Bucket List

Bucket I just saw the movie “The Bucket List” last night and thought I’d make my own list of things I wanna do before I “kick the bucket.” I’m sure this list will change over the years as different things become important for me, but I’m gonna at least get started with my list here.

I’ll mark those things I’ve completed in blue.

Follow Jesus – Live for Him
Be an awesome husband and father
Teach my children about Jesus with how I live
Live a risky life – take chances
Get in shape
Spend a week alone
Live in a real Biblical community
Get my Bachelor’s degree – Aug 2008 – Biblical Leadership from College of Biblical Studies
Help plant a church
Spend a month on the Mission Field with my family
Write a book
Race a car around a track a few times
Helicopter Skiing
Travel back to Israel
Scuba Dive the Great Barrier Reef – travel Australia
Kiss Miranda in Golden Gate Park as the sun sets
See a volcano in Hawaii – June 2010
Get my mother-in-law to go camping in Colorado
Go on an African Safari
Climb to the summit of a mountain
Whitewater Raft through the Grand Canyon
Spend a summer camping with family
Record a CD of my own songs
See U2 live – Sept 2009
See MuteMath live – Oct 2009

I know there will be more ideas later. I’ll just add them to the list.

Here’s another list of some amazing things I’ve already been able to do.

Marry the most amazing woman in the world
Dance under the moonlight with Miranda
Witness the birth of my children, Kasen & Kesleigh
Travel to Israel
Work under an incredible leader – my father-in-law
Grow up in an incredible family

Kiss Miranda at the top of the Empire State Building
Tell my dad goodbye on his deathbed
Recorded 2 CDs with Throne Together

Play and sing on stage leading hundreds in worship

Youth ministry
Disciple youth and lead them into relationship with Christ
Watch on as youth I worked with go into the world serving Christ doing missions in Africa, Egypt, Costa Rica, Thailand,
planting churches, Leading worship, serving their church

Traveling Experiences:

Travel the World with My Father-in-Law:
London/England – John Wesley/Soul Survivor
Rome & Italy
New York – Brooklyn Tabernacle
Phoenix, Arizona – Church of Joy

Go to Continuing Education Conferences in:
Nashville – Worship Together
Ginghamsburg, Ohio – Media in Worship
San Francisco – National Youth Workers Convention
San Diego – NYWC
Dallas – NYWC
Saddleback – Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry Conference
Willow Creek – Youth Ministry Conference

Family Vacations:
Las Vegas
Washington DC
Tons of Ski Trips

Places I’ve gone with Miranda:
New York
Florida – Honeymoon
Colorado – skiing
Gulf Shores
Mexico Cruise

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