Week 11

OK – After my last post, I got back down to 227.5lbs the very next day. Now it’s week 11 and I’m still the same weight. I must admit that I haven’t been as strict with my eating habits as I was in the beginning. I’ve also not been walking/running as much. Instead, Miranda and I have been riding bikes quite a bit more lately. I’ve been hauling the kids behind me in a little “trailer-type” thing that attaches to the back of my bike. Kasen loves rising the “bite” (He can’t quite say his K’s yet.) Kesleigh has been getting a nap in while we ride – not sure she enjoys it as much. (I’ll also try to get a picture of the whole family on our bikes soon.) Anyway, my plan is to continue with the exercising (whether it be on the bike or walking) and to be much better with the eating habits this week. I hope it makes a difference.

Here are the pics:

Week 1 - 240lbs - Yuck!
Week 1 - 240lbs - Yuck!
Week 11 - 227.5lbs
Week 11 - 227.5lbs











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