar 25, 2010
must be getting old. I realized that I havn’t bought (or downloaded) any new music in months. Hmm..havn’t missed it much either. I am old. Mar 24, 2010
is brainstorming about youth ministry stuff with an old friend – fun stuff! Mar 24, 2010
enjoyed hearing from an old friend (Steve Dowdy) this morning. Thank you God for friends. Mar 24, 2010
loves the battle strategies of God in Joshua 8. – AMBUSH!!! Hmm…that’s pretty much how He captured me too – & I’m so incredibly grateful. Mar 24, 2010
has missed his small group & is glad to be back – looks like I’ll be leading them through a Seder meal sometime next week. Fun Stuff!! Mar 24, 2010
Blog Post:: rePost: Palm Sunday Mar 23, 2010
will be pulling junk out of the gears for the self-propelled part of the mower in a few minutes – hoping it’ll start working again. Mar 23, 2010
will now be able to sub at brazosportisd after he gets some fingerprints done and waits to be entered into the system. Mar 23, 2010
Is in the Sub Academy and has learned what to do if there is a tornado – but still doesnt know what to teach. Mar 23, 2010
is going to Sub Academy this morning to learn how to be a substitute teacher. Crazy. . .I already finished the class on how to be a teacher. Mar 23, 2010
loved Castle tonight – next week should be good too. Mar 23, 2010
#Win a Barnes and Noble Nook ebook reader @momstart @nookBN @ebooksBN #giveaway #contest #nook Mar 23, 2010
just had nerds (candy) fall out of his hair- carried Kasen on my shoulders this afternoon (almost 3hrs ago) while he ate nerds. Shower time? Mar 23, 2010
was disappointed in geocaching iphone app while we were camping, (no 3G signal) but took the kids to the park today & found our first cache. Mar 23, 2010
has a son who wants to show him the “worm” in the other room ’cause mom won’t touch it. Mar 22, 2010
is filling out on-line applications for teaching positions. Mar 22, 2010
‘s son crawled into mommy an daddy’s bed last night so he could puke – such a joy to have a son who wants to be close to his parents. Mar 22, 2010
got some pictures & a video uploaded from our camping trip @ Lake Whitney. Pics: Video: Mar 22, 2010
is going to church with the in-laws again. Mar 21, 2010
‘s little girl woke up from her nap and is interested in pulling daddy’s hair while snuggling with him. Mar 20, 2010
Win an iPad to use w/ free @Logos Bible Software app for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad! Details: Mar 20, 2010
just got back from a family bike ride. Think we’ll be doing a lot more of this since Kasen has his “big bike” now. Thank You Applings! Mar 20, 2010
is excited about tonight. My in-laws are watchin’ the kids so my beautiful bride & I can go out. Date night = Great night!! Mar 20, 2010
is watching his beautiful little 1yr old girl, Kesleigh enjoy her breakfast. She loves to eat. Mar 20, 2010
put the seat on the bike so Kesleigh can join us. She loves it!! Mar 20, 2010
is proud Kasen. (2yr old boy) He rode his “Big Bike” (w/training wheels) on the bike trail & went “fast.” First time & he went half a mile. Mar 19, 2010
“Nothing halfhearted here; you must return to God, your God, totally, heart and soul, holding nothing back.” – Deut 30:10b msg Mar 19, 2010
has a crying little boy. He dropped his doughnut and Peanut (our dog) got it. Mar 19, 2010
grilled some chicken while Miranda cooked up some bacon. Katie also joined us tonight for our chicken bacon sandwiches – pretty good stuff. Mar 19, 2010
is home from vacation, but still doesn’t feel like he’s back. Still tired – maybe more than when we left. Mar 18, 2010
is driving home after a great camping trip to Lake Whitney. Mar 17, 2010
is on the road again. Mar 13, 2010
is trying to figure out how to get some Geocaching waypoints on Miranda’s iphone before we go camping tomorrow. Any app recommendations? Mar 13, 2010
just got a free Coldplay download. Thanks Hans! Mar 13, 2010
is not excited about packing but is excited about the trip! Mar 12, 2010
is headed home w/a few thousand extra lbs on his bumper. Should be a good week. Mar 12, 2010
is on his way to pick up a camper for our spring break trip to Lake Whitney. Mar 12, 2010
isn’t sure what to think. Is someone selling the song I wrote for Miranda? Can anyone read this for me? Whats going on? Mar 12, 2010
has finished all his alternative certification classes now!! Gonna celebrate with a camping trip with all the Corns & friends this week!! Mar 12, 2010
‘s 2yr old son is scared of worms-won’t touch one, but his 1yr old daughter loves ’em-especially when they get cut in two. That’s my girl!!! Mar 11, 2010
is updating resumes and profiles on school district websites. Mar 11, 2010
Blog Post:: I Want to Teach Mar 11, 2010
Blog Post:: Creativity in Schools Mar 11, 2010
buried Kasen & the neighbors kids in leaves this afternoon. March is the fall in South Texas (if you consider Lake Jackson “south”) Mar 10, 2010
Blog Post:: Leadership Compass Mar 10, 2010
[Who else] has gods that are intimate with them the way God, our God, is with us, always ready to listen to us? – Deut 4:7msg Mar 10, 2010
wishes the weekend was already here. Excited about camping with the family. Mar 10, 2010
passed his content exam. Finished his observation hours this morning. Will finish classes Thurs night. I just need someone to hire me. Mar 09, 2010
is in 7th grade science class today. Mar 09, 2010
“God, your God, is leading the way; he’s fighting for you.” Deut. 1:30msg Mar 09, 2010
has only 2 more classes before he’s finished w/the Alternative Certification Program. Going for more observation hours tomorrow too. Mar 09, 2010
is in class and has already finished the homework so he’s playing on the computer. Wish I was at home with my family and kids. Mar 09, 2010
“Don’t desecrate the land in which you live. I live here too—I, God, live in the same neighborhood…” Num 35:34msg (my Bible Reading plan) Mar 08, 2010
had a great weekend leading worship w/the Greenhouse Effect guys at Port Neches FUMC. Fun to play with them. Mar 08, 2010
missed the Oscars last night but didn’t know it until seeing all the status updates this morning. Don’t feel like I really missed anything. Mar 08, 2010
Does anyone have a camper or pop-up we can borrow or rent March 12th-19th??Original plans fell through…need help!! Mar 07, 2010
watched his son have his first bike wipe-out. Steered off the sidewalk & fell. He got right back on & went again. Can you say proud papa? Mar 07, 2010
is watchin Kasen ride his first two-wheel bike (w/training wheels) He is so excited! (and so is daddy) Mar 07, 2010
Is excited to lead worship this morning at Port Neches FUMC with some great friends. Mar 07, 2010
‘s little girl Kesleigh likes to snuggle in the morning. Daddy likes it too. Mar 06, 2010
is hoping his mattress will forgive him for leaving this morning and will give him a good night of sleep tonight. Mar 06, 2010
Blog Post:: Nuclear Waste, Altruism, Pleasure, and the Brain Mar 05, 2010
is sitting in a silent house. Miranda and the kids are all sleeping. I should be napping too. Mar 05, 2010
“The Bible tells us to love our neighbors & also to love our enemies—probably because they are generally the same people.” – G.K. Chesterton Mar 05, 2010
1.5hours of fighting w/Kasen- wants to sleep in moms bed. Tired/crying boy+attempts to switch rooms+daddy carrying him back=bigger tantrum. Mar 05, 2010
is enjoying a few minutes to himself before class starts. Miranda took the kids to the SLP Spaghetti Dinner early tonight. Mar 04, 2010
is back from a long day with 4yr-olds. Getting ready for school tonight. Mar 04, 2010
is sitting at the table eating eggo’s with his kids. Gotta get them ready for school next. Mar 04, 2010
is up entirely too late doing homework. It’s almost 1am. Think I’ll head to bed. Mar 04, 2010
has a sleeping 2yr old boy on his chest. Mar 03, 2010
is home from another 3 hours of observations. Mar 03, 2010
hates it when his beautiful daughter Kesleigh cries as he leaves, but loves knowing she wants him w/her. Mar 03, 2010
‘s bride accused him of being like her dad. I got up & made eggs like he does – not a bad comparison. He’s a good man. Thanks baby! Mar 03, 2010
got a few more observation hours today & then hung out w/neighbors for a while. Got school tonight – gonna miss my small group again. Mar 02, 2010
Blog Post:: The Love Bridge Mar 02, 2010
has been home for 5min & is already in trouble for making too much noise during “the bachelor.” I love my bride but what am I to think? Mar 02, 2010
‘s 2 yr old son pushed his 1 yr old sister down w/a toy vacuum cleaner. When I scolded him for it, he explained that he was “cleaning” her. Mar 01, 2010
would have to stand in 4 inches of water to fix the hole in the fence so Peanut will stay in. Think I’ll fix it the 2nd Tues of next week. Mar 01, 2010
Blog Post:: Kesleigh’s First Birthday Mar 01, 2010
is trying to upload some pictures but has a really slow connection. Mar 01, 2010
is glad Miranda is back home and by the way, the house is still standing. Hot wheels tracks made for good entertainment tonight. Mar 01, 2010
‘s beautiful bride, Miranda has to go get some work done. Time for Daddy/Kids fun time. Hope the house is still standing when she returns. Feb 28, 2010
is going to the in-laws church today. Feb 28, 2010
celebrated Kesleigh’s 1st birthday with the in-laws tonight. Can’t believe it’s been a year. They grow up so fast. Feb 28, 2010
smells cinnamon rolls & pigs-in-the-blanket in the oven. Miranda is so good to me. Feb 27, 2010
ran all over the neighborhood looking for Peanut (our dog) only to find he had come home right after I left. Feb 27, 2010
is impressed. Toy Story, Woody, and Buzz are even good breathing treatment distractions. Kasen did well with Woody’s help. Feb 26, 2010
is pretty skeptical about how his son is gonna do with his first breathing treatment. Feb 26, 2010
“Whenever you have hope, you’re never really anyone’s prisoner.” – Tale of Despereaux Feb 26, 2010
took Kasen to the doctor, then to the beach, and now we’re watching the “Tale of Despereaux.” Feb 26, 2010
is watching Miss Patty Cake again w/Kasen & Kesleigh. “Good morning. Good morning, Wake up and say. Good morning It’s a fabulous day.” Feb 26, 2010
feels relieved. Did my “mini-teach” session at school tonight. It went well. Now I can sit back, relax, and watch everyone else for a week. Feb 26, 2010
‘s son thinks he’s mean. Kasen really wants to go outside to play w/friends, but he’s sick. Daddy is making him stay in & rest. Feb 25, 2010
is sending fewer tweets these days. He’s been busy w/observations & alternative certification stuff. Hope to have more time after tonight. Feb 25, 2010
is listening to his son cry ’cause he wants cheetos & cookies, but refuses to eat half a chicken nugget to get them. Feb 24, 2010
is reading Numbers and heading to bed. Feb 24, 2010
just put together a baby doll stroller for his baby girl’s first birthday. Happy Birthday Kesleigh!!! Feb 23, 2010
had observations today & more homework to do, but right now I hear my baby waking up – It’s her 1st birthday today! Can’t believe it. Feb 23, 2010
got his homework done for class tonight. There wasn’t much, but. . .it’s done. Feb 22, 2010
‘s kids got a special treat for breakfast from Miranda this morning – powdered doughnuts. Feb 22, 2010
‘s son is trying to manipulate him. He got a sucker when he pooped in the potty for the 1st time today, so he’s faking it to get a popsicle. Feb 22, 2010
Blog Post:: Family Update & Videos Feb 21, 2010
rewarded his son for pooping in the potty. See how he celebrated? Feb 21, 2010
has a little boy who is growing up – Kasen pooped in the potty for the first time today. Feb 21, 2010
I’m single-minded in pursuit of you; don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted. – Ps 119:10 (msg) Feb 21, 2010
enjoyed some great friends & conversations over pulled pork from Texas Roadhouse. Can you say “Mmm” about a conversation? Thanks guys. Feb 21, 2010
Blog Post:: Expectations Matter – A Pretty Face Feb 20, 2010
is getting ready to go take another test. This one is to see if I’m smart enough to count people for the 2010 Census. Feb 20, 2010
went to the bathroom & came back to this: Feb 20, 2010
wonders when Cribs became show & tell for rich kids? Did they run out of famous people? Feb 20, 2010
fajitas + brownies + new friends + other kids to play with = a great night for the whole family Feb 20, 2010
help his son make brownies. . .well, kept his son from eating too much brownie batter, but joined him for a few licks too. Feb 19, 2010
is grateful for friends and dinner invitations. Hanging out with the neighbors tonight. Feb 19, 2010
Blog Post:: Expectations Matter – Soldiers Command Potential Feb 19, 2010
will be listening to the audiobook “Made to Stick” as he exercises today. Feb 19, 2010
is ecstatic!! I passed my content exam!! Got 282 out of 300 & only needed a 240 to pass! Now I’m eligible to get a teaching job! Feb 19, 2010
is an “Ant Bully.” Had to do some ant tracking/killing this morning. Kasen found them on his PopTart. I hate wasting PopTarts. Feb 19, 2010
Blog Post:: Expectations Matter – Two Words Feb 19, 2010
thinks it’s entirely too cold in this house, but refuses to change the thermostat out of fear for my bride. Feb 18, 2010
Make Insight your priority…Search for it like a prospector panning for gold, like an adventurer on a treasure hunt. Pr 2:3-4 (msg) Feb 18, 2010
hopes to get some sleep even though I still have no test score. Looks like it’s gonna be 7 days of praying for the Lord to give me patience. Feb 18, 2010
is frustrated. I finished my test & now they’re saying it’s going to be 15 days to get the results. I thought the computer test was fast? Feb 17, 2010
got 2 miles in this morning – trying to relax a bit before my test – I’ll know the truth later tonight: Am I Smarter than a 5th Grader? Feb 17, 2010
is doing his Bible Reading plan. Feb 17, 2010
has a growling stomach. Feb 17, 2010
is turning in his “Philosophy of Education” tonight for the alternative certification program. Feb 16, 2010
is praying for the marriage of some friends. Marriage is work. “It’s good work if you can get it,” (David Wilcox) but work nonetheless. Feb 16, 2010
thinks he’s done all the studying he can do. Will take my content exam tomorrow @ 1pm. If it goes well, I’ll be eligible for a teaching job. Feb 16, 2010
finished his homework and is back to studying. Got the big test tomorrow. Feb 16, 2010
RT @MaxLucado: “How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book.” Henry David Thoreau Feb 16, 2010
is doing homework. Feb 16, 2010
is humbled by such good friends who made such nice comments to my latest blog/facebook note. Feb 16, 2010
has a lot of homework to do tomorrow and is hoping to have some time to study too. My content exam is Wednesday. Start prayin’ now. Feb 16, 2010
was pressed by the highway patrol solicitor who said, “You can’t spare $5?” I said, “I lost my job. I need someone to spare $5 myself.” Feb 15, 2010
is in Radiator Springs, the cutest little town in Carburator County. Watchin’ Cars again with Kasen. Feb 15, 2010
Blog Post:: 20 Years of Youth Ministry Feb 15, 2010
read the Noah’s ark story to Kasen. He pointed to the ark & said “I wanna go there.” Not sure that’s something I wanna go through buddy. Feb 15, 2010
has been asked for the past 2 days where the fire (from fireplace) went. All I know to say is, “It burned all the wood & went bye bye.” Feb 14, 2010
has an amazing Valentine named Miranda!! Feb 14, 2010
gets to go to church with his family again today. Feb 14, 2010
‘s son, Kasen helped him bake cookies tonight. Feb 14, 2010
is enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon with his bride, his kids, some friends, a book, and Olympic ski jumping/speed skating. Feb 13, 2010
likes the snuggles that Kesleigh needs in the morning. Feb 13, 2010
has a beautiful young girl in his lap. She’s laughing and clapping with every M&M I give her. Feb 13, 2010
Blog Post:: Explore. Dream. Discover. Feb 12, 2010
Blog Post:: 2010 Resolution Feb 11, 2010
wants his life to reflect Exodus 36:5. The people brought more than enough to God & gave Him plenty to work with. Feb 11, 2010
enjoyed dinner with friends. Feb 11, 2010
has the smell of a Tootsie Pop wafting into his nose from the little boy in his lap. Feb 11, 2010
is not happy about having to miss small group again. I’m enjoying my classes, but I miss those guys. Feb 09, 2010
wishes he knew why his stomach has felt so weird over the past few days. Feb 09, 2010
is having a little peanut butter toast & then headed back to 6th grade again today. Feb 09, 2010
will go back to the 6th grade today. Gotta do observation hours for my teacher alternative certification. Feb 08, 2010
is headed to bed. Got lots of “observation hours” to get tomorrow at Rasco. Feb 08, 2010
is back home. Will be the first Sunday night w/family in a while. Excited. Sorry but between the Superbowl & family – The Superbowl loses. Feb 07, 2010
is getting ready for church with his family – can’t remember the last time I got to go with them. Feb 07, 2010
has been up since 6am with kids. Feb 07, 2010
loves hanging w/old friends. Feb 07, 2010
had a great time w/Aimee, Kevin, Zach, & Jackie last night – headed to the Woodlands mall soon to let the kids play @ the playground. Feb 06, 2010
had a good morning w/the kids & is now supposed to pack for them so we can meet Miranda in Houston before heading to Tomball. Wish me luck! Feb 05, 2010
Yeah – driving up tonight and staying sat night too – planning on going to redeemer too Feb 05, 2010
is up with the kids and getting ready fo another full day with them. Ready for Miranda to come home. Feb 05, 2010
Blog Post:: RePost: Servant Leadership Feb 05, 2010
back from class, babysitter paid, kids in bed, talked to Miranda on the phone, now it’s time to just chill for a bit. Feb 05, 2010
wishes he could see @andrewjamestx & @GatlinElms tonight in Pearland tonight, but has to go to class instead. Feb 04, 2010
but I love it!!! Feb 04, 2010
got the kids fed their lunch and now it’s more play time – this stuff wears me out. Feb 04, 2010
got Kesleigh down for her first nap and has survived being alone with the kids so far. Still got a long ways to go, but. . .so far so good. Feb 04, 2010
is alone w/the kids for the next 2 days. Miranda is on her way to a teacher’s conference. Feb 04, 2010
spent his first Wednesday night at home in a really long time – enjoyed playing with kids & is snuggling on the couch with his bride now. Feb 04, 2010
has a son who likes to stack things on the couch. Feb 04, 2010
got another 2 miles in today! Took the ipod to listen to an audiobook, but couldn’t stop thinking about the book I’m writing for Kesleigh. Feb 03, 2010
RT @contestipad: WIN a free Apple iPad –> Retweet: “follow @contestipad to win a free Apple iPad #ipad #contest #giveaway Feb 03, 2010
I’ve got iPadEnvy! – Retweet for the chance to win an Apple iPad from @mousenvy – Details: Feb 03, 2010
loves Exodus. I got into it so much that I read about 3 times what my Bible Reading plan called for. Feb 03, 2010
Has a daughter who thinks 6am is a good time to wake up. Feb 03, 2010
was just released from class for a short break. If they had a bell here, I think it’d feel like high school all over again. Feb 03, 2010
is at the park with a son who keeps screaming ‘yook me.’ He just figured out how to climb up the ‘big slide.’ Feb 02, 2010
is reminded of Clark Griswalds visit w/cousin Eddie. I have an orange hand after fishing out the spoon that Kasen dropped in the KnolAid. Feb 02, 2010
Blog Post:: Christian Gymnastics – The Balance Beam Feb 02, 2010
is praying for some friends. Feb 02, 2010
got a couple of miles in this morning. Feb 02, 2010
is reading Exodus 10-12 in the Bible Reading plan today. One month in and still on track. Feb 02, 2010
has a lot to do. Feb 01, 2010
enjoyed the “going away” dinner and all the people who remembered the great times we had together. Those jerks – made me cry. Feb 01, 2010
is now officially unemployed. Hmm. . .I’m still here. The world didn’t end. Who knew?? Time to buckle down w/this alternative certification. Feb 01, 2010
learned a hard lesson. Don’t run w/a toddler on your shoulders unless you’re willing to have blood drawn by fingernails across your cheeks. Jan 30, 2010
can’t find all the pieces to Kasen’s tool puzzle. We have a missing hammer. Jan 30, 2010
got a request for a popsicle for breakfast this morning. Jan 30, 2010
made chicken fajitas tonight, gave the kids a bath, read 5 books to Kasen, & is hoping he’ll go to bed soon so I can spend time w/Miranda. Jan 30, 2010
If you see that a job is too big for you…and you trust him to do it…that trusting-him-to-do-it is what gets you set right w/God. Rms 4:5 Jan 29, 2010
has a much lighter key ring now – I just turned in my church and office keys. Jan 28, 2010
has over 16,000 page views on the blog this month with 3,350 visitors. That’s 4.8 pages/person each time they come to the site. I’m shocked! Jan 28, 2010
woke up with a two year old boy on top of him whispering “Canny” (Candy) in his ear. Jan 28, 2010
will teach his very last Wednesday Night Youth event tonight. Jan 27, 2010
is hungry – need to stop cleaning and go to get some lunch. Jan 27, 2010
discovered that a guy in his class is a published author/illustrator. Check out his “Good Samaritan” children’s book: Jan 27, 2010
is getting ready to eat breakfast for dinner & then go to class again – gonna have a discussion about Piaget’s Cognitive Development – fun. Jan 26, 2010
When you’re on the edge & about to drop off, faith is knowing that 1)There will be something solid to stand on or 2) You’ll learn to fly. Jan 26, 2010
has the Agent Oso 3 Special Steps song stuck in his head – Kasen insisted on watching “my shows” this morning. Jan 26, 2010
Blog Post:: Comic Books and Church – Between Frames Jan 26, 2010
is sleepy before his 3 hour class even starts tonight. I’m thinkin’ it’s gonna be a long night. Jan 25, 2010
Leaving the past(Sad) + Unknown future w/no job(scary) + a loving God = a fearful faith tossing & turning in the security of God’s hands. Jan 25, 2010
started his last week of work. Jan 25, 2010
has a full day in the office followed by 3 hours of classs tonight – don’t think I will see much of my family. I hate that. Jan 25, 2010
Blog Post:: Selective Ignorance Jan 25, 2010
got the bulk of the office stuff moved out tonight thanks to a good friend with a truck. Jan 25, 2010
had to clean out the garage in order to clean out his office. Jan 24, 2010
Hilarious article – how LOST characters make sandwiches. Check it out! (By the way, Katie, make me a sandwich!) Jan 24, 2010
thinks it feels right listening to 80s music on the way home after sitting in a high school classroom all day. Does that mean I’m old? Jan 23, 2010
is back in class after a short lunch break. So strange to sit in a desk in a high school classroom again. Jan 23, 2010
is trying to remeber math concepts from 8th grade. Jan 23, 2010
is spending the whole day at a content exam study session/practice test. Not my 1st choice for Saturday activities, but …well…I need it. Jan 23, 2010
is feeling pretty hopeful today about supporting his family. No – nothing’s changed – I don’t have a job – but God is granting peace today. Jan 23, 2010
has a morning to himself. “Hello couch. Can you tell me where that good book went?” Jan 22, 2010
resolved a crisis. Kasen was upset ’cause Peanut ate his playdough. Jan 21, 2010
Is not excited about spending the next two months away from his family in the evenings but starts alternative certification classes tonight. Jan 21, 2010
still wonders how God is going to work things out for his family. Jan 21, 2010
is excited about working with his friend Sonya for illustrate the Dr. Seuss style childrens book he wrote for Kesleigh. Jan 21, 2010
felt strange when his bride told him all about himself – she watched Dr OZ today and learned about sleep apnea. Jan 21, 2010
Had trouble logging in to so I actually did my reading plan w/a real bible. Jan 20, 2010
will be teaching about Quiet Times and Prayer tonight. Jan 20, 2010
is back in the office after an episode of Castle and lunch with my bride at home. Jan 20, 2010
got 82% of the ELA (English/Language Arts) questions right but has to wait ’til Saturday to take the practice test for the rest. Jan 20, 2010
is sitting in the back of the class – oh…it brings back memories. Jan 19, 2010
is nervous about his practice content exam tonight – not sure I want to know how hollow my head really is. Jan 19, 2010
Blog Post:: “Models of the Runway” Winner Interview with Kalyn Hemphill Jan 19, 2010
Made low-fat pies for his small group tonight but wont get to enjoy them – is taking a practice content exam for teaching certification. Jan 19, 2010
Blog Post:: According to Your Word Jan 19, 2010
is headed into a staff meeting. Jan 19, 2010
just discovered that the “Pants on the ground” guy is related to a friends friend. That means I’m only 3 degrees from a superstar. Jan 17, 2010
is grateful for friends, football, and tailgate food. Jan 17, 2010
has the most amazing bride. She watched the kids & let me sleep in a bit today & then made breakfast! French Toast & Sausage. Mmm. Jan 16, 2010
had a good day – lunch w/@swaypastor – dinner w/family – trip to mall playground – and now sitting on couch w/my bride watchin a movie. Jan 16, 2010
wants to know how to train his 11 month old baby girl how to “sleep in.” Jan 15, 2010
just got the kids put down to bed – now for a little reading before Miranda gets home from workin’ out. Jan 15, 2010
had breakfast for dinner & is watching Wall-E with Kasen. Jan 15, 2010
is packing up his office a little bit at a time. Today I’ll bring some books home. Jan 14, 2010
has a lot to figure out in order to survive without a job. Still trusting God though. Jan 14, 2010
got a 700 page study guide in the mail for his alternative certification content exam. Don’t think I’m smarter than a 5th grader anymore. Jan 14, 2010
never had lunch and has a growling stomach trying to remind him to eat. Jan 13, 2010
just can’t seem to shake this cold. Jan 13, 2010
had fun with his small group again tonight. Great people. Jan 13, 2010
Blog Post:: Kesleigh is Walking!!! Jan 12, 2010
enjoyed a great lunch w/his bride. Probably won’t be able to go to lunch w/her quite so easily when/if I get a new job. Stayin’ positive. Jan 12, 2010
is looking for someone who can draw Dr Seuss-type characters. Jan 12, 2010
wonders if anyone has connections w/someone who might be able to help me (for free) illustrate a children’s book I wrote? Jan 12, 2010
needs to rest & get rid of illness – the kids probably won’t allow the “rest” part. Maybe by God’s grace, the 2nd part can happen anyway? Jan 11, 2010
is still feelin’ sick. Jan 11, 2010
‘s son became a racecar driver this morning thanks to Lightning McQueen, Mack, and Disney toys. Jan 11, 2010
is full of Shana’s special recipe chili and excited about an evening of good conversations with great friends. Jan 10, 2010
doesn’t understand how Kesleigh can eat the dogfood that even Peanut won’t touch??? Jan 09, 2010
is excited to hang out w/Shana & Josh this weekend – think Kasen & Kesleigh are gonna love ’em too. Jan 09, 2010
hates that he cant see Jayna and Kris before they leave but is glad his friends Josh and Shana are coming for a visit. Jan 08, 2010
has been up w/Kesleigh for over an hour after a long (& joy-filled) night of watching Alabama beat Texas! Not a pretty win, but still a win. Jan 08, 2010
Went ‘Back to the Future’ – Bama wins! Jan 07, 2010
is thinking about how sweet it will be to watch Texas lose tonight. Jan 07, 2010
had fun teaching about “2nd chances” and “new starts” and “resolutions” and “Peter” tonight. Jan 07, 2010
is all caught up w/his Bible reading resolution. According to I’m now 1.6% finished w/my reading plan. Jan 06, 2010
Somehow, though he (God) moves right in front of me, I don’t see him; quietly but surely he’s active, and I miss it. – Job 9:11msg Jan 06, 2010
enjoyed lunch at Subway. Thanks Katie. Jan 06, 2010
New Blog Post:: rePost: Banner Jan 06, 2010
“Jumping off into the unknown; hope & have faith that the next chord or the next few notes will come to you.” The Edge in It Might Get Loud Jan 06, 2010
is grateful to @joneichler who got his blog up and running again. Jan 06, 2010
New Blog Post:: Footprints in the Snow Jan 06, 2010
New Blog Post:: Christmas Videos Jan 06, 2010
can’t login to my own blog. Hackers stink. Scared of what might get put on my blog in my name. Luckily my friend @joneichler is on the case. Jan 06, 2010
decided to write a children’s book for Kesleigh similar to Dr. Seuss’ “Oh! The Places You will Go” called “Oh! The Things that You Could Be” Jan 05, 2010
has to figure out what’s wrong with his blog. Something happened over the holidays and I can’t figure it out. @joneichler is helping. Jan 05, 2010
is headed home for lunch. Jan 05, 2010
thought Avatar was pretty amazing – nice break from reality + I haven’t worn 3D glasses in years. Jan 05, 2010
watched the water drain out of Kasen’s tub. He saw it coming-played in the swirling bubbles & cried when it was gone. Hmm -metaphor for me? Jan 05, 2010
thinks he’s gonna teach the Book of John on Sunday nights for a while. Jan 04, 2010
got a bunch of Christmas pics posted: Jan 04, 2010
loves his bride more & more each day – snuggling on the couch – today makes 6 amazing years of marriage. Jan 04, 2010
is home safely – thanks to everyone who was praying for us today!!! Jan 03, 2010
1 week+two states+1500 miles+5 family gatherings+3 nieces+5 nephews+1 baby announcement+too much food+Jesus=one great Christmas vacation! Jan 02, 2010
is excited to get home again where he can wear short-sleeved t-shirts in January. Jan 02, 2010
introduced the family to the Chicken Oil Company for lunch on the way through College Station – Mmm – my last unhealthy meal for a while. Jan 02, 2010
Started a Bible in a year reading plan with his bride. Jan 02, 2010
is not excited about packing and driving for 5 hours with 2 kids under 3 to get home. Jan 02, 2010
had a good last day with his family – will be driving back to Lake Jackson tomorrow. Pray for safe travel. Jan 02, 2010
watched football, took Kasen & Kesleigh to the park, & is gonna have burgers tonight at moms w/his brother, sister, niece, & nephews.b Jan 02, 2010
got up early w/Kesleigh & then watched Nemo w/Kasen – glad I didn’t stay up ’til midnight. I may be old, but I’ve got responsibilities. Jan 01, 2010
is too old to stay up and greet the new year. Jan 01, 2010
is at his sisters house – gonna eat pork tacos tonight and hang with family. Dec 31, 2009
‘s little girl started walking. She’s doing about 4 or 5 steps at a time now. Dec 31, 2009
is hanging with his mom in Ft Worth. Dec 31, 2009
is excited! Mom is watching the kids so we can see a movie & go to dinner w/ my brother & sister-in-law. Dec 30, 2009
up w/Kesleigh – an early riser w/early BMs that need early diaper changes accompanied by early snuggles. The last part makes it worthwhile. Dec 30, 2009
thinks this “day of rest” has somehow made me really tired – going to bed now – goodnight all. Dec 30, 2009
just crossed into Texas again and the first sign this side of the Red River was an adult video store – what kind of 1st impression is that? Dec 28, 2009
thinks we should pray for garbage men today – first pickup day after Christmas has got to be a tough day with lots of extra work for them. Dec 28, 2009
took a quick trip to Target this morning for diapers & juice boxes for our trip back to Ft Worth. Leaving Tulsa at 1pm – pray for safety. Dec 28, 2009
is watching SuperWhy with a little boy in his lap who is eating cheese for breakfast. Dec 28, 2009
never imagined that the Oklahoma aquarium would be so nice. Aquariums belong on the coast – or so I thought until today. Dec 28, 2009
Is exhausted and wants this Oklahoma bed to welcome him warmly. Dec 27, 2009
Never thought he would break the speed limit by going too slow(icy roads)!! Dec 26, 2009
had a great 3rd Christmas w/the Corns – will drive to Oklahoma tomorrow to see the Kellys & Simmons. Pray for travel mercies – ice ahead. Dec 26, 2009
Is glad that ‘God with us’ is with us. Dec 25, 2009
My vantage point for the next five hours! Dec 25, 2009
She gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths & placed him in a manger, ’cause there was no room…in the inn. Lk 2:7 Dec 25, 2009
New Blog Post:: Christmas Video and Pics Dec 25, 2009
got a few Christmas pics up: (still more to come) Dec 25, 2009
is amazed by the hypostatic union this Christmas. Dec 25, 2009
had a great time & received way too much w/Christmas #2 (the Mathews) & still has 2 more to go. (Corns and Simmons) Driving north tomorrow. Dec 24, 2009
is at the in-laws – doing Christmas with them tomorrow morning. This makes two celebrations this year. Dec 23, 2009
doesn’t want to go shopping again but is supposed to die for his bride so he will wear a smile and make the best of it. Dec 23, 2009
loved Kasen’s reaction this morning when he saw the tractor that Santa brought him. Dec 22, 2009
is catching up on the end of Survivor before playing Santa and assembling toys. Wonder if it’ll be the first of my long Christmas nights? Dec 22, 2009
is celebrating Christmas with the family tomorrow morning – wanted Kasen to have some time to play with his new stuff before vacation. Dec 22, 2009
is surprised at how one simple act by his son can bring such joy – he actually ate his breakfast after about 2 hours. Dec 21, 2009
is thinking a nap sounds good, but is doubtful that the kids will really let that happen. Dec 20, 2009
enjoyed going to church with his family and listening to his friend Jason preach this morning. Dec 20, 2009
enjoys watching Mike, my father-in-law, try to pretend like he wasn’t sleeping in his recliner. Dec 20, 2009
Is full and grateful to cracker barrel. Watchin cowboys now with my father in law. Dec 20, 2009
is tired of picking up blocks just to watch Kasen dump them out again. Dec 19, 2009
just ate some amazing lemon bars that Miranda brought home from her teachers Christmas Party – nice to know she was thinking of me. Dec 19, 2009
New Blog Post:: Wishlist Dec 19, 2009
New Blog Post:: 50 Things to do @ Christmas Dec 18, 2009
watched kids this morning so Miranda could sleep in-will watch kids this afternoon so she can go to lunch-& again 2night 4 her school party Dec 18, 2009
is tying up loose ends so he can enjoy Christmas vacation. Dec 17, 2009
wonders if Joseph called God “baby daddy?” – JK Dec 17, 2009
got up, made breakfast, got Kasen ready. Next? Go to Target, get donuts for Kasen, and go play Joseph in the pre-school Christmas program. Dec 17, 2009
Is excited about teaching at u-turn tonight. Dec 16, 2009
This resurrection life…is not a timid grave-tending life. Its adventurously expectant,greeting God w/a childlike “What’s next Papa?”Rm8:15 Dec 16, 2009
had a great lunch at La Casona with his bride, his boy, and a sleeping beauty. Dec 16, 2009
Is playing joseph for the next 2 days in the pre-school christmas program. Wish miranda was gonna be mary. It feels awkward without her. Dec 16, 2009
will worship with his life today. Dec 16, 2009
“Therefore, I urge you…to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy & pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” Rms 12:1 Dec 16, 2009
All I want for Christmas is “Emmanuel.” (God with Us) and the Good News is that He is. Dec 16, 2009
thanks God for the people in his small group. Dec 16, 2009
will be filling backpacks full of goodies for homeless teens tonight at small group. Dec 15, 2009
wants to follow Abraham’s example of faith in the midst of uncertainty. Strange to call it uncertainty when I’m certain God is in control. Dec 15, 2009
is feeling the pressure today – still needs to find a new full-time position to support his family by the end of January. Dec 15, 2009
grilled burgers tonight & ate too much – now we’re working on getting Kasen to stay in his bed. He’s only gotten up 8 times so far. Dec 15, 2009
“The mind is educated w/facts, but the soul is educated w/beauty & mystery. And the curriculum is creation.” @markbatterson from Primal Dec 14, 2009
has a growling stomach but is planning on grilling burgers tonight – gonna let it growl – don’t want to ruin dinner. Dec 14, 2009
New Blog Post:: Primal – A Book Review Dec 14, 2009
is excited about the youth progressive dinner Christmas party tonight. Dec 13, 2009
is reading “Primal” – great book!!! Check it out Amazon – or Primal Book Website – @MarkBatterson Dec 13, 2009
New Blog Post:: Kasen’s Train of Toys Dec 13, 2009
thinks rolling/wrestling on the floor with his kids might very well be the greatest thing in the world. Dec 12, 2009
loved being back home with his amazing family again tonight. Dec 12, 2009
is having a good day but is hungry. Dec 11, 2009
stayed up way too late talking w/good friends – looking forward to a great day tomorrow – prayin God will multiply 5 hrs sleep into 10. Dec 11, 2009
is prayin’. Dec 10, 2009
New Blog Post:: Shepherds Dec 10, 2009
“I would rather lay my soul asoak in half a dozen [Bible] verses all day than rinse my hand in several chapters.” – Charles H. Spurgeon Dec 10, 2009
is sitting alone in a silent living room while Miranda & the kids sleep – thinking, wondering, lamenting, praying, breathing. . .praying. Dec 10, 2009
gets to go home to his beautiful bride and children now. Dec 10, 2009
is going to enjoy being with students and teaching tonight. Dec 09, 2009
New Blog Post:: Wise Men Dec 09, 2009
is putting old vhs clips on dvd. Dec 09, 2009
enjoyed small group tonight. Christmas “Scene It” is always fun!! Dec 09, 2009
New Blog Post:: Snowman Dec 08, 2009
had to take a “Critical Thinking” test during his lunch hour. Looking into alternative teacher certification. Dec 08, 2009
is excited – God has us in His hands & I’m imagining what He’s planning on doing w/us…well, I’m a bit anxious too. Faith & Fear together. Dec 08, 2009
could see both feet in the air. Have a nice scar on my back too. Dec 08, 2009
slipped on the wet tile (Kesleigh likes to play w/the dog bowls) & took a nasty fall in the kitchen this morning. I must be getting old. Dec 08, 2009
is disappointed – we were supposed to go see a movie for staff meeting, but now it’s canceled & we have a normal staff meeting. Dec 08, 2009
has a new (probably temporary) favorite book to read to Kasen before bed: I Knew You Could. Dec 08, 2009
wonders why it’s so hard to get your own college transcripts – they’re mine right?? Dec 07, 2009
got the family pics finally posted: Dec 06, 2009
took family pics early this morning – hope to post them later tonight. Dec 05, 2009
well . . . so daddy can play in it too. Dec 04, 2009
hopes the snow is sticking to the ground in Pearland so Kasen can play in it tonight. Dec 04, 2009
was chosen for a book blog tour & received a pre-released copy of Mark Batterson’s “Primal” – gotta read & post review. Dec 04, 2009
Is shocked – it actually is snowing in lake jackson – i didnt beleive the forecast. Dec 04, 2009
has a busy morning ahead. Lot’s to do and just a little time to do it. Dec 04, 2009
got a nice surprise from his amazing bride tonight – got home from work & she had a couple of t-bones thawed out for me to grill. Mmm. . . Dec 04, 2009
took Kasen to his first movie. Planet 51. He made it an hour before he had to get up & move around – longer if I had given him more candy. Dec 04, 2009
is preparing for our Joseph Bible Study again. Dec 03, 2009
is feeling tempted to take the easy way out, but is seeking God’s strength. Dec 03, 2009
loves it when his son decides to crawl into bed in the morning & sleep another 30 minutes with daddy. Dec 03, 2009
is hanging out in the youth center waiting on youth to arrive – beginning a Christmas series tonight. Dec 02, 2009
is thinking about shepherds. Dec 02, 2009
had a little father/son time – took Kasen to get Shipley’s this morning before work. It’s fun spoiling him. Dec 02, 2009
good day – small group w/my bride, taught Bible, ate peppermint ice cream, played w/kids, & just took Kasen to bed for 2nd time. Goodnight. Dec 02, 2009
is hoping. Dec 01, 2009
New Blog Post:: Spend Less & Worship More Dec 01, 2009
New Blog Post:: Frogs Dec 01, 2009
‘s mother in law treated the family to Lubys tonight. Good stuff. Dec 01, 2009
Win a new Macbook Pro on Cyber Monday 2009. Details here: Nov 30, 2009
is listening to the silence blasting through his head. Nov 30, 2009
wonders how he can be an “Outlier?” Nov 30, 2009
enjoyed lunch with his bride. Nov 30, 2009
is studying Joseph a bit more. Nov 30, 2009
New Blog Post:: Stress: Distress or Eustress? Nov 30, 2009
got the computer running again. Haven’t been on much in about 5 days. Can’t believe the internet didn’t shut down without my input. Ha ha! Nov 30, 2009
is thankful – for. . . everything. Jesus, family, friends, health, God’s provision. . .& the list could go on and on and on. . . Nov 26, 2009
is thankful that Jared and Tiffany are letting us stay with them tonight. Thanks for letting us crash guys! Nov 26, 2009
is thankful for the Mathews: Mike, Patti, Jared, Tiffany, Reid, and Kallie. Nov 25, 2009
is thankful for the Corns: Mom, Roger, Kathy, Tyler, Tucker, & Tanner & the Underwoods: Brenda, Schonn, Brianna, Ethan, & Jaycee. Nov 25, 2009
is thankful his bride is back home safe and sound. Nov 25, 2009
is grateful. It’s a testimony to God’s grace that I was able to get both kids fed, into PJs, and off to bed while Miranda was out. Nov 25, 2009
is thankful that he can watch the kids tonight so Miranda can have a “girls night.” Nov 24, 2009
New Blog Post:: Paul was a Trader Nov 24, 2009
is thankful for his mom. She called & was worried something was wrong since I didn’t make my normal Sunday call. She’ll always be “mom.” Nov 24, 2009
RT @kevinbowles: Baby Ethan is being prepped for his intestinal surgery. Pray for the doctors, the baby, and mom & dad (courtney & hans). Nov 24, 2009
remembers & is thankful for Big Bend National Park – pudding feet, deer feathers, donkeys, Moses t-shirts, guitars, Emory peak, & friends. Nov 24, 2009
is thankful for mornings with his kids in spite of the fact that it’s too early. Nov 24, 2009
is thankful for his mother-in-law. She’s breaks the stereo-type. Nov 24, 2009
is thankful for building blocks and pancakes. They both make my boy happy. Nov 23, 2009
is thankful for the amazing weather we’ve been having lately. Nov 23, 2009
is grateful. Jesus has changed my life, forgiven me, made me whole, given me an amazing family, and has always provided for me abundantly! Nov 23, 2009
is thankful for his bride. Nov 23, 2009
is thankful for Hans and Courtney’s new baby Ethan. Nov 23, 2009
is gonna start a series of “Thankful” tweets. Nov 23, 2009
is praying for Hans, Courtney (having a c-section), and baby Ethan. Nov 23, 2009
is all backed up – got everything on two hard drives now. Nov 23, 2009
Kasen got out of bed 6 times tonight – then we caught him putting his tent back in his room. Didn’t get up again. Looks like he’s a camper. Nov 23, 2009
enjoyed the Bible Study group tonight. Nov 23, 2009
can’t seem to make his boy happy – first I drew a bus on the magnadoodle, but then he wanted a dog. . ok, now he’s happy. .well temporarily. Nov 22, 2009
took the family on a train ride, sledding, and to pet pigs, goats, cows, and a llama. Tonight is the parade. Feel like a good daddy today. Nov 21, 2009
Kasen helped daddy make breakfast in bed for mommy this morning. He did a great job and is always reliable. His part was to wake me up. Nov 21, 2009
just made Kasen some chocolate milk. Not sure what else he wants, but he’s a bit cranky after his nap. Nov 20, 2009
wants to win some “good husband” points today – hoping to get the house cleaned up while Miranda is at work so she can come home & rest. Nov 20, 2009
New Blog Post:: Traveling Circus Nov 20, 2009
took his family to the traveling circus tonight. Fun stuff. Rode an elephant w/Kasen & sat about 10 feet from the center ring. Nov 20, 2009
is grateful for his bride – she got me a burger from the Local. Nov 19, 2009
New Blog Post:: Chocolate Milk & Walking Videos Nov 19, 2009
We gave them life. We give them love We give them food to eat & a roof above. In return so many gifts & a new pair of eyes to see them with. Nov 19, 2009
Wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice…Point out the road I must travel; I’m all ears, all eyes before you. Ps 143:8msg Nov 19, 2009
wishes he understood wordpress plugins enough to get a counter on his download links. Nov 19, 2009
is helping the kids get a bath. Nov 19, 2009
RT @edstetzer: Last generation wanted to cross a bridge, do ministry, then go home. Millennials want to live on the other side -@toddwilson Nov 18, 2009
uploaded a new powerpoint game (fastest longest) – Using all the “Run” Scriptures at U-TURN so I put this one together. Nov 18, 2009
is still enduring his lack-of-caffeine headache. Gonna go get some lunch soon – maybe food will help?? Nov 18, 2009
“The reason they want you to fit in is that once you do, then they can ignore you.” – Seth Godin Nov 18, 2009
better get used to a “no caffeine headache.” Going cold turnkey – the combination of caffeine & my cholesterol meds causes me to breakout. Nov 18, 2009
is honored to have his son follow him around in order to sit next to him this morning. Nov 17, 2009
is enjoying an evening at home – drawing on the magnadoodle with Kasen right now. Nov 17, 2009
‘s little girl is definitely mama’s baby – Miranda ran an errand and she won’t stop crying – I feel the same way when Miranda leaves me. Nov 16, 2009
New Blog Post:: Right Now Conference Nov 16, 2009
New Blog Post:: Heather Zempel Nov 16, 2009
had a great retreat – is enduring the pain of some pulled muscles from some intense Capture the Flag – is ready to sleep in his own bed. Nov 16, 2009
is trying to get everything together so we can leave for our retreat – remind me that it’ll be OK if we forget something. Nov 13, 2009
Is growing fond of broken people cause i see that i am one of them. – @mutemath lyric – pins and needles Nov 13, 2009
snapped this pic last night while Kasen slept. Glad he’s gonna be a camper – sleeps better in his tent than without it. Nov 13, 2009
is excited about the youth retreat this weekend in Livingston – not to mention the “Capture the Flag” excitement. Nov 13, 2009
is holding his beautiful little girl & watchin’ her big brother eat a pop tart. What a way to start the morning. Nov 13, 2009
is grateful to his friend, Huey. He helped me get the hot water heater fixed!! Nov 13, 2009
RT @lensweet: “A true work of art is the creation of love, love for the subject 1st & for the medium 2nd.”~nature photographer Eliot Porter Nov 12, 2009
has hives. Strange feeling – like sunburn – Dr says endure it – its the Niacin he put me on for cholesterol – body will get used to it. Nov 12, 2009
Ok – now Kasen has changed his mind – wants to watch Nemo now. Nov 12, 2009
was up early with the kids this morning – watchin’ Cars again. Nov 12, 2009
is trying something different with the youth tonight. Nov 11, 2009
Seth Godin quotes Einstein in Tribes, saying “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Leaders need imagination & managers? Knowledge Nov 11, 2009
Almost all my students have “unlimited texting” and unhealthy habits. I’m wondering if the text limits weren’t a good thing? Nov 11, 2009
You know you’re wife works in a pre-school when you have to pick up rocksalt on the way to her office. Nov 11, 2009
You know youhas to pick up rocksalt before heading to the office. Nov 11, 2009
‘s mattress probably feels like she’s been stood up, but he’s just running a little late & he’s really looking forward to his time with her. Nov 11, 2009
RT @Logos: Win an iPod Touch to use w/ the new @Logos Bible Software iPhone app Retweet by 12/1/09 to enter #Logos4 Nov 11, 2009
“Doesnt matter how big church is or how great the worship is. God asked for a family, a body. Thats what we should strive for.” Francis Chan Nov 10, 2009
“The three worst mistakes you can make are overpromising and underdelivering.” from twitterwit – Nov 10, 2009
is trying to decide which direction to go on Bible study for our youth retreat. Nov 10, 2009
‘s son can watch Cars 24/7. Daddy gets tired of it though. Guess it could be worse – at least it’s not Barney. Nov 10, 2009
wonders what the best free iPhone bible app is? Nov 10, 2009
Is there anybody in your church who is your “living epistle?” 2 Cor 3:3 – Tim Ross #rn09 Nov 09, 2009
Change almost never fails ’cause it’s too early. Change almost always fails ’cause it’s too late. – Seth Godin Nov 09, 2009
doesn’t know what the future holds but is glad he knows who holds the future. Nov 09, 2009
is on his way to the District office. Nov 09, 2009
is back to the Lake Jackson routine, and has a lot to do this week – retreat this weekend. Nov 09, 2009
Is very tired – its been a long trip – good but long. Nov 08, 2009
Gets to see his kids again today – itll be a long drive but theyre worth it! Nov 07, 2009
God doesnt fit in our left brain. @markbatterson #rn09 Nov 06, 2009
Believes his life has been changed – god used francis chan in major ways this morning. I will seek to cherish suffering for jesus. Nov 06, 2009
is excited to hear Francis Chan, @MarkBatterson, and @MattChandler74 today! #rn09 Nov 06, 2009
Got to talk to my son in lake jackson tonight – told him i loved and missed him. Nov 06, 2009
Being a disciple of jesus christ means we are either loved or hated – never ignored in our culture. @Heatherzempel #rn09 Nov 05, 2009
If people follow you, will they get to jesus? Tim ross @rn09 Nov 05, 2009
had a great time with his mom, bro, sis-in-law, & nephews last night & a good free hotel breakfast. Lead Now conference starts today. Nov 05, 2009
Enjoyed a ‘cars’ cookie cake with his birthday boy and his class. Nov 04, 2009
New Blog Post:: Powerpoint Games Nov 04, 2009
can’t believe his little boy is 2 years old today – gave him a new “choo choo” this morning – picking up a cookie cake for his school party. Nov 04, 2009
agrees with @SethGodins – “Leadership is an act of generosity.” Nov 04, 2009
just finished packing and is excited about attending the Lead Now Conference in Dallas. Nov 04, 2009
is putting together another powerpoint game for U-TURN tomorrow night. Nov 03, 2009
is figuring out directions for the Lead Now conference. Nov 03, 2009
just backed up most of the family pics, music, and movies onto another hard drive. Surely 2 drives won’t go bad at the same time right? Nov 03, 2009
grilled some burgers tonight and is playin with the kids before they go to bed. Nov 03, 2009
realized he didn’t tweet yesterday at all and not until after 4pm today. Nov 02, 2009
New Blog Post:: MuteMath Concert Nov 02, 2009
New Blog Post:: T-Shirt Designs Nov 02, 2009
wore our his kids today. Tonight it was easy putting them down – there’s something about carrying them to bed asleep that I really love. Nov 01, 2009
is taking the family to the zoo today. Oct 31, 2009
‘s life has been changed – The Mutemath show was amazing!!! Oct 31, 2009
is in line to see Mutemath!!!! Oct 31, 2009
is hanging out with Jayna and Chris this afternoon. Oct 30, 2009
will be seeing Mutemath live tonight for the first time. Oct 30, 2009
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,to venture on wider seas. . . Where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. – Sir Francis Drake Oct 30, 2009
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,to venture on wider seas. . . Where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. Oct 30, 2009
just returned from the church pumpkin carving/painting event. Fun stuff. Oct 30, 2009
had lunch at home with the family and is now back in the office preparing for Bible Study. Oct 29, 2009
just witnessed the costume parade & Kasen’s class party – toddlers + costumes + food + parent distractions = funny. Oct 29, 2009
just discovered an old twitter account & deleted it. Some of you may have one less in your “following” now. Oct 29, 2009
got the kids ready & took them to school. I might be getting better at this parenting thing – no one cried today. Oct 29, 2009
had a great conversation with his friend Hans on-line and is gonna go to bed now. Oct 29, 2009
‘s son is avoiding bedtime again. He’s sitting in the hallway outside his room right now – he thinks he’s in stealth mode, but we see him. Oct 29, 2009
is trying to figure out some video stuff. Oct 28, 2009
is very hungry, but waiting for his beautiful bride before heading to lunch. She better hurry – stomach growl is louder than my patience. Oct 28, 2009
(God) throws caution to the winds, giving to the needy in reckless abandon. His right-living, right-giving ways never run out…-2Cor 9:9msg Oct 28, 2009
is laughing – Kasen wanted to sleep w/mama & daddy so he faked a hurt foot. It worked once with a real hurt foot, so why not try again? Oct 28, 2009
would love to find his place in God’s plan today. Oct 27, 2009
New Blog Post:: OCD Oct 27, 2009
is happy that it’s starting to get cooler outside. I like snuggle weather. It’d be even better if there was snow. Oct 27, 2009
RT @Orbitz: We’re giving away 10 free airline tickets today! FOLLOW @Orbitz & RT this msg to be eligible to win. Oct 27, 2009
is working on fall retreat stuff. Oct 27, 2009
“Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything.” – John Kenneth Galbraith Oct 27, 2009
can’t find Kasen’s cup of chocolate milk from last night. Hate to think what it’ll be like when we find it. Oct 27, 2009
wishes he was sleeping in the “Sow’s Ear” with an open window tonight, but will settle for his bed instead. Oct 27, 2009
likes Castle. Oct 27, 2009
get to go home to his bride and kids now!!!! Oct 26, 2009
New Blog Post:: Our Glorious Boaz Oct 26, 2009
wishes he could get his office computer to work. Oct 26, 2009
is tired of opening up his phone and getting a completely black screen. Need a new phone. Oct 26, 2009
Anyone who meets a challenge head-on & manages 2 stick it out is fortunate. 4 those in luv w/God, the reward is life & more life. Jm 1:12msg Oct 26, 2009
‘s son is laying on the tile floor in the kitchen ’cause daddy gave him milk this morning – now he’s convincing mama to make him a waffle. Oct 26, 2009
should go to bed, but is feeling a bit of a scratchy throat – not sure if sleep is gonna come very easily. Oct 26, 2009
New Blog Post:: Proud Parent Pics Oct 26, 2009
will be teaching at bible study soon – my favorite role in ministry. Oct 25, 2009
Is at band practice. Oct 25, 2009
laughed at Kesleigh – she was chewing on Jesus – literally, she found the Veggie Tales nativity Jesus and. . .I guess He made her feel good. Oct 24, 2009
Wow!! Check out this free small group giveaway!! Looks like really good materials from a great small group leader. Oct 24, 2009
“was” having great day – family breakfast, play in backyard, bike ride…then lost bike pedal 1.5 miles from home & now water heater issues. Oct 24, 2009
has a great appreciation & love for his beautiful bride – spent the last 2 days watching kids – I need a break. Don’t know how she does it. Oct 24, 2009
Is taking the kids to the fall festival tonight – mama is working up there. Oct 23, 2009
is helping Kasen wash his hands after a “big boy” pancake breakfast. Oct 23, 2009
is at band practice wondering if anyone else is gonna show up? Oct 22, 2009
Is watching his sick boy – not sure he is all that sick but he is not allowed at school. Oct 22, 2009
has been up since 3:30am – can’t sleep – too much on my mind. Oct 22, 2009
will stay home from work with a sick little boy tomorrow. Oct 22, 2009
Feels bad that he isnt at home with his sick little boy. Oct 21, 2009
is wondering what’s next??? Oct 21, 2009
is preparing for youth stuff tonight – just finished creating a great powerpoint game – now on to video. Oct 21, 2009
will have fun teaching 1 Tim 4:12 with a focus on “love” tonight. It’s the 3rd in the series covering speech, life, love, faith, and purity. Oct 21, 2009
RT @lensweet: Don’t wait to figure it out–faith it out. Don’t grunt & gut it out–hope it out. Don’t simply live it out–-love it out. Oct 21, 2009
is glad that God works invisibly behind the scenes – faithfully trusting His hand of providence is active, ’cause I’m not seeing much. Oct 20, 2009
“Dream, and the deeper you dream, you are closer to home – you are closer” – lyric from “So Close, So Far” Travel 2 – Oct 20, 2009
ended up with a Fuddruckers lunch – now I’m way too satisfied. Oct 20, 2009
has a growling stomach. Hmm. . .what to eat? Suggestions? Oct 20, 2009
turned 14,648 days old today. Oct 20, 2009
was surprised to get a text from his nephew Tucker in Ft Worth. It’s fun watching them grow up. Texting??? Who would’ve ever thought? Oct 19, 2009
just got a ticket for Mutemath on the 30th!!! Oct 19, 2009
“And it’s a painful thought to try another start, but the odds are we’d be better off.” – Mutemath lyrics from “Odds” Oct 19, 2009
is back in the office – will be doing a little study of Daniel today. Oct 19, 2009
will be in Tomball again tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing some old friends. Oct 18, 2009
is disappointed the Texas beat OU. Oct 17, 2009
lived in Oklahoma 11 yrs and now in Texas for 29yrs., but still enjoys watching OU beat Texas. 6 – 3 @ halftime – OU over UT. Oct 17, 2009
will be watching the kids this morning so MIranda can do some shopping. Oct 17, 2009
is watching the old “American Tail” with Kasen. Oct 17, 2009
went to the pumpkin patch today and took 105 pictures – didn’t get even one good one of Kasen. He wasn’t very cooperative today. Oct 16, 2009
has to do some research today – hoping to find some answers. Oct 16, 2009
is laughing ’cause Kasen chose the bed in the hallway tonight. Check it out here. Oct 16, 2009
was disappointed that Kasen was too short to ride the fair’s motorcycle circle ride. He would have cried but we’re masters of distraction. Oct 16, 2009
New Blog Post:: U2 and my Bucket List Oct 15, 2009
New Blog Post:: Ruth Commentary Oct 15, 2009
is thinking about taking the family to the fair tonight. (FREE admission tonight.) Any thoughts/recommendations/advice?? Oct 15, 2009
“It’s not a hill, it’s a mountain as you start out the climb . . . We’re gonna make it all the way to the light.” – U2 lyric Oct 14, 2009
is encouraged by U2 – “You’re packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been – a place that has to be believed to be seen. . .Walk on.” Oct 13, 2009
knows that like headlights, God will shine enough light to see the road ahead, but today I wanna know the end of this part of the journey. Oct 13, 2009
Is consuming a little u2 this morning. Oct 13, 2009
New Blog Post:: Fun Theory Oct 13, 2009
New Blog Post:: Fun Theory Oct 13, 2009
is enjoying old school Return of the Jedi (one of the real Star Wars films) on SpikeTV tonight. Oct 13, 2009
enjoys having the windows up. Oct 11, 2009
has the windows up – feeling the breeze come through the house – watchin’ football – chocolate chip cookies in the oven – kids in bed – Ahh. Oct 11, 2009
just got the last new light fixture installed. We need a few more but this our stopping point for now. Oct 10, 2009
is watching Kasen wrestle with Kesleigh – she doesn’t fight back – just laughs. Oct 10, 2009
just loaded groceries and two kids in the car in the rain so Miranda can have some time to herself. I’ll try not to hold it over her head. Oct 09, 2009
finally got some old stuff uploaded to the website. Check it out here: Oct 09, 2009
hasn’t been as “helpful” today as he had hoped, but will soon upload some student retreat journals that I wrote – need something like that? Oct 08, 2009
just discovered for downloading videos from youtube. Hope this helps someone. Oct 08, 2009
thinks he will try to be a “helpful” tweeter today. We’ll start w/my youth ministry friends. Here are some FREEBIES: Oct 08, 2009
I was born to sing for U I didn’t have a choice But to lift U up I give U back my voice From the womb my first cry was a joyful noise – U2 Oct 07, 2009
is editing video. Oct 07, 2009
mission accomplished!! Stomach capacity @ maximum volume. Body amply nourished. Oct 07, 2009
a breakfast taco acquisition mission. Oct 07, 2009
is on a mission. . . a breakfast taco mission. Oct 07, 2009
New Blog Post:: It just so happened. . . Oct 07, 2009
New Blog Post:: Risky Writing Oct 06, 2009
believes hope still lives. Oct 06, 2009
is coveting his son’s pop tart this morning but will do the right thing and just eat a bagel. Oct 06, 2009
New Blog Post:: Small Group Exchange Article Oct 05, 2009
is amazed – had over 10,000 pageviews on his website last month but also had over 1,000 just yesterday alone. Oct 05, 2009
The amazing grace of the Master Jesus Christ the extravagant love of God the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be w/all of you.1Co13:14 Oct 05, 2009
can’t believe the kids are both in bed and it’s only 7:30pm. Oct 05, 2009
loves the book of Ruth and loves teaching it. Oct 05, 2009
has installed 3 light fixtures this week – only one more but it will wait another day – gonna go teach Ruth to some youth tonight. Oct 04, 2009
wonders if anyone knows a good mp3 recording software that’s free?? I’ve tried Audacity with a little success but get noise at 32 kbps. Oct 04, 2009
got a new light fixture installed in the kitchen today thanks to a Home Depot gift card from my sister. Thanks Brenda! Oct 03, 2009
Is headed to a b-day party for a four yr old @ the golden arches. Oct 03, 2009
had fun @ he B-Wood game and then came home and watched Flashforward. Time for bed now. Oct 03, 2009
Is taking the kids to the bwood game tonight. Oct 02, 2009
had a great lunch with a new friend. Oct 02, 2009
New blog post: Does God Exist? Oct 02, 2009
just sent in another article to small group exchange for review and possible publication. Oct 02, 2009
is hopeful. – 1 Sam 2:8 msg – “He puts poor people on their feet again; he rekindles burned-out lives with fresh hope.” Oct 02, 2009
wonders what it means that Kasen likes licking the butter off the bread? Oct 02, 2009
Joan Collin Ray Charles Wesley Snipes (That’s 5 people) @zachmcnair @andrewjamestx #namechain Oct 01, 2009
“We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God shaking them.” – Charles West (thanks Todd) Oct 01, 2009
Be glad in GOD. . . (His) teaching like rain out of heaven, showers of words to refresh & nourish our souls. – Joel 2:23 msg Oct 01, 2009
loves listening to Kasen sing in the mornings. Oct 01, 2009
Is grateful to god for such amazing friends. Sep 30, 2009
‘s cpap makes him sound like Darth Vader, but Vader’s “dark side” is much less threatening when he gets the rest he needs. Sep 30, 2009
doesn’t understand how a simple restart can change all of his computer settings. I’ve restarted many times with no problems in the past. Sep 29, 2009
New blog post: My Painting Sep 29, 2009
got up thinking he was going to go exercise, but the rain kept that from happening. Guess I’ll have it make it up later this week. Sep 29, 2009
Is 42:17 – I’ll take the hand of those who don’t know the way, who can’t see where they’re going….directing them through unknown country. Sep 28, 2009
is back in the office and wondering what this place will look like in February? Sep 28, 2009
New blog post: Who Moved My Cheese? Sep 28, 2009
is having another normal morning – my legs just became racetracks for hotwheels. Sep 28, 2009
is excited about our waterski trip later today. Sep 27, 2009
has been doing a little indoor camping thins morning with the kids. Sep 26, 2009
had a great night – grilled some fajitas, made & decorated cookies w/Kasen, & movie time w/Miranda – too bad it’s a lame movie – 17 Again Sep 26, 2009
is grateful for a beautiful bride who makes mornings like this possible. Sep 25, 2009
enjoyed a morning alone: a book + quiet + breakfast + dr pepper = ahh. . . Sep 25, 2009
wishes he could unsend the “Jesus’ Sponge” video he posted yesterday. I learned a bit more (Thanks Hans) & posted it: Sep 25, 2009
New blog post: Jesus’ Sponge Sep 24, 2009
I’ll list GOD’s gracious dealings…the generous bounties of GOD, his great goodness…Compassion lavished, love extravagant. Is 63:7msg Sep 24, 2009
New blog post: New Old Videos Sep 24, 2009
New blog post: 41 Points Sep 24, 2009
doesn’t understand the phrase “slept like a baby” – ours don’t sleep! Sep 24, 2009
fasted from texting for a month – I sent them, but didn’t know it wasn’t working. . . I guess it’s not really a fast is it? Working now. Sep 23, 2009
is editing videos for U-TURN tonight. Sep 23, 2009
We average 23,000 breaths/day. Thank God 23,000 times! “If God withdrew His breath all life would cease.” Job 34:14-15 – from @markbatterson Sep 23, 2009
“Like calm comes to a sea, like snowfall quietly, You come to me.” – lyric from Alleluia Sing – David Crowder Sep 23, 2009
New blog post: Mr. Corn’s Opus Sep 23, 2009
“If your heart is broken, you’ll find GOD right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.” Psalm 34:18 Msg Sep 22, 2009
New blog post: Simon Says Sep 22, 2009
New blog post: Simon Says Sep 22, 2009
Ruth (2:3) “happened” to be in Boaz’ field. Coincidence? Sounds more like God’s providence to me. I wonder what will “happen” to my family. Sep 21, 2009
is wondering. Sep 21, 2009
is amazed by God – got to see some old youth & hear all He’s done. Also received e-mail thanking me – after 8 yrs, he surrendered to God. Sep 21, 2009
really needed that time away – loved seeing old friends, laughing, and loving. Today was full of truly sacred moments and I am grateful. Sep 20, 2009
is going to Hans and Courtney’s baby shower this morning. Looking forward to seeing old friends. Sep 19, 2009
hopes he is a leaky faucet dripping the love of God endlessly over everything his life touches. Sep 18, 2009
must be having golden thoughts. @lensweet quotes WH Davies – “Time never turns a thought to gold, unless a tear has made it wet.” Sep 18, 2009
is setting up a profile and resume. Sep 18, 2009
believes his future is in God’s hands & that there is an incredible ministry opportunity just waiting for him. Sep 17, 2009
is wondering “Who moved my Cheese?” – Don’t Understand? Check out this free download. Sep 16, 2009
is preparing for U-TURN tonight. (and probably lots of questions & emotions from students & parents) Sep 16, 2009
New blog post: Sleeping Giggles Sep 16, 2009
believes blessings are coming (’cause God is good) but feels somewhat numb right now. Sep 16, 2009
New blog post: Job Search Sep 15, 2009
can’t sleep – too many thoughts racing through my mind. Sep 15, 2009
“There’s no architecture for how I feel.” – MuteMath lyrics Sep 14, 2009
is praying for his beautiful family. Sep 14, 2009
agrees with MuteMath – “Facades are a fire on the skin.” Sep 14, 2009
rearranged furniture w/Miranda today & forgot ’til he came home from work. Glad I was off @ 7pm – didn’t trip through the house in the dark. Sep 14, 2009
New blog post: Kesleigh is Crawling!! Sep 13, 2009
got some video of Kesleigh crawling tonight – having mixed feelings – 2 mobile kids under 2yrs in 1 house is intimidating. Sep 13, 2009
is up with Kasen while Miranda and Kesleigh sleep in a bit after a long night. – heading to the church carnival later. Sep 12, 2009
Problem. Solve for X. Kasen + night + no binky = X Answer: X = no sleep Sep 12, 2009
thinks it was a lot easier to “lose” Kasen’s binky at bedtime than we thought it would be. Sep 12, 2009
is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from his friends. Sep 12, 2009
had BBQ from the Iron Cactus for his birthday lunch – thanks Katie!! Sep 11, 2009
is grateful for 40 amazing years of life full of family, friends, adventure, and purpose. God has been exceedingly gracious. Sep 11, 2009
is trying to get things done. Sep 10, 2009
“When you delegate tasks, you get followers. When you delegate authority, you develop leaders.” Craig Groeschel #thenines Sep 09, 2009
“Worry is temporary atheism.” #thenines Sep 09, 2009
likes being able to get church leadership lessons from #thenines while working. Sep 09, 2009
We should not be the best church in the community, we should be the best church for the community – Rick Rusaw #thenines Sep 09, 2009
is a little behind the times, but just got MuteMath’s Armistice with iTunes giftcard -thanks mom (birthday gift) – enjoying it while I work. Sep 09, 2009
tried getting his miles in on the treadmill today (it rained) but Kasen kept throwing his sippy cup in front of me. I didn’t get very far. Sep 09, 2009
ended up getting Chick-fil-a for lunch – not very healthy, but Miranda says we’re going all out “healthy” starting tomorrow. Sep 08, 2009
is hoping we have food at home for lunch – it’s questionable since we were gone all weekend. Sep 08, 2009
New blog post: Boredom Sep 08, 2009
is getting the kids ready for their first day of school. She had a good excuse, but I think Miranda left early so she wouldn’t have to help. Sep 08, 2009
New blog post: Compliment Sep 08, 2009
New blog post: Social Media and the Church Sep 08, 2009
Had a great evening with bro & sis & families (chaos too) -complete with brisket dinner & key lime pie. Sep 07, 2009
Is going to his home church (Crowley FUMC) today. It’s been 18 years since I was there regularly. Sep 06, 2009
Went swimming with all the nephews & nieces and is gonna have some chicken fajitas at his sisters house. Sep 06, 2009
Just watched Kasen’s reenactment of “The Great (naked) Escape” – the bathtub episode. Sep 05, 2009
Got to moms house safely last night – after waffles, we’re headed to Rogers. Sep 05, 2009
will be leaving soon to go to Ft Worth to see his family for the long weekend!!! Sep 04, 2009
4 miles? check. – bath the dog? check. – give Kesleigh a bath? check. – pack the car? . . . how ’bout playing on the computer instead? Sep 04, 2009
is praying that Miranda is able to get some sleep tonight in spite of Kesleigh’s illness. Sep 04, 2009
is planning on watching one of his ex-youth, Kalyn Hemphill on Project Runway & Models of the Runway tonight. Sep 04, 2009
is pretty sure we’ve already lost one of the 8 pieces in Kasen’s puzzle. Sep 03, 2009
Is trying to keep Kasen from throwing his puzzle all over the room. Sep 03, 2009
had gone to the church, but is now back home with a sick daughter. Amazing. . . she’s beautiful even at her worst. Sep 03, 2009
is home w/a sick little girl again while Miranda does parent orientation. Hope she feels better today so we can go to Ft Worth tomorrow. Sep 03, 2009
doesn’t deserve this beautiful life: a beautiful wife + amazing children + incredible extended family + wonderful friends = a generous God. Sep 02, 2009
Psalm 41:3 – Whenever we’re sick and in bed, GOD becomes our nurse, nurses us back to health. (the Message) Sep 02, 2009
has a sick little girl in his arms. Sep 02, 2009
New blog post: Old Tomball Youth videos – 1995 Sep 02, 2009
is thirsty and so I’m glad God is here ’cause “Hot sands will become a cool oasis, thirsty ground a splashing fountain.” – Isaiah 35:7 Sep 01, 2009
got 2 miles in this morning without Kasen (He slept in after being up multiple times last night) – heading to staff meeting now. Sep 01, 2009
is studying Ruth a bit more. Aug 31, 2009
loves teaching the bible – it’s so life-giving!! Aug 31, 2009
New blog post: Repost: Tassels Aug 31, 2009
is converting old video to DVD. Strolling down memory lane. Aug 30, 2009
Is finally getting out of the house today. Shopping -but at least it’s a change of scenery. Aug 29, 2009
got 2 miles in – next is breakfast & some garage sales w/MIranda. Aug 29, 2009
thinks everyone should see the Gulf Shores vacation photo book Miranda created: Aug 29, 2009
watched Marley & Me w/Miranda (while kids napped), took the kids to the Sea Center, & grillin’ up some burgers for dinner. Great family day! Aug 28, 2009
thinks Kasen will probably never be an actor – his fake cries aren’t very convincing. Aug 28, 2009
is praying that his boy will never drive a car the way he drives his hot wheels. Aug 28, 2009
just put Kasen down and is wondering how long before he’ll be out of bed this time. Oh. . .surprise, surprise. There he is – less than 5 min Aug 28, 2009
has the kids alone tonight while Miranda goes to her school teachers party. Hope “the force be with me.” Aug 27, 2009
is back in the office enjoying some Andrew Bird in the background of his job duties. Aug 27, 2009
just created some old school “Throne Together” ringtones – pretty fun to hear those old tunes like that. Aug 27, 2009
is struggling -sometimes there are too many schedules to work around & too many variables w/volunteers. Its not their fault, but still hard. Aug 26, 2009
will be taking advantage of the coupon that Katie gave me for a free taquito from Whataburger. Aug 26, 2009
took Kasen for a walk this morning – 2 miles. Good exercise. Aug 26, 2009
is wondering if he really has to scrub the scum off $40 blow-up pool? Maybe we could just buy another next year? I know it’s wasteful but… Aug 26, 2009
is excited about the possibilities. Aug 25, 2009
enjoyed sharing some chicken fajitas from La Casona with Miranda for lunch. Aug 25, 2009
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wider seas. . . We ask You to push back the horizons of our hopes. – Sir Francis Drake Aug 25, 2009
got 2 miles in this morning w/Kasen and is headed to staff meeting. Aug 25, 2009
thinks even when Miranda isnt feeling well, she can still make an amazing pork chop. Patti better get here soon or I might eat hers as well. Aug 24, 2009
is back in the office after a summer of working away from it. Aug 24, 2009
is glad those awkward school years are over and he doesn’t have to wonder who to sit with at lunch this year – praying for those who do. Aug 24, 2009
has a broken heart. When I left the house with my guitar, Kasen grabbed his & followed me to the door. I closed the door while he cried. Aug 23, 2009
is excited about teaching the book of Ruth tonight. Aug 23, 2009
is getting ready for church & band practice, and a meeting, and small groups, and church again – All before lunch. Aug 23, 2009
took the kids to a birthday party today. Swam, ate cake, played, opened gifts. . . Now they’re down for a nap. Miranda too. She deserves it. Aug 22, 2009
is playing around with a new blog theme. Still details to iron out, but what do you guys think? Aug 22, 2009
has a hyper son running around the house at bedtime. I remember doing the same to my parents so I guess I knew this day was coming. Aug 22, 2009
has been home all day with his family – just walked out the door once to get the mail – good day!!! 🙂 Aug 21, 2009
got 2 miles in with Kasen and weighed afterwards – not good news today. Hope the fall routine/schedule will help. Aug 21, 2009
is up with the kids – maybe I can get another 2 miles in with Kasen. Aug 21, 2009
is watching an ex-youth, Kalyn Hemphill, on Lifetime’s “Models of the Runway.” – become her fan Aug 21, 2009
is studying Ruth – any suggestions for good resources? Aug 20, 2009
guesses he’s not going to the beach today. All our students are involved in band, football, etc. – School might as well be back in session. Aug 20, 2009
is getting ready for a day at Surfside Beach with all the youth. Aug 20, 2009
heard his father-in-law preach (spiritual food) tonight then to Dennys (physical food) together. Kasen’s “pancake puppies” were amazing too! Aug 20, 2009
New blog post: Kasen Sings with Daddy Aug 19, 2009
is back to video editing. Pretty funny stuff these students camp up with. Aug 19, 2009
gets to go to lunch with Justin – he leaves for school in a few days. Aug 19, 2009
is tired of restarting his computer. Aug 19, 2009
is setting up Avast virus scanner again. Aug 19, 2009
just went on a bike ride with his family but had to stay close ’cause it looked like a storm was in the air. Aug 18, 2009
is heading home to his beautiful bride and kids!! Aug 18, 2009
New blog post: Prayer & Groans Aug 18, 2009
is now in charge of organizing musicians for our church carnival. Aug 18, 2009
had an amazing dinner (Chicken-fried deer steak, corn, & mashed potatoes! It don’t get any better than that.) with Katie and Aubreys family! Aug 18, 2009
had a nice lunch with his beautiful bride today. It’s an amazing life with an amazing wife that God has graced me with! Aug 17, 2009
is editing video for our U-TURN launch Sept 9th! Aug 17, 2009
New blog post: Harvest Aug 17, 2009
is planning on starting a new Bible reading plan. Considering that Bible in 90 days thing. Anyone used it? Aug 17, 2009
is up late playing on the computer. Very tired – just not sleepy. Think I’ll do some reading – Irresistible Revolution – Aug 17, 2009
is home from church and getting ready for the Family Night Pool Party at the Rec Center – 3:45-5:45pm!! Should be fun!! Aug 16, 2009
New blog post: Back from the Future Aug 16, 2009
is feeling good – glad to be home again. Aug 16, 2009
is back on the road after a beautiful wedding. Congrats Deana. You will be an amazing wife. Aug 15, 2009
is watching Kesleigh while Miranda takes a shower- breakfast buffet at Hotel Freedonia soon. Shared a room with Josh & Shana last night-fun. Aug 15, 2009
is shouting out to Evan with his last tweet. Aug 15, 2009
just came “back from the future” – Walking in Nacogdoches I saw town square, a clock tower, & a Dolorean – just looking for a Flux Capacitor Aug 15, 2009
“Love is alive and is pouring down like a flood.” – Future of Forestry lyric from “This Hour” Aug 14, 2009
will be driving to Naco-nowhere (doches) later today for Deana’s wedding tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing old friends. Aug 14, 2009
is crackin’ up – I asked Kasen if he liked his cheese enchilada tonight & he answered with a great big “AMEN!” (That means – he liked it.) Aug 14, 2009
doesn’t understand why he can’t tweet anymore with text messages. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? Aug 13, 2009
bowled a 120 today. That mean I broke 100 twice in a row. Maybe I’m actually getting better. Aug 13, 2009
is taking youth to the Main Event today. Aug 13, 2009
is up @ 5:30 – Kesleigh won’t sleep. Aug 13, 2009
is going to bed. G’night everyone. May God bless you with incredible dreams and rest for your weary souls. May you rise tomorrow refreshed. Aug 13, 2009
rode the bike to CVS to get baby food. Took Kasen too. Aug 13, 2009

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