Gulf Shores Pics & Videos

family 03smWe had an incredible time on our vacation to Gulf Shores this year! We spent the week with all the Mathews family and even got to spend a couple of days with Gran. (We went up early.) We spent most of our time on the beach or in the pool, (Kasen liked the pool better.) but we also went to the local zoo one day. We decided that if we ever go back, we’ll plan on a special outing at the zoo ’cause they offer an experience where you can play with monkeys for an extra $10. (We were too late to sign up this time around.) Anyway, I posted all the videos below and here is the link for all the pics from our trip: (Some of them look professional.)

Beach Feet from Steve Corn on Vimeo.

Kasen running on the Beach from Steve Corn on Vimeo.

Kasen Swimming from Steve Corn on Vimeo.

Kesleigh Swimming from Steve Corn on Vimeo.

Kasen Pulling his Wagon from Steve Corn on Vimeo.

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