
I’ve decided to take this “General Epistle” class as one of my two pass/fail classes. This means that my grade will only depend on a few of the assignments and my attendance. I will not receive a letter grade (so it won’t count for me or against me in my grade-point average), but only a pass or fail. I’m choosing to do this because Dr. Loken led us to believe that this may be the most difficult class remaining in the leadership program and because I need a little extra time to work on the “independent study” class which I am taking simultaneously. It’s a “marriage and family” class which will count for a sociology credit. During the next 4 weeks, I’ll focus my attention on getting the homework done for the marriage class. Miranda and I have planned to go to a friend’s beach house in Galveston in a couple of weeks with her family, so that’ll be a great time to work on that homework too.

Tonight was “Student Appreciation” day at CBS. That means that we get a longer break and have speaker share some sort of message (very short) and a band or group sing some songs. They also usually try to give us some food. Tonight was James Coney Island Hot Dogs. I probably shouldn’t have eaten at all but after seeing the hot dog competition on ESPN a couple weeks ago, I couldn’t help myself – I had to know what those hot dogs tasted like. It was pretty good, but I certainly can’t imagine shoving 66 of them down my throat in 12 minutes. (Joey Chestnut, 2007 Fourth of July Event)

(oops – I already ate that hot dog, but now I realize it isn’t a james coney island contest but a Nathan’s Hot Dog contest – oh well)

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