
One_of_my_first_smilesHere’s one of Kasen’s first smiles! (Of course they say those are really just reactions to having gas, but. . . I guess he’s like his dad. . . he already thinks farts are funny!) We had a great Thanksgiving. We took Kasen up to Pearland to hang out with Gigi and Papa and got to see Uncle Jared, Aunt Tiff, and Cousin Reid, not to mention Leroy and Sharon. I put a few more pics in the Corn Photo Albums. Uncle Steve and Reid playing Superman!!Superman_2


Steve_2006_2 I just got some new pictures scanned and added them to a another photo album. They’re from last year – before Ethan and Brianna joined the family, but still worth sharing with you guys. Here’s the link to the album if you’re interested.